
  On June 30, 2009, a Yemenia airplane from Paris to Comoros, Africa, crashed into the Indian Ocean.There were 153 people on the plane, including some French officials.Though people have been searching since the plane went down, the result looked unpleasant, for most of the passengers might be in bad luck.

  But a 13-year-old girl called Bahia Bakari was discovered in the water, where she had been staying afloat(漂浮的)by holding a piece of wreckage(残骸)from the plane tightly for over 13 hours.

  When they found her, the girl was too weak to catch he lifebuoy(救生圈)thrown to her, instead, a Comoran police officer, said Abdilai, jumped into the water to pull the child onto the boat.

  Bahia Bakari was injured, especially her collarbone(锁骨).her father was pleased to see his daughter although his wife had gone away in this tragedy.He said that his daughter could hardly swim.It was really a miracle for her to escape in this way.In her daddy’s warm arms, the girl could soon remember what she had experienced.“I was thrown out of the plane and then I saw the plane fall into the water.Next I found myself in the water.I couldn’t swim very well and I caught something but I didn’t know what is was,” said the girl.

  “She is really a lucky young girl,” said Alain Joyandet, France’s minister for International Cooperation.


The Yemenia airplane took off in ________.

[  ]








the Indian Ocean


What does the underlined word “tragedy” mean in the passage? ________

[  ]










Bahia Bakari had been staying in the water for more than ________.

[  ]


a day


half a day


a week


half a week


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________

[  ]


Bahia Bakari was saved by the lifebuoy


Bahia Bakari’s father saved his daughter


Bahia Bakari’s mother died in the accident


Bahia Bakari could swim well, so se escaped


What’s the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A lucky girl


A sad family


A broken plane


A brave police officer

     I'm Miss Bai. I'm now working for the Spring Travel Se, vice (旅行社) in Fuzhou. I just came back from
Taiwan, the biggest island of China. It is to the east of Fujian Province.
     Last week I took a group of English holiday-makers for a week's trip to Taiwan. We traveled all around the
island. I found it is as beautiful as many other places of our country. And there are a lot of places of interest.
My favourite place was the Sun and Moon Lake. You may ask why people call it so. If you fly high up over the
lake and look down around from your plane, you will find the answer yourself. In the middle of this lake,
there's a small island. People call it Pearl(珍珠) Island because it looks like a pearl. On one side of Pearl Island
the lake looks like a sun, and on the other side it looks like a moon. That's why people call the lake the Sun and Moon Lake.
     There are many mountains around this lake. One of the nearest is the Ali Mountain. We stayed there for
three days. We also had a dance party with Gaoshan People. On our first day there we went to the mountain
and watched the sun going down slowly in the west. On our last day we got up early and saw a very beautiful
sunrise. Taiwan is a very beautiful place to visit.
1. Miss Bai went to Taiwan ________.
A. a few days ago
B. yesterday
C. the day before yesterday
D. last month
2. Miss Bai like best.
A. Pearl Island
B. the Sun and Moon Lake
C. Gaoshan People
D. the Ali Mountain
3. The word "holiday-maker" in the passage means ________.
A. 外出度假人
B. 为度假准备的人
C. 新闻记者
D. 制造商
4. How long did they stay in Taiwan?
A. A month.
B. A week.
C. Three days.
D. A day.
5. Which of these is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Taiwan is the biggest island of China.
B. Miss Bai went to Taiwan with some English tourists.
C. They saw a beautiful sunrise there every morning.
D. Fujian is to the west of Taiwan Island.

The British Museum has a 250-year-old history.There are a lot of famous collections of world culture in the museum.Every year,a lot of people go to visit the British Museum.To let more people see the collections of China easily,the museum holds a touring exhibition called “China:Journey to the East”.It is the second touring exhibition after the ancient Greek collection exhibition.

The touring exhibition will help British kids aged between 7 and l 4 know more about Chinese culture,such as Chinese languages,arts,inventions,foods,traditional clothes and so on.

Jessica,an official of the museum,says,“The Chinese history is an important part of the world history.It influences(影响)many other countries,including Britain.Our kids should know more about China,not just chopsticks,pandas and the Beijing Olympics.”

1.The British Museum has collections from all over ________.

A.Europe                                                      B.the western countries

C.the world

2.The ancient Greek collection exhibition is the ________ touring exhibition of the British Museum.

A.first                     B.second                 C.third

3.The purpose of the British Museum’s touring exhibition “China:Journey to the East” is to ________.

A.make the museum more famous

B.let more people see the collection of China easily

C.help every British kid to know more about Chinese culture

4.According to Jessica,Chine,se history is important to the world because ________.

A.it's long and colorful

B.China is becoming stronger and stronger

C.it influences many other countries

5.The things that British kids have known about China are ________.

A.chopsticks,pandas and the Beijing Olympics

B.Chinese languages,arts and inventions

C.Chinese foods and traditional clothes

    BALTIMORE.MARYLAND—An old postcard changed the lives of an eleven-year-old boy and a very sick woman.The postcard had a picture of the steamship Titanic.The Titanic was the largest ocean ship in the world.It hit an iceberg(冰山) and sank on April 14.1912.More than 1.

500 of the 2,200 people on the ship were killed.

    The postcard was passed from one person to another for more than 80 years.Then it appeared at a card show for people who liked to collect postcards.An eleven.year.old boy,Joey Russell,came to the show with his grandfather.His grandfather knew everything about the Titanic and its trip from England to New York.“Let’s buy that postcard.”he told Joey.“It will be important someday.”

    Two years later,Joey’s grandfather took him on a special trip.They went on a trip to the North Atlantic ocean to watch as workers pulled the Titanic up from the bottom(底)of the ocean.Joey put his special postcard in his bag for the trip.On the ship,Joey met Edith Haisman.This woman was on the Titanic when it sank.She was one of the people who were rescued.Joey pulled the postcard out of his pocket.“Please sign this,Mrs. Haisman.”he said.She was happy to write her name on the back of the postcard.

    When Joey got home.he put the postcard away and forgot about it, Then Kate Shelley,one of Joey’s friends,told him that her mother was very sick.She needed all operation.but there was a problem.The operation was very expensive,and the family needed$80,000 to pay for it.Friends and relatives tried to help.But where could they get so much money?

    Then when Joey went to see the new movie“Titanic”.he had an idea.”Millions of people are seeing this movie and reading about the Titanic.”Joey thought.He remembered the old postcard with Edith Haisman’s signature on it.“Maybe I can sell it for some money.Then I can help Kate’s mom.”

    Joey told his mother and father about his idea to help Mrs. Shelley.His parents helped him try to sell the postcard to the person who would pay the most money for it.Joey’s story was on television and in newspapers.Joey and Kate even went to New York to be on a national TV show.After the show.many people called in to offer money for the Titanic card.Someone bought it for$60.000.

    Joey’s kind heart and the old Titanic postcard worked together to save a woman’s life.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about the old Dostcard?

    A.The Titanic was the largest steamship in the world in 1912.

    B.The steamship Titanic hit an iceberg and sank about a hundred years ago

    C.Over two thousand passengers were killed in the ocean accident.

    D.More than eighty years had passed before the postcard belonged to Joey.

2.Joey Russell _________.

    A.decided to buy the postcard at a shop

    B.showed great interest in collecting postcards

    C.took the postcard wit}l him to see Mrs. Shelley

    D.asked Mrs. Haisman to sign her name on his postcard

3.What does the underlined word“rescued”mean in the sentence?

    A.Be made safe from danger.

    B.Be on an ocean trip.

    C.Be working on board.

    D.Be asked to seⅡthe postcard.

4.When did Joey Rus8eU have the idea of selling his old postcard for money?

    A.When Kate Shelley told him of her mother’s sickness.

    B.When he went to see the new movie“Titanic”.

    C.When he was reading the new book of Titanic.

    D.When he remembered Mrs. Haisman’s signature on his card.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.The Titanic arrived in New York at the end of April.1912.

    B.At the age of l3,Joey Russell got Mrs. Haisman’s signature.

    C.Joey Russell sold out his postcards on a national TV show.

    D.The Titanic card was sold to many people for$60, 000.

  At present, air pollution may be the greatest problem and people all over the world pay attention to it. The Chinese government has done a lot to deal with it. One of them is to produce electric vehicles(机动车),especially electric cars. China plans to put at least half a million electric cars on the road by 2015.

  Electric cars are hard to sell. Even with the help of the government, there are still many problems. So it isn’t easy to get more people to use electric cars. One reason is that the electric car is very expensive. A Shenzhen driver said that an electric car cost 80 percent more than the Santana(桑塔纳). Another reason is that we haven’t built enough charging stations(充电站). Sometimes when an electric car uses up its electricity, it can not work at all. Finally, when ther is something wrong with electric cars, drivers can not find shops to repair them easily.

  Besides China, the United States, Japan and Germany also do their best to create electric vehicles. But China has done more than them.

 52. Why does the Chinese government want to u se electric cars?

A. Because they are good for the environment.

B. Because they are very safe.

C. Because they are very expensive.

D. Because they can carry more people.

 53. People prefer to more money

A. it can make more money

B. it is more beautiful

C. it is can run faster

D. it is cheaper

 54. According to the passage, if a Santana is 70,000 yuan, what is the price of an electric car?

A. 56,000 yuan     B. 126,000 yuan     C. 80,000 yuan      D. 50,000 yuan

 55. There are        reasons why electric cars are difficult to sell in the passage.

A. two      B. three      C. four      D. five

 56. Which country is not mentioned in the passage? It’s       .

A. Germany     B. the USA     C. France      D. Japan

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