

The concept of homeschooling is not a new one. Homeschooling means educating children at home instead of sending them to public or private schools. Nowadays, homeschooling has become popular in the USA for a lot of reasons. One of them is poor quality of education in public schools and it’s also because of the high cost in private schools. Some parents believe that because they know their child’s strengths and weaknesses, they can teach him or her better. Some parents prefer homeschooling so as to prevent their children from getting into bad company. There is another group of people who choose to educate their children at home because they want them to learn their religious beliefs. They also think that homeschooling would help in development of strong family bonds (家庭纽带).

However, there are some negative influences of homeschooling on students as well as parents.

Homeschooling is a full-time job and not fit for parents who have their own careers. It takes a lot of time for parents’ side to make homeschooling a success. Other family members’ responsibilities may also be affected. They may give their full attention to the needs of their children. Besides, a parent may have high educational qualifications, but that does not make him or her a good teacher. Teaching is an art, which requires the ability to understand the needs of the children. It may be difficult for the parents to explain the concepts to their children.

In today’s world, competition is seen in every field, and school prepares children to face these competitions. However, homeschooling does not give the children a chance to compare with other kids. They will also not be aware of where they stand in educational position among their classmates. This may affect their lives. Education is not the only thing that the children need to become successful human beings. It is necessary that they learn to communicate in the society, and public school provides them with such an environment, where they meet many people. Schools also provide children with a chance to take part in different activities to improve their overall development.

It is true that it has many advantages, but one must get to know that school teaches children skills to survive.

Homeschooling in the USA


Educating children at home instead of in 1. schools or private ones.

2. for the popularity of homeschooling

? The quality of education in public schools is poor and private schools are quite 3..

? Children are 4. better at home because parents know their strengths and weaknesses.

? Children can be kept away from bad company if they study at home.

? Homeschooling is 5. in learning the religious beliefs of the family and strengthening family bonds.

Negative 6. of homeschooling

For parents:

? It’s difficult for them to 7. in homeschooling because they have their own careers.

? They may not be good 8. although they may have high educational qualifications.

For children:

? They won’t get chances to compare with others if they don’t go to schools.

? It’s impossible for them to learn proper ways of 9. in the society.

? They are not able to take part in different activities to 10. their overall development.

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