
1. 我们正尽最大努力把英语学好。
We _____________________ learn English well.
2. 昨天在车上, 我的一个女同学王崔梓把座位让给了一位老人。
Yesterday Wang Cuizhi,a girl classmate of mine, _______________________an old man on the bus.
3. 中国和美国的天气几乎一样。
The weather in China is nearly _____________ that in the USA.
4. 如果你想来,请尽快让我们知道。
If you want to come, please let us know _______________________.
5. 这孩子一路上都在睡觉。瞧,他睡得多香啊!
The baby is sleeping ___________________. Look, how well he is sleeping!
1. are trying our best to   2. gave her seat to   3. the same as   4. as soon as possible    5. all the way
1.尽最大努力做某事 try one’s best to do,根据语境应用进行时态。
2.给某人让座 give one’s seat to sb 根据时间Yesterday,应用过去式。
3.和什么一样 the same as 。
4.尽快 as soon as possible 。
5.一直,一路上 all the way 。

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