Almost every Chinese person can recite(背诵) the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work ”. But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food.
A CCTV program reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Do we have too much food? Absolutely not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2011, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.
Chinese people are well-known for being friendly and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table. Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food?
1. Don’t order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.
2. Don’t leave any food in your bowls while having meals.
3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.
【小题1】What’s the real meaning of the underlined sentence?

【小题2】According to the UN report, how many hungry people were there in 2011?
A.6 million.B.925 million.C.200 million.D.725 million.
【小题3】What should we do to waste less food?
A.Order more food in a restaurant.
B.Every time you eat, leave some food in your bowls.
C.Take all the food you ordered home.
D.Don’t store too much food like vegetables and fruit.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.A number of people have realized the importance of saving food.
B.The food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
C.200 million children die of hunger every year.
D.Many Chinese feel that they lose face if guests have eaten all the food on the table.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Don’t waste food.
B.Chinese people are friendly and generous.
C.We can’t die of hunger.
D.Every grain is grown by farmers.

A little boy invited his mother to his schools first teacher-parent meeting. To his surprise, she agreed. He felt ­­­?????? . Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a scar(伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her ?????? .

At the meeting, all the people were ____by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from ___.Suddenly, he heard his mother talking with his teacher.

“____did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked. She replied, “When my son was a boy, his room caught on fire one day. Everyone was too ____to go in, so I went in and ran towards his bed. Just then I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to____ him. I was knocked but luckily, a fireman saved____ of us.” She touched the scar. “This scar will be here forever, ____ I will never regret doing what I did.”

At this point, the little boy came out running to his mother ____tears in his eyes. He hugged her and held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

1.A. worried?????????? B. happy?????????? C. angry??????????? D. proud

2.A. ear?????????????? B. hand??????????? C. face???????????? D. arm

3.A. impressed???????? B. followed???????? C. agreed?????????? D. encouraged

4.A. somebody???????? B. anybody???????? C. nobody????????? D. no one

5.A. Where??????????? B. How??????????? C. Why??????????? D. When

6.A. afraid???????????? B. quiet?????????? C. calm??????????? D. careful

7.A. prevent??????????? B. save??????????? C. protect????????? D. hold

8.A. neither??????????? B. either?????????? C. all???????????? ? D. both

9.A. because?????????? B. however???????? C. but??????????? ? D. although

10.A. for????????????? B. of????????????? C. with?????????? ? D. without



Raymond is a little koala living in Australia. His mom left him when he was only 1 month old. But luckily, a kind woman called Julie took him home and looked after him. Raymond spends his days sitting at Julie’s desk.

Meet Zeus, the tallest dog in the world. The 3-year-old dog is 168cm tall from foot to shoulder. When standing on his hind legs (后腿), Zeus reaches 226cm. Zeus lives in the US. He eats a 14-kg bag of food.

Scotland chose two Shetland ponies(矮种马), Fivla and Vitamin, as “ambassadors(大使)” to bring in visitors. Fivla is 17 and Vitamin is 18. They wear clothes made from wool. Scotland uses pictures of them to show the country’s beauty.

You can’t find a better sheepdog than Jess the springer spaniel (激飞长毛猎犬) in the UK. Every day, the dog goes out to feed lambs from a milk bottle she carries in her mouth. She does it rain or shine, three times a day.

1._______ left Raymond when he was only one month old.

A. Julie          B. Fivla         C. Vitamin       D. His mother

2.           is the tallest dog in the world.

A. Raymond     B. Zeus        C. Jess           D. Fivla and Vitamin

3.Fivla and Vitamin are Shetland ponies from_______.

A. Australia      B. The US      C. The UK      D. Scotland

4.How often does Jess feed lambs from a milk bottle in her mouth?

A. Every two weeks.      B. Three times a week. 

C. Once a day.             D. Three times a day.


Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work.” But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food.

A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.

Chinese people are well known for being generous(慷慨的). Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired(开除) because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and agreed that it was not right to waste food.

What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:

1. Do not order(点菜) too much in a restaurant. Only order what you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.

2. Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.

3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.


1.According to the CCTV program, Chinese people ___________. food enough to feed 200 million people for a year

B.throw away lots of food every year

C.get enough food to feed millions of people every year

D.have to feed 200 million hungry people every year

2.From the third paragraph, we know that ___________.   

A.we have too much food to feed people in the world

B.there were 925 million people in developing countries

C.because of hunger, six million children die every year

D.there are only a few people getting hungry every year

3.From the fourth and fifth paragraphs, we can learn about that___________.

A.all Chinese people are generous

B.Chinese people always waste food

C.Li Hong got fired because she wasted food

D.everyone should get into the habit of saving food

4.What should we do to save food in our daily lives?

A.When we order too much food in a restaurant, just take the leftover food home.

B.Eat more food that doesn’t taste great.

C.We should not buy vegetables and fruit.

D.We should keep an eye on the food we like.

5.What’s the main topic of the passage?

A.Don’t waste food.                      B.Many people die of hunger.

C.Don’t be picky about food.               D.Eat all the food you order.


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