
You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” before, but they are very important for students who are entering university. A freshman is a first-year college student. “Fifteen” refers to fifteen pounds—the fifteen pounds added to a student’s weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first-year university students gain (增力n) weight; but it’s encouraging to know that freshmen don’t have to add these harmful fifteen pounds.
Mistakes choosing food
University kitchens serve(供应)many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food,because now their parents are not nearby to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as fish and chips with Coke to drink. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork.
Eating right
If you,re careful, you don,t have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas:
l Think more about what you eat.
l Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meats.
l Don’t eat desserts full of sugar; have fruit after dinner.
l Try not to eat so much unhealthy food while you study.
l It,s all right to have a little fast food sometimes—but not often.
l Write down the foods you eat.
l Walk, run, do sports—move and you will feel better!
Remember that the “freshman fifteen” can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not to eat unhealthy food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.
小题1:The “freshman fifteen” is    ______.
A.weight that high school students gain
B.weight that first-year university students can gain
C.fifteen pounds of food that first-year students eat
D.fifteen students who eat unhealthy food
小题2:The main idea of this reading is to ______.
A.get students ready to gain fifteen pounds
B.sell healthy food to new students
C.help new university students not to gain fifteen pounds
D.show the mistakes students make in studying
小题3:Which of these mistakes students make choosing food is not mentioned in the reading?
A.Choosing unhealthy food.
B.Visiting the kitchen while studying.
C.Getting fast food at night.
D.Eating too much chocolate.
小题4:Which of these ideas would the writer of the reading probably agree with?
A.You’d better not eat unhealthy food.
B.Not eating unhealthy foods is easier with friends’ help.
C.Gaining fifteen pounds can help you study better.
D.Some students can eat anything they want.


小题1:本题难度适中,考查词语意义题,要从文中查找依据,由“Fifteen” refers to fifteen pounds—the fifteen pounds added to a student’s weight in his or her first year.可知答案选B。
小题2:本题难度适中,考查文章大意,可以采用排除法,A 中get students ready to gain是错误的,B中sell,没有依据,Dstudying 没有提到,答案选C。
小题4:本题考查大意,其实可以算是细节题,A明显是正确的,B中with friends’ help不符合,C中help you study better.不符合,D明显是错误的。
Some students cheat(作弊) because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without   43  the time studying. Other students might feel that they can’t pass the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, it isn’t a good   44 .
A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test   45  to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some better ways together. Talking about these problems and   46  them out will help feel better than cheating.
If a student gets   47  cheating, the teacher may give a “zero” on the test, send him or her to the head teacher’s office, and call his or her parents. Worse than the bad grade may be the feeling of having disappointed those people,   48  parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not an   49  person and a teacher might watch you more   50  the next time you’re taking a test.
There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some students have already cheated. If that’s you, it’s   51  too late to stop cheating. Cheating can become a habit, but a student is always able to act better and make better   52 . It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or friend.   
Never try to work when you are very hungry .If you   36  your homework right after school, you may want to have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework       37   you get tired.____38____wait until very late in the evening ,or the assignment(功课)will seem much  39  than it really is .Break your time into manageable(易处理的) period .If you have more than  40,give yourself a break after an hour .On the other hand ,don't break it up _41  that you can’t get anything done .You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time  42  .Don't put it off  43   the last minute .If you put off doing your homework ,you will always think of it ,and you won’t enjoy your  44   so much .If you put it off until the end of the week  until right before a test ,you will have too much work to do for the exam .A little bit each night ,enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school ,will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all .Do your hamework__45  every day .This will help you make it a habit .It will make it easier to do ,and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.
A.decided doingB.decide to doC.have doneD.did
A.one hour workB.an hour work
C.an hour's workD.a work of an hour
A.so muchB.so 1ittleC.so oftenD.so well
A.without stoppingB.with stop
C.stopD.without stop
A.lunchB.free timeC.mealsD.snack
A.at a timeB.at the same time
C.onceD.in the same way
What will the house of the future look like? Architects (建筑师) believe that there are all possibilities. The only thing for sure is that the house will be as green as possible.
The tree house
Many architects in the world would like to build a “tree house.” Like a leaf, the surface (表面) of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity, and even create fresh air for the home. The “root” of the house is deep under the ground.
The lizard (蜥蜴) house
Like a lizard, changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When it’s in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat. During dark days, it turns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.
Meals at home
It has gardens on the outside wall of the house. People can plant tomatoes, carrots and green tea on them. So every day in the morning, you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.
Learning from the past
Looking to the future isn’t the only way to be green. Sometimes, ancient techniques (古老的技术) can also help cut down energy use. For example, a chimney can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier for hot air to flow out at the chimney.
小题1:We can heat water, produce electricity or create fresh air for the home _________.
A.with a leaf from the tree
B.with the energy from sunlight
C.with gardens on its wall
D.with the door in the house
小题2:What will happen to the cover of the lizard house when it’s in the bright sun?
A.It will take in light.B.It will produce energy.
C.It will turn dark.D.It will turn white.
小题3:People can’t plant __________ on the outside wall of the house according to the passage.
A.tomatoesB.potatoesC.carrotsD.green tea
小题4: What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Future lifeB.Green house of the future
C.Different housesD.Energy saving in the future
Scientists believe in the near future a new kind of car that can not only drive on the road, but also fly in the sky will serve the people, it is called “flying-driving vehicle”.
Since the turn of the 20th century, there have been many hundreds of designs for flying-driving vehicles. And some of them have actually been built and flown. But “Transition” is the closest to people.
Transition was designed in 2006, and the first road and flight tests took place in 2009. Transition is designed to really be a general airplane, which can fold up(折叠)fully its wings, drive down the road and park in a single-car garage(车库).
Transition can climb to more than 3000 meters high. It can carry two people at speeds over 160 kilometers an hour in the air. And on the ground it can drive at highway speeds, about 113 kilometers an hour.
Scientists expect Transition to reach market at the end of 2012, at a price of around 25, 0000 dollars. Mr. Carl Dietrich says nearly 100 people have already signed up as buyers. He hopes to sell as many as 1000 a year in the near future.
小题1:We learn from the passage that Transition is ________.
A. a flying car         B. a helicopter        C. a high-speed plane
小题2:________ shows us the way of Transition driving down the road.
A.                         B.                         C.

小题3:According to the passage, Transition ________.
A. takes up small room
B. can park over the water
C. flies in the sky only
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A. Transition can carry 2 people at speeds over 113 km/h in the air.
B. Mr. Carl Dietrich has sold as many as 1000 Transition so far.
C. Scientists expect Transition to serve the people at the end of 2012
小题5:The fourth paragraph(段落) mainly tells us about the __________ of Transition.
A. price                        B. speed                    C. Design

The scientists from the Lockheed Space Company (公司) work in Felton, California, with the help of a computer. But the computer is placed in Sunnyside, about 80 kilometers away. What the scientists input is sent by telephone lines to the computer, and after a time, copies of the designs are needed back in Felton as possible. Lockheed people have tried several ways of sending the prints (印刷品), but the most effective seems to be by pigeon (鸽子). Are pigeons really used to carry messages in these days? They are, and they send the prints faster and cheaper than any other way.
Human (人类的) messengers (persons carrying messages) are much more expensive and slower than the pigeons. The road to Felton goes through the mountains, and the driving is not easy. An electronic printout system(电子印刷系统) could do the work in Felton, but at a cost of 10 dollars a print. Pigeons carry the designs for about 1 dollar each.
Now Lockheed people have ten pigeon messengers. The pigeons do the work, and they have made Lockheed more famous. You can often read the news about the pigeons in the newspapers around the world.
小题1:The story is mainly about      .
A.Felton, CaliforniaB.the scientists
C.how to work with computersD.sending prints by pigeon
小题2:This story is unusual because pigeons       .
A.don’t like carrying things
B.are often cheap to keep
C.seem out of place in the space age
D.aren’t friendly to the scientists
小题3:Something that’s effective(有效的)       .
A.usually costs more
B.is something that works
C.is often unhappy
D.is often don by animals
小题4:Which happened first?
A.Pigeons were used as messengers.
B.Human messengers were used.
C.What the scientists input was sent to the computer.
D.Scientists got their designs.
小题5:Lockheed likes the pigeons because they       .
A.do the work at low cost
B.get their pictures on television
C.understand the computer
D.make the scientists pleased

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