
                                              Don’t miss the New Ocean Waves!.
    Do you like pop music?Most people do. One of the best    (1)__on the music scene  is the New Ocean Waves. In the last twelve months, they‘ve had three major   (2)__and made a hit CD. They're going to   (3)   on CCTV next month. And then they're going to go on a world   (4)  in which they will perform in ten different cities. Be sure not to miss them   (5)     they come to a city near you, if you can get tickets, that is.
   "For years, we played other people's songs," says lead   (6)   Zhu Wen. “But now we play mostly our own songs. We've  (7)  a few songs in the top ten, but we really  (8)  to have a number one hit some day." Good luck to the New Ocean Waves! They're off to a great start. And they’re   (9)  nice people. Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for   (10)  children?
1 bands.     2.concerts.    3. appear    4. tour     5. if  
6. singer     7. had        8. hope     9. really    10.homeless
    How do you get to school every day? By bike, bus or car? In Chongqing, there will be 3,000 new
school buses on the street by the end of this year. These school buses look just like tlic American
school buses: yellow with a big nose.
    In February 2010, the Chinese government announced the first standards (标淮)for school bus
safety. Since then, more yellow school buses can be seen on the street.
    In China, besides the bus driver, there should be an adult on the school bus to watch the students.
If there are more than 40 students, two adults are needed. The students usually rest or read books
on the school bus.
    In America, yellow school buses are very popular. There are about 480,000 school buses in the
country. The older kids sit in the back of the bus. The younger kids sit in the front. They usually listen
to music, talk on their phones or just sleep. The only adult on the bus is the driver.
    The school bus is important in students' everyday lives. It can keep children safe. Usually a child
is much safer going to school by school bus than any other way. It can also help the environment. A
school bus saves a lot of gas (汽油)because it can carry a lot of people.
1. What color are the new school buses in Chongqing?
2. When did the Chinese government announce the first standards for school bus safety?
3. Mow many adults are needed on a Chinese school bus if 45 kids are on it besides the driver?
4. What do American kids usually do on their school buses?
5.Why is the school bus important in students' everyday lives?

       When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making
more friends,  1   more  influence (影响) on others and get-ting more chances to live a happier life. Here
is some   2   that can help you.    
       Be confident. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is only one person like
you in this world. Spend   3   thinking about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You won't have much difficulty fitting in.      
       Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness.  4   people notice your kindness,
they will return it one day. Always give more than you receive , and think more of others than of    5  . A
person who cares for others is popular everywhere.      
       Be active in group activities. Various activities like playing football   6   help you to be known to others. You may add more friends to your circle. At the same time, you'll be amazed to see how much they like
you.  7   wasting time being alone, go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship.      
       Be optimistic (乐观的) . Optimism makes both you and others feel pleased. It makes a good first
impression.  A pleasant smile costs the   8   and does the most. Humor (幽默) catches others' attention as
well. People will like you for making them live   9   .
       If you follow what is mentioned above, you   10   by people around you. As a result , you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life.
(     )1. A. had          
(     )2. A. advice        
(     )3. A. sometimes    
(     )4. A. Though        
(     )5. A. you          
(     )6. A. can          
(     )7. A. Instead of    
(     )8. A. little        
(     )9. A. friendly      
(     )10.A. will accept  
B. to have      
B. advices      
B. some times    
B. When          
B. your          
B. have to      
B. As well as    
B. less          
B. happily      
B. won't accept  
C. having              
C. suggestions        
C. some time          
C. Until              
C. yourself            
C. needn't            
C. As long as          
C. least              
C. clearly            
C. will be accepted    
     The following is from Priory School-a British middle school about school uniform.
                                                  Priory School Uniform Rules
     Priory School uniform is simple, neat (整洁的) and practical. We have found that parents and students
appreciate our dress ideas below.
     Priory School uniform is produced in Wards, High Street, Lewes.
     Compulsory(必须的)for all years
     Shirt Either a white school shirt, or a simple white "polo"shin (no logos) (元商标) under the sweater.
     Trousers Black. "school uniform" type. Not jeans or fashion trousers.
     Skirt-girls Black, simple, knee-length regulation school skirt. (Not fashion wear.)
     Shoes Simple black leather (皮革的), or leather-like shoes with no patterns, colours, logos, or coloured
     Optional (可选择的)
     Sweatshirt A black sweatshirt with "Priory School" woven in it.
     Sweater A black fine-knit v-neck sweater with "Priory School" woven in it.
     T-shirt If students wish to wear a T-shirt under the school shirt, it must be simple white; no ron-neck
sweaters should be worn.
     Coat Coats should NOT be worn in school.
     Socks Black, grey or white. Girls may wear black or grey warm tights in cold weather.
     Jewellery None except very small sleepers (小耳环), one for each ear-for safety reasons. Rings sets of
earrings, large earrings, nose, tongue and eyebrow rings must not be worn. No jewellery may be worn during
PE, or similar lessons.
     Clothes of famous logos should not be brought to school.
     All students are expected to be arrive with the correct dress for PE lessons. Health and Safety orders NO
jewellery of any kind to be worn. This includes any form of body piercing.
     To help make clear our expected dress ideas, designs anti models can be viewed on the school website
1. What's the parents' attitude towards Priory School uniform ideas?
A. They agree.
B. They don't agree.
C. They are not sure.
D. We are not sure
2. "Lewes" in the passage above is probably the name of _____.
A. a head teacher of the school
B. a producer or a company
C. a middle school
D. a city or a town
3. Which is a proper costume for a student in Priory School?
A. A white shirt,jeans and black shoes.
B. A pink T-shirk a black skirt and grey socks.
C. A white T-shirk black trousers of "school uniform" type and very small earrings.
D. A coat trendy black trousers and black leather shoes.
4. The students in Priory School can wear _____ in PE lessons.
A. a school shirt
B. rings
C. nose piercing
D. Adidas sports shoes
5. According to the instructions above, if you want more information about the school uniform, you can _____.
A. make a telephone
B. surf the Internet
C. send an email
D. write a letter
Side A                                                                                                                                    No. 293083


Side B                                                                                                                                    No. 293083

Thank you for travelling with
If the card is fo~lnd, please return,  to any Stagecoach driver.
1. The card is used for _____.
A. taking a taxi                          
B. travelling by train
C. taking a bus                          
D. entering the college                                                   
2. Lilian is _____.
A. a bus driver                          
B. a university student
C. a teacher in a college                  
D. a middle school student
3. The card can be used in any of the four _____.
A. cities            
B. colleges          
C. universities        
D. companies
4. According to the reading material, if you find a lost card, you can _____.
A. sell it                              
B. phone Lilian
C. use it for travelling                    
D. give it back to any Stagecoach driver
5. You can not find _____ in the card.
A. Lilian's age                          
B. the price
C. the card number                        
D. the time limit

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