
medicine,      started,      terrible,      often,      wrong   
B: Bob                  D: Doctor
D: Come and sit down, Bob. What’s   【小题1】  with you?
B: I have a   【小题2】  pain in my stomach, doctor.
D: I see. When did it start?
B: It   【小题3】  yesterday. I didn’t want to eat anything. I’m not feeling well now.
D: Let me see, er, you have a fever.
B: I’ve got a headache, too. And my throat hurts.
D: Well, you’ve caught a bad cold.
B: I know these days the H7N9 flue is very popular. Is it serious?
D: No, not very serious, your temperature isn’t very high. Pay attention to your food and remember to wash your hands before meals. And you must stay in bed for 2 or 3 days and take the Chinese    【小题4】  .
B: How  【小题5】  should I take it?
D: Three times a day after meals.
B: Thank you.


【小题4】吃一些重要,Chinese medicine中药
【小题5】后文讲到Three times a day 一天三次,此处问频率,故填often




By the time he was 13 years old, a rare disease had taken away Erik Weihenmayer’s eyesight. Although he lost his eyesight, he did not lose his 1.  . On May 25th, 2001, the 32-year-old man became the first blind person to climb the world’s2.   mountain. Erick is not only a world-class mountain climber but also a good skier and skydiver. He3. long-distance cycle races and run several marathons. He hopes to become one of the youngest people to climb all of the “Seven Summits”, the highest mountains on each of the world’s seven continents. 4.   the best thing he has done, 5. , is showing the world that it is possible to overcome even the greatest difficulties.


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