

第一节 听对话或独白(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



1.What does the woman want to do?

A.To get to the cinema.

B.To go to a shoe shop.

C.To go to a post office.

2.Where is the place the woman is going to?

A.Not far from the Queen’s Road.

B.Across the road.

C.Behind the post office.

3.How will the woman go to the place?

A.On foot.

B.By taxi.

C.By bus.


4.How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue?




5.Why did the man visit those countries in most cases?

A.For holiday.

B.For work.

C.On business

6.What country do you think the man has visited the most often?




7.How long did the man work in France?

A.One year

B.Two years

C.Three years


8.When is Alice's birthday?

A.The next day

B.The day after next

C.The day they had the talk.

9.What will the man and the woman buy for Alice?

A.A record

B.Some books

C.A box of chocolates.


10.What is the man?

A.A farmer

B.An engineer

C.A pilot

11.What did the object do?

A.It stayed still all the time

B.It moved round from time to time

C.It flew away quickly

12.How did the man describe the object?

A.It was bigger than a normal plane

B.It was smaller than normal plane

C.It was as big as a normal plane


13.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.The importance of money

B.The development of money

C.Different kinds of money

14.When was paper money invented?

A.No one knows

B.Around the 10th century in China

C.Around the 9th century

15.What does the speaker believe?

A.The Euro dollar will be used instead of the American dollar

B.The American dollar will be used for international trade

C.All the world will use the same money

第二节 听取信息(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)



  答案:B;C;C;C;A;A;B;B;A;C;C;A;B;B;C9 years old;Mary;save the environment;too much water;shouldn’t waste paper






  W:Excuse me.Can you tell me which is the way to the nearest shoe shop?

  M:There’s one on Queen’s Road.

  W:Thank you, but how can I get there?

  M:It’s not far from here.Walk along this road and after three blocks you’ll see a post office on your right.The shop is just behind it.

  W:How long do you think it will take me to get there?

  M:About 20 minutes at the most.Anyway, you can take the No.102 Bus.

  W:I’d better go there by bus.By the way, where is the bus stop, please?

  M:Just across the road.

  W:Thanks a lot.



  W:Have you traveled much?

  M:Well, I've been around the world several times.

  W:What countries have you visited then?

  M:I have been to France, Italy, Japan and Ireland.

  W:Why did you visit them?Was this just for vacation or work?

  M:In most cases, it was for vacation.I once worked in France for two years.

  W:Have you ever been to China on vacation?

  M:Oh, yes, I've often been to China.



  M:It's Alice's birthday tomorrow.

  W:Are you sure?I think it should be the day after tomorrow.

  M:Well, let me see.Oh, I'm sorry.You're right.It is the day after tomorrow.Shall we buy her a present?

  W:Yes of course.Shall we buy her some flowers?

  M:Flowers are lovely.But I think it's better to buy her some books.

  W:Alice doesn't like reading.Didn't you know that?

  M:You are right.Er…I know.We can give her a record.She loves music.

  W:That's a good idea.Let's go to the music shop and choose one for her.



  W:That's very exciting, of course, Mr.Jones.When did you see the UFO?

  M:It was last Thursday.It must have been ten past six because I was just passing the post office after walking my dog.Every evening we take the same walk at the same time.

  W:Did you hear any noise?

  M:Well, I did hear a noise.At first I thought it was a plane.But it couldn't be possible, because it was standing still at first, and it had no wings or engines or anything of that sort.

  W:But didn't it move at all?

  M:No, it suddenly rose up and flew away up into the clouds with a rush of hot air.

  W:How big was it?

  M:It was huge.You know how small planes look when they are in the air.Well, this object looked about the size of a large plane, even at that height.So if it were on the ground it would be very large.

  W:Certainly, Mr.Jones.You have been flying for so many years.

  M:And you could imagine the engine power that would be needed to keep a thing that size in the air.It's really hard to believe or imagine.

  W:Certainly it is.Thank you, Mr.Jones.Today's interview will appear on City Evening tomorrow.



  M:Money is one of the most important inventions because if we didn't have money there would be no trade.In the past, all kinds of things have been used for money, including gold, seashells and even dead rats.No one really knows when money was invented.It's believed that coins were invented in China because metal has been used for centuries and we do know that paper money was invented in China too, sometime around the 10th century AD.But it wasn't until the 9th century that Europe began using money.When it was first invented, there were many different kinds.But now, of course we are heading towards a single, world money.I mean, already the American dollar is used for international trade, and now many countries in Europe use the Euro, instead of the France or Mark.However, it will be a long time before there is a single, global currency.

  第二节 听取信息:(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分)



  M:Today, I’m interviewing nine-year-old Mary about her feelings on how people can help save the environment.So, Mary, how can we save the environment?

  W:By saving water.

  M:Well, how can we do that?

  W:By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we water the plants outside.

  M:Oh, I think I can do that.What else?

  W:When drinking or eating something outside, you should not litter the ground because littering makes our planet dirty.Do you like seeing rubbish all over the ground?

  M:No, I don’t.Do you have any final suggestions?

  W:Yes.We shouldn’t waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper.By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

  M:So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, every day?

  W:Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away.Now, the children in our neighbourhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling canter.

  M:That’s great.Well, thanks for your ideas.



第一节 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。

1.When will Neil be here?

2.How will the man's family travel to Beijing?

3.What does Ann's father do?

4.Which subject does the man like best?

5.What is the weather like at the moment?




6.How often does Alice do the housework?

A.Twice a week.


C.Every day.

7.Who has not been to Hainan?

A.The woman's mother

B.The woman

C.The man

8.What day is it today?




9.Where will they meet?

A.At the school gate.

B.At the gate of the park.

C.At the bus stop.

10.What does the woman mean?

A.She is going to change the channel.

B.She likes the TV programme.

C.She will let the man change the channel.

第二节 听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。


11.What does John want to be when he grows up?

A.He wants to be a teacher.

B.He wants to be a football player.

C.He wants to be a basketball player.

12.What would John like to do if he wants to be stronger?

A.He'd like to have more healthy food.

B.He'd like to play football every day.

C.He'd like to do morning exercises.


13.When will the girl learn to use computers ?


B.Next week.

C.Next month.

14.How much is it if one wants to learn for a term?

A.550 yuan.

B.1,550 yuan.

C.1,650 yuan.

15.Where can the girl get more information?

A.On the Internet.

B.In the newspaper.

C.At school.


16.Where may the tourists be now?

A.In Nanjing.

B.On the bus.

C.In the park.

17.Where does Nanjing lie?

A.In the south of China.

B.In the northeast of China.

C.In the southeast of China.

18.What does the guide think of the people in Nanjing?

A.Hopeful and unfriendly

B.Hard-working and friendly.

C.Polite and generous.

19.What can people do in Xuanwu Lake Park according to the passage?

A.Swimming and flying kites.

B.Boating and fishing.

C.Boating and flying kites.

20.Where can the tourists enjoy the beauty of the whole city?

A.Nanjing Museum.

B.On the top of Zijin Mountain.

C.On the Great Changjiang Bridge.


第一节 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。

1.What was the girl's mother doing this time yesterday?




2.What animal is the most popular in Australia?




3.What are children doing there now?




4.How will the man's family travel to Beijing?




5.What's the woman's favourite hobby?




6..What day is it today?




7.Why won't Sam go hiking this afternoon?

A.Because he is very busy.

B.Because he is afraid it will rain.

C.Because he doesn't want to

8.What's wrong with the man?

A.His back hurts

B.He hurt his leg.

C.He has caught a cold.

9.Why can't the woman find the cinema?

A.Because he is a stranger here.

B.Because he has got lost.

C.Because it has turned into a health centre.

10.What does the man think of the film?




第二节 听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。


11.What does John want to be when he grows up?

A.He wants to be a teacher.

B.He wants to be a football player.

C.He wants to be an astronaut.(宇航员)

12.What would John like to do if he wants to be stronger?

A.He'd like to have more healthy food.

B.He'd like to play football every day.

C.He'd like to do morning exercises.


13.Who is Mr Smith?

A.He's Miss Lin's friend.

B.He's Miss Lin's classmate.

C.He's a science teacher.

14.What did Tom want to borrow from Miss Lin?

A.He wants to borrow a VCD.

B.He wants to borrow a book.

C.He wants to borrow a magazine.

15.What does Tom's classmates think about the life on Mars?

A.They think it very interesting.

B.They find it a little boring.

C.They wish they could go to Mars.


16.Where may the tourists be now?

A.In Nanjing.

B.On the bus.

C.In the park.

17.Where does Nanjing lie?

A.In the south of China.

B.In the northeast of China.

C.In the southeast of China.

18.What does the guide think of the people in Nanjing?

A.Hopeful and unfriendly

B.Hard-working and friendly.

C.Polite and generous.

19.What can people do in Xuanwu Lake Park according to the passage?

A.Swimming and flying kites.

B.Boating and fishing.

C.Boating and flying kites.

20.Where can the tourists enjoy the beauty of the whole city?

A.Nanjing Museum.

B.On the top of Zijin Mountain.

C.On the Great Changjiang Bridge.


第一节 听句子:根据你所听到的问句,选择恰当的答语。(5)

1AGood morning. BGood afternoon. CGood evening

2AFine, thanks. BSee you. CYou are welcome

3AYes, I am. BNo, he hasn't. CNo, never

4AMonday. BSummer. CJuly

5AMay 23rd. BSince 1995. C14 year old











12The man is looking for a ________

Abank Blibrary Chotel

13The woman tells him to go there by ________

Acar Bbus Ctrain


14Mary has gone to ________

Afly kites Bplant trees Cgrow vegetables

15Where did the boy findMary's dictionary?

ABehind the door. BUnder the chair. COn the desk


16Mike has got a ________ ticket for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

Atennis Bbasketball Cvolleyball

17What time will Mike watch the game?

A9001230 on August 12

B8001130 on August 12

C9001230 on August 20f^UHlimS, ?^^ 18, 19/JnM


18Bob is ________ than he was two years ago

Ataller Bstronger Cboth A and B

19What does Bob usually do after he gets up every morning?

AHe climbs the hills

BHe listens to music

CHe makes the bed


20Tom's mother wants him to buy three kilos of ________

Atomatoes Bpotatoes Coranges

21How's the weather?

AIt's cloudy. BIt's sunny. CIt's rainy


22Can Jane go swimming with the boy?

AYes, she can. BNo, she can't. CSony, I don't know

23Jane wants to borrow some books about ________

Apollution Bspace Cscience


24Jim's family will have a ________ party at the Forest Restaurant

Abirthday Bwelcome Cgraduation

25Why doesn't Jim like the Forest Restaurant?

ABecause it's crowded and noisy

BBecause the service is not so good

CBecause the food is terrible


26How long has Peter been in Quanzhou?

AFor more than a year

BFor about half a year

CFor less than a month

27MrLee is ________

Aa maths teacher

Ban old man

Ca funny young man

28What does Peter think of Chinese?

AToo difficult and boring

BEasy and interesting

CDifficult but interesting

29Peter always talks with his ________ on the Internet in his free time

Acousin Bfriends Cpen pals

30Peter can ________ very well

Aplay the piano Bplay the guitar Cdraw pictures

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