
John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Look at the instruction on the bottle of the medicine and then choose the right answers:

   Cough Medicine

  Shake(摇动)it well before use.

Take it three times each day before meals.

  Dose (药量):

  Age:over 14 2 teaspoonfuls(勺)

  8—13 1 teaspoonful

  4—7 1/2 teaspoonful

Not right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place.

Use it before December 1st 2012.

1.John should take ____ a day.

A.2 teaspoonfuls

B.3 teaspoonfuls

C.4 teaspoonfuls

D.1 teaspoonful

2.The medicine should be kept in _______.

A.a fridge(冰箱)                       B.hot water

C.any place                             D.the sun

3. John should ____ before he takes it.

A.shake the medicine well

B.eat nothing

C.do some exercise

D.drink a cup of tea

4. When people are ____ years old, they cannot take this medicine.

A.eighty            B.thirty             C.two              D.twelve

5.John will ____ the medicine when it is left after Dec.1st, 2012.

A.throw(扔) away

B.stop to take

C.take once

D.take six times more










1.细节题。根据文章John is twelve years old. 8—13 1 teaspoonful 。约翰12岁了。8到13岁喝一勺。 所以,约翰应该一天喝一勺。故选D

2.细节题。根据文章Put it in a cold place.把药放在阴冷的地方。结合选项应该是放在冰箱。故选A

3.细节题。根据文章Shake it well before use.喝药之前先摇匀。故选A

4.细节题。根据文章Not right for children below the age of three.三岁以下的儿童不适合这种药。故选C

5.细节题。根据文章Use it before December 1st 2012. 可知,药的保质期到2012年12月1日。过了这个日期就失效了,不能吃了。故选A





What will the future be like? What do you think of it? Here are some answers from some students.

Roy Burns: I think life in the future will be better.Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020, so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years old.As for space travel, I would say, we will travel to Mars(火星) and some other stars in about fifty years.

Helen Lester: If we don’t take good care of the earth now, our children and grandchildren will be born into a world with too much pollution.There will be fewer trees and more buildings, because there will be more people.

Kitty Smith: I agree with Helen Lester.Things will be worse.The weather in the future will be much hotter.Human beings will have to look for another planet to live on.

1.What are the students doing?

A.They are talking about space travel.

B.They are predicting the future.

C.They are talking about pollution..

D.They are predicting the weather in the future.

2.How many things does Roy Burns predict?

A.Two              B.Three            C.Five              D.Six

3. What does Helen Lester think life will be like in the future?

A.People will live much longer.

B.People will have to live on the moon.

C.Everybody will drive a green car.

D.There will be more buildings and fewer trees.

4.What does the underlined word “planet” mean in Chinese?

A.太空站           B.宇宙             C.星球             D.南极

5. Why does Kitty Smith think human beings will have to live on another planet?

A.The earth will be too crowded for human beings to live on.

B.There will be too much pollution everywhere.

C.There will be too many people.

D.The earth will be too hot to live on.


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