In many countries, people celebrate Screen-Free Week. It is on the first week of May every year. People are encouraged to turn off screens during the week.

Supporters of Screen-Free Week say turning off tech devices(设备)is good for kids. According to a study, kids slept better and got better grades when their parents limited(限制)their screen time. Also, some people think Screen-Free Week can help kids develop a good habit. They point out that many kids who took part in the event in the past now spend less time using tech devices.

However, not everyone supports the idea. Some people argue that screen time is OK as long as kids don’t overdo(滥用)it. Also, others say turning off tech devices completely for a week won’ t teach kids how to balance(兼顾)screen time with other activities.

Here’s what two students think:

YES! Kids spend too much time in front of screens. According to a study, kids spend about seven hours a day in front of TVs, computers and other devices. Instead of sitting around playing video games, kids should be more active. They can make art, play sports or hang out with friends and family.

Davis, 14, New York

NO! Not all screen time is bad for kids. There are many educational television shows, apps and websites which help kids learn. Besides, it’s important for kids to use tech devices, because many jobs depend on knowing how to use technology. Instead of working on cutting kids’ screen time, parents should help kids learn to use tech devices wisely.

Moes. 12, Nebraska

1.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Sleep. B.Money. C.Screen time. D.Screen-Free Week.

2.How many hours do kids spend a week in front of screens according to a study?

A.About 7. B.About 14. C.About 24. D.About 49.

3.According to Moes, it is important for kids to use tech devices because they_______ .

A.get kids prepared for future jobs B.make kids’ lives fun and relaxing kids get better grades D.make kids creative

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Davis and Moes?

A.They are the same age.

B.They both use tech devices wisely.

C.They are from the same state of the United States.

D.They have different opinions on turning off tech devices.

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