
It's a sunny Sunday.Little Tony is in a big supermarket.He is doing some shopping for his family. What is in his hand? It's a shopping list(购物清单).
They are for mother.
Weight:3 kilos
Money:4.5 dollars
They are for Tony and sisiter
Weight:2 kilos
Money:6 dollars
They are for father.
Weight:2 kilos
Money:5 dollars
They are for grandparents.
Weight:1 kilo
Money:2 dollars
小题1:How is the weather this Sunday?
A.Snowy.B.Sunny. C.Cloudly.D.Rainy.
小题2:What does Tony buy?
A.Some vegetables.B.Some drinks.C.Some fruit.D.Some food.
小题3:Who likes oranges best?
A.Mother.B.Grandparents.C.Tony and sisiter.D.Father.
小题4:_____ are the cheapest(最便宜).
A.The strawberriesB.The applesC.The orangesD.The bananas
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Tony is in the supermarket with his family.B.There are five people in his family.
C.The bananas are 3 dollars for 1 kilo.D.The shopping list is in the bag.


小题1:细节题。根据文章It's a sunny Sunday.可知,周日的天气是晴朗的。故选B
小题3:细节题。根据清单They are for father.可知,爸爸最喜欢吃橘子。故选D

Hi Brad,
It’s good to hear from you again. I find that I’m not good at writing compositions. It’s hard for me to prepare the form of a composition and organize sentences. ①Could you tell me how to deal with this problem? I would really appreciate if you offer me some good methods.
Best wishes,
Hi Cindy,
A composition is really a story and any story is told to an audience. There is a form for this and it is in three parts. First, tell them(the audience) what you are going to tell them. Then tell them, and finally tell them what you told them. Parts one and three are short and most of the information is in part two. It works like this.
Let’s say you are asked to write a 200-word composition about your visit to the Great Wall. You would begin with an opening sentence or two saying something like “The Great Wall of China is a national ②landmark that is famous around the world. I visited it last summer and I want to tell you about it.” That uses about 25 words to tell them what you are going to tell them.
The second part would be about 150 words and would contain information about the Great Wall such as how long it is, when it was built, who built it and why, the fact that it is one of the seven wonders of the world and you would talk about how you felt and what you thought when you visited this national treasure. This is telling them.
Finally, you would use about another 25 words to say something like “That was my first visit to the Great Wall and it was a very emotional experience to actually touch something so old and famous.
每个中国人至少参观长城一次.I plan to go back whenever I can.” Here, you are telling them what you told them in the story and wrapping it all up into a neat package. This formula(惯例)works for both compositions and speeches and I think you will find it helps to organize your thoughts. I hope it’s helpful.
Best wishes,
Brad Franklin
小题1:将文中①处的画线部分翻译成汉语:                                   .
小题2:(A) 试写出文中②处画线部分landmark的汉语意思:           .
(B)下面有四个在文中出现的单词,请找出画线部分发音哪个与众不同?                .
A. work            B. word            C. information            D. world
小题3:将文中③处的汉语翻译成英语:                                       .
小题4:从文中找出适当的词组填空:How I wish to get a letter from you soon!
How I wish to _________  _________ you soon!
小题5:用英语回答问题:What’s the main idea of the passage?           

One of my favourite things to do is hiking in mountains. Because nobody likes the idea of getting lost, I always prepare before every trip. But what’s the best navigation tool, a Global Positioning System (GPS) or a good old map and compass? Five of my friends and I hiked through the mountains on a trail I marked. One team of three carried a GPS, and the other team used a map and compass.
It took the GPS team 3 hours and 11 minutes to get through the whole hike, however, it took the map and compass team only 2 hours and 49 minutes. The biggest problem the GPS team met was that they lost the satellite signal (卫星信号) in some places. With no map or compass, they had to walk around until they were in a place where the signal was good. The map and compass team was able to spot (认出) different landmarks, compare them to their maps and then use the compass to point them in the right direction.
When I head out on my future hikes, I’m bringing a map, a compass and a GPS to show me the way.
小题1:The writer prepares before every trip because he doesn’t _________.
A.like the old map or compass
B.know how to use the GPS
C.want to get lost in mountains
D.want to get into the mountains alone
小题2:The two teams _________.
A.had the same navigation tool
B.went along the same trail
C.had the same problem
D.finished the whole hike at the same time
小题3:In the end, the writer found out _________.
A.the map and the compass were too old navigation tools to use any more
B.it wasn’t necessary to bring a map and a compass together with a GPS
C.the GPS had some bad points in hiking in mountains
D.he wouldn’t use a GPS any more
Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t     1    that you don’t have a mental health problem.
Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or     2   . Most of the time those feelings pass,    3    sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move     4   different stages(阶段) of your life.
Here are four practical     5    to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can     6  them.
●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of      7   , but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.
●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are     8    connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.
●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer     9    suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.
●Take a break. It could be a weekend     10   new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.
A.awayB.insideC.through D.against
Martin had just finished high school. He would go to college at the far end of the city. He didn’t want to live there, and he didn’t want to take the bus either. So his father agreed to buy him a car.
His father spent all his summer teaching him how to drive, from the ABC to the XYZ. Thinking of the great feeling of driving a new car, Martin learned very quickly, and received his driver’s license just before his eighteenth birthday.
The second day, all the family, and their dog, went to a car shop. Martin spent almost all the morning going from one car to another. Finally he saw a red Blue Bird. He had a test drive on the open ground, and called out, “This is what I want, Dad!” When everything was done, they were ready to leave.
Martin climbed into the front seat. He said excitedly, “It’s my first day driving alone. Dad, Mom, and Poo! Enjoy it!”
His dad immediately took the back seat, right behind the new driver. Martin wondered why his father chose that seat, for his father always enjoyed looking in front.
So he said, smiling, “I’m sure you’re back there to have a change after all those weeks of sitting in the front seat teaching me how to drive.”
“No,” Dad replied, “Do you remember what you did to me all those years when I took you to and from school? I am sitting here to hit and kick the back of your seat all the way!”
小题1:Which of the following is NOT the reason why Martin’s father agreed to buy him a car?.
A.Martin would go to college and it was far from home.
B.Martin preferred living at home to living at college.
C.Martin didn’t want to take the public transport.
D.Martin was able to learn how to drive very quickly.
小题2:In which order did Martin do the following things?
a. He finished his high school.               b. He test-drove driving the new car.
c. He got his driver’s license.                d. He decided to buy the Blue Bird.
e. He kicked the front seat while his father was driving.
小题3:How would the whole family probably feel on their way back home?
My parents had some strange rules when my sister and I were growing up. For example, they never    1   us soda or juice. Our choice was water or iced tea   2   no sugar. My mom’s   3   for it was that she didn’t like kids who only drank sweet drinks, or worse, kids who did not like    4  ! She wanted to teach us to like water or    5   unsweetened drinks that did not come in a bottle. We, on the other hand, wanted to    6   a coke when we ate out. Now I can make my own decisions, but I    7  choose juice or soda. I don’t __ 8___ it. It’s not because I don’t like it. I’m just used to drinking water. Many people    9  to think that a kid needs juice. If the child can’t get it, he or she will secretly buy this kind of drink elsewhere. I found this really    10  , since I was raised    11   no juice or soda, and I didn’t really    12   only having water. Now people    13   kids to make their own choices,    14   I grew up in a family where the children’s opinions were seldom (很少) 15   for, and the parents made the final decisions.
A.neededB.sold C.bought D.left
A.another B.the other C.othersD.other
A.orderB.replyC.obey D.achieve
A.think about B.take careC.pay forD.think out
A.onB.with C.byD.for
A.give upB.care aboutC.take pride inD.agree with
A.allowB.design C.teach D.cause
A.asB.sinceC.but D.though

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