

     Men have always wondered about the earth they live on and about the ①_____ above them.

      When early men looked at the night sky, they asked themselves a lot of questions. They looked at the moon, and wondered what this strange bright object in the sky was. They did not understand why it changed its shape from night to night. They looked at the stars and planets. They also wondered why some of them changed their positions, while others did not.

       ②他们也思考地球的形状。 Most early people believed the earth was flat.

       ③In different parts of the world, there were different ideas about the universe. The ancient Greeks were the first people to study the universe more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was round. However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not fall off.

       It was not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. ④With the help of Galileo’s telescope, people could see the sky more clearly, and find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally in 1665, Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity (重力) was and people at last understood why they did not fall off the earth.

1     在文中①处填写一个单词,使得句意完整、上下文通顺。___________________

2 根据文章内容回答问题。

What questions did early men ask themselves when they looked at the night sky? Write down one of them.


3 将文中②句翻译成英语。


4 将文中③句翻译成汉语。


5 写出文中④句的同义句,每空限填一词。

       Galileo’s telescope made ________ __________ for people to see the sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets.

1     sky

2     They asked what this strange bright object in the sky was.                   OR

       What is the strange bright object in the sky?                                    OR

     They asked why the strange object changed its shape from night to night.      OR

Why does the strange object change its shape from night to night?           OR

     They asked why some of the stars and planets changed their position, while others did not.

       Why do some of the stars and planets change their positions, while others do not?

3    They also thought about the shape of the earth. (too, as well )


5 it possible



1.Jack and Peter, both teachers, are going to take their summer holidays at the beautiful seaside. They like good wine and shopping.

2. Chen Hui and Li Hong, university students, want to travel with very little money, and would like to get to know the country by working with the local (当地的) people for two weeks.

3.Mr Zhang, a young manager, needs a holiday to relax. He would like to go somewhere warm and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.

4.Mr Lee and his wife, who have recently retired,want to see places of cultural and historic interest, but Mrs Lee hates flying.

5. Ling Xia, a nurse in a hospital in Guangzhou, hopes to spend her 21st birthday in the north of China. And she hopes to skate on real ice.

A.Seven Days on Jinsha Island

Seven-day holidays on Jinsha Island, lovely beaches with golden sand and deep blue sea. Sailing and some other water sports as well as dancing to local music.

B.East China in Comfort

Comfortable coach tours around five cities in East China. Six days out of normal holiday season, learning about local culture

C.A Four-day Holiday in Guilin

Relax yourselves during a four-day holiday in Guilin. Go by air, Stay in Lijiang Hotel. Taste delicious Guilin rice noodles. A tour on Lijiang River by boat.

D.Holiday Homes in Sanya

Holiday flats in Sanya in summer by the sea, yet near shops and restaurants.

E.One Week on Sun Island, Harbin

One-week holiday in Full Moon Hotel. Beautiful flats with signs of Sun Lake. Skating, skiing and other winter sports.

F. Farm Holidays in Guizhou

Working holidays on a farm in Guizhou for 10—90 days, if you want to work with the farmers. Rooms and food are all provided for free—you only pay for the traffic cost.


    It's nine o'clock, time for Health Report.
    There has not been a worldwide spread (传播) of flu (流行性感冒) since 1968. Experts say there should
have been another by now.
    The so-called Spanish flu in 1918 became the most deadly flu ever recorded. It killed an estimated twenty
million to fifty million people. Almost half were young adults.
    There were two other widespread flu in the twentieth century. The Asian flu struck in 1957, and the Hong
Kong flu in 1968. 
     Scientists at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the cause of the widespread
Spanish flu is not clear. But the two others are known to have resulted from a human virus that became mixed
with a bird flu virus. And that could happen again.
     Scientists first identified bird flu in Italy more than one hundred years ago. Bird flu is caused by type A flu
viruses. Type A are the most common, and usually cause the most serious flu spread in people. Currently the
most serious kind of bird flu is known as h-five-n-one. It has spread among chickens and ducks in Asia.
Number of worldwide flu in 20th century 1.                     
Cause of Spanish flu 2.                     
Cause of Hong Kong flu 3. A human virus mixed with                      
Places where bird flu often outbreaks

4.                      countries

Most serious kind of bird flu 5.                     

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