
A. Get exercise B. Shut off your brain C. Stop and get away

D. Walk or ride E. Have enough sleep F. Eat and drink right

Are you a stressed-out student?

You can beat it with our FIVE-POINT ACTION PLAN!


Some people are OK with three or four hours of sleep a night, but most people aren't. You should try to sleep eight hours a night. If you can’t, then take a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping too long isn’t good, either. Don't stay in bed all day.


Students often put on weight because they eat a lot of junk food and eat late at night. Bad idea! You should try to eat your evening meal early and have healthy snacks, like fruit. You should also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Finally, don’t skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day!

You don’t have to eat a big breakfast, but you should eat something.


Sometimes you have to stop what you're doing. Take a break. Turn off the TV or computer, walk around the room, and breathe deeply. You should do this several times a day. And once a week, take a walk in a park or in the woods. Look at the trees and smell the flowers.


Walk as much as you can. Walking is the best way to stay in shape. Or get a bicycle, but remember that riding a bike can be dangerous. You should always wear a helmet and bright clothes. Never ride without them!


Do you have a gym nearby? You should use it. You don't have to exercise every day, but you should do some aerobic activity three to five times a week. Thirty minutes a day is enough. Remember: you can review for a test and jog on a treadmill at the same time.

Which topic drew the most attention from people around the world in 2019? It was climate change, according to three well-known English dictionaries.

The Oxford, Collins and Cambridge dictionaries chose climate emergency(气候紧急状态),climate strike (罢工) and upcycling(升级改造),as their ―Word of the Year‖. This tells us that climate change was a widely-discussed issue(重要议题)in 2019. Climate emergency means a situation in which urgent(紧急的)action is needed to reduce climate change. ―Climate strike refers to people leaving work or school to call for more action to protect the environment. ―Upcycling refers to making new items out of old or used items to reduce waste.

Climate change has already affected(影响)the world in many ways. Take Venice for example. Because of climate change, Venice experienced the worst flooding it has seen in the last 50 years in 2019.Many stores, restaurants and hotels were flooded. This caused serious damage totaling hundreds of millions of euros(欧元).

Although we’ve known about global warming for a long time, our large companies and governments have been slow to respond to it. The year 2019 might have been the turning point that will finally encourage(鼓励)our leaders to take responsibility(责任).

Decades ago, when the science on the climate issue was first increasing, the impacts(影响)could be seen as an issue for future generations,‖ Katharine Mach, a Stanford University climate scientist, told The New York Times. It’s surely our responsibility now.

However, simply realizing that climate change is a threat(威胁) is not enough. We must take real action before it is too late.

1.According to the three dictionaries, people in 2019 cared about ________the most.

A.environmental protection B.international business

C.recycling services D.the overuse of natural resources

2.The flooding in Venice is mentioned to_________.

A.prove that Venice is not a safe place to visit

B.explain why Venice suffered serious damage

C.show how climate change has affected the world

D.explain how the climate changed in 2019

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph4 mean?

A.Large companies and governments haven’t known anything about global warming.

B.Large companies and governments didn’t take action at once when facing global warming

C.It’s only large companies and governments’ responsibility to solve the problem of global warming

D.Large companies and governments have done a lot to solve the problem of global warming.

4.What does Mach mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Many scientists are working on the climate issue.

B.The climate issue will affect only future generations.

C.Future generations will suffer more than us.

D.It’s our responsibility to deal with climate change.

5.This passage is probably______.

A.a notice B.a story C.a piece of news D.a poem

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