
“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher, Joyce Cooper asked that day, but I will never forget my _1_ . As soon as the number left my mouth, the whole class started _2_ . I felt like the silliest person in the world.
Mrs. Cooper fixed them with a firm (严格的) look. Then she said: “We’re all here to _3_ .”
Another time, Mrs. Cooper asked us to write a _4_ about what we hoped to do with our lives. I wrote: “I want to be a _5_ like Mrs. Cooper.”
She wrote on my report, “You would make an outstanding(杰出的) teacher _6_ you are determined(坚定的) and you try hard.” I was to carry those _7_ in my heart for the next 27 years.
After I graduated from high school, I got married and had children.
We needed every penny just to get by. College – and teaching – was out of the question.
Then one day I thought of my _8_ of how I wanted to help children. I talked it over with my family and _9_ to attend college classes in the mornings before work. And when I got home from work, I would _10_ . Finally after seven years, my dream had been realized and I became a teacher.
Not long after I started _11_ , something happened that brought the _12_ rushing back to me. I had written a sentence with grammatical(语法的) mistakes on the blackboard. Then I asked students to come and _13_ the mistakes.
One girl got halfway through, became confused(迷乱的) and stopped. As the other children laughed, _14_ rolled down her face. I gave her a hug and told her to get a drink of water. Then, remembering Mrs. Cooper, I fixed _15_ of the class with a firm look. “We’re all here to learn,” I said.
A.becauseB.unlessC.until D.before
A.reportsB.wordsC.teachers D.classmates
A.planB.workC.dream D.idea
A.supposedB.promisedC.decided D.agreed
A.sleepB.studyC.rest D.play
A.studyingB.writingC.thinking D.teaching
A.teacherB.lifeC.past D.feeling
A.correctB.proveC.check D.read
A.waterB.tearsC.sweat D.smiles
A.half B.mostC.the whole D.the rest

【小题5】要做一位象Mrs. Cooper一样的老师。选A。
【小题9】决定做某事用decide to do sth.

Canada geese are large blue and white birds .When autumn arrives ,they have to fly south where the weather is warmer .The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there .
Last spring ,Bill Lishman found sixteen young Canada geese on his farm “They had lost their parents , ”Bill thought . “These young birds won’t know what to do in the autumn .
Bill had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him .All through the summer ,he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him .”
When the cold weather arrived in autumn ,Bill flew to Virginia in the United States ,600 miles south from his home in Canada .The geese follwed him all the way .Bill flew to Virginia and returned home .
This spring ,Bill was waiting for the birds to come back .They didn’t arrive ,so Bill flew to Virginia to get them .He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn’t find them .
When he arrived back home ,Bill found the geese waiting for him .Then had found the way home without him !
【小题1】 Canda geese have to flly south______.

A.in springB.before autumn
C.in the winterD.after summer
【小题2】The young birds_____,so they could follow Bill to Virginia .
A.were well trained
B.went on trips in Bill’s plane
C.liked Bill
D.lost their parents
【小题3】Bill took the birds to virginia because ______.
A.it’s warmer there
B.it’s 600 miles away from his home
C.he wanted the birds to fly after him
D.it’s a beautiful place in the United States
【小题4】The birds returned to Bill’s home_______.
A.in Bill’s planeB.by themselves
C.in the winterD.in the autumn
【小题5】.From the passage we can know that Bill _____.
A.likes the birds very muchB.in an American bird-lover
C.stayed in Virginia with the birdsD.taught the birds to fly

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