
Live Music -----Jazz
Enjoy real American jazz, one of the most famous trumpet shows.
Place: Rainbow Jazz Club
Date: April 8----April 22
Time: 7:30 a.m. -------5:00 p.m.
Price: $ 80
Do you like dance? Do you want to learn waltz? Come here!
Place: Blue Sky Theater
Date: May 16---May 28
Time: 9:00 a.m.---8:00 p.m.
Price: $60
Telephone: 88655468
An Exciting Trip
Have your wonderful trip! You will enjoy the pleasure of the ferry and see the fantastic city nights.
Place: Hong Kong
Date: May 1—May 6
Price: $170 a day
Telephone: 88564822
Something about Shenzhou VII
Do you want to learn about Shenzhou VII? A good chance for you! Something interesting about Shenzhou VII is on show.
Place: Hebei Museum
Time:8:30a.m.---5:30 p.m.(Weekends)
9:00a.m.--- 5:00 p.m.
Price: $150
Telephone: 88656886
小题1:If you want to enjoy jazz, you should call _________.
小题2:Hebei Museum opens _______ hours a week.
小题3:If Jack wants to be an excellent dancer when he grows up, he should go to ___.
A.Rainbow Jazz ClubB.Blue Sky Theater
C.Hebei MuseumD.Hong Kong
小题4:What can visitors do in Hong Kong according to the material?
A.They can enjoy real American jazz and the pleasure of the ferry.
B.They can see something about Shenzhou VII and enjoy real American jazz.
C.They can enjoy the pleasure of the ferry and see the fantastic city nights.
D.They can enjoy waltz in Hong Kong.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
A.You need to spend $60 learning waltz.
B.You can enjoy American jazz at Rainbow Jazz Club in the morning.
C.You can go to Heibei Museum to look at the show every day except weekends.
D.You can watch good movies in Hong Kong.


小题1:根据文章内容Live Music -----Jazz,根据文章内容Price: $ 80
小题2:根据文章内容  Place: Hebei Museum
Time:8:30a.m.---5:30 p.m.(Weekends)
9:00a.m.--- 5:00 p.m.
Price: $150
Telephone: 88656886可知答案为C
小题3:根据文章内容Shenzhou VII? A good chance for you! Something interesting about Shenzhou VII is on show.
Place: Hebei Museum
Time:8:30a.m.---5:30 p.m.(Weekends)
9:00a.m.--- 5:00 p.m.
Price: $150
Telephone: 88656886可知答案为B
小题4:根据文章内容An Exciting Trip
Have your wonderful trip! You will enjoy the pleasure of the ferry and see the fantastic city nights.
Place: Hong Kong
Date: May 1—May 6
Price: $170 a day
Telephone: 88564822可知答案为C
Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. They have one or two parents and one or two children. Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holiday. Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. Americans think it important for young people to decide their lives by themselves. Children are asked to do some work around their house. And in many families, children are paid for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use.
小题1:There are _____ people in most American families.
小题2:When children grow up, they leave their parents’ home to _____.
A.get marriedB.find good jobsC.be freeD.study
小题3:They visit their parents ______
A.on weekdaysB.at weekendsC.at any time D.on holiday
小题4:Which of the following statements is wrong?
A.Children have the freedom to choose their own jobs.
B.Parents don’t ask their children to do housework.
C.Parents think it important for children to make their own decision.
D.When children grow up, they usually live far away from their home.
小题5:Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ______.
A.children can learn how to make money for themselves.
B.their children asked them to do so
C.they are rich
D.the children work hard
Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, “I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there.” “Where are you going to stay there?” His wife asked. “I don't know yet.” Dick answered. “Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报),”his wife said. “All right.” Dick answered.
  He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.
  In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, “Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner.”
  He found a taxi and the driver said, “Where do you want to go?” But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel.
  “Which hotel are my things in?” he said, “And what am I going to do tonight?” But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, “Please send me my address at this post office.”
小题1:Dick flew to New York because ______.
A.he went there for a holidayB.he had work there
C.he went there for sightseeingD.his home was there
小题2:Why did his wife want a telegram from him?
A.Because she didn't know his address yet
B.Because she wanted to go to New York, too
C.Because she might send him another telegram
D.Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York
小题3:Where did Dick stay in New York?
A.In the center of the city.B.In a hotel.
C.In a restaurant.D.At his friend's house.
小题4:Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?
A.The manager of his hotel.B.The police office.
C.The taxi driver.D.His wife.
小题5:Which of the following is not true?
A.Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.
B.Dick didn't work on the first night of his arrival.
C.Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.
D.Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.
The size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other part of the face. Other parts of the face change shapes as we get older, but ears do not change their shapes. They only change in size.
Reading people’s character from their ears is a very old science. In the past people thought that a person’s ears with color was dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ears showed if a person was musical or not. Today,too many people believe that the size and shape of the ears help you know if a person is musical.
Ears are all different,and each different thing has a meaning. Next time you look at a person,see if his or her ears are large,medium-size,or small. Look at the lobes(耳垂).Do they stick to the face? Ears that are always red mean that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and nearly white color mean that a person has a nervous character.
小题1:When a baby is born, ________.
A.his/ her ears are red
B.his/ her ears will not change all the life
C.his/ her ears will not change in shape
D.he/ she will get large ears
小题2:Reading people’s character from their ears is ____________.
A.only for music
B.an old idea
C.very new
D.a good way to talk with others
小题3:When one’s ears are red, it means________.
A.he is a kind manB.he is very happy
C.he may get angry easilyD.he drinks too much
小题4:If you look at someone’s ears, the right way is________.
A.to look at his face, ears and nose
B.to look at the size, color and shape
C.to look at his mouth, eyes and nose
D.to look at the hair, eyes and color
小题5:Which may be the best title of the article?
A.Looking at a person in the right wayB.Ears and colors
C.The change of ears D.Ears and characters
Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the play ground. There are many different kinds of kites. Some look like birds; Some look like planes and some look like butterflies. People often fly kites on a sunny and windy day. And the best month for flying kites is March. How can we fly our kites in the sky. First, we run with our kites against the wind. Then when the kite can fly in the sky, you can just stay there with your string reel(线轴) in your hand. When the kite doesn’t fly in the sky, just adjust(调整) the string reel. The string on the reel must be very strong. If you want to fly kites very well, you should practice it more with your friends. Maybe you feel a little difficult at first, but if you fly kites often you will find it very easy and interesting. Flying kites is a very good activity in spring, and a lot of people like it.
小题1:Where can’t you fly your kites?
A.In the park.B.In the field.
C.In the street.D.On the playground.
小题2:When do people often fly kites?
A.On a cold day.B.On a rainy day.
C.On a cloudy day.D.On a sunny and windy day.
小题3:If the kite can’t fly well in the sky, what should we do?
A.Run quickly.
B.Adjust the string reel
C.Run against the wind.
D.Stay where you are.
小题4:What does the underlined word “against” mean?
小题5:Flying kites is a good sports in         .

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