

The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is called McDull. His mum makes a wish that he will look like Chow Yun-fat or Tony Leung, but he is well-known only by a birthmark around his right eye.
Everything he tries, he fails. He wants to be an Olympic champion of qiangbaoshan (抢包山), but the sport of catching the hottest baozi from a small mountain doesn’t really exist (存在), of course. He dreams of going to the Maldives, but ends up on only a one-day tour of a Hong Kong landmark instead.
 小题1: McDull was at first a supporting character in a story about his cousin McMug, a smart baby pig and “what parents expect of their children.” But interestingly, the wooden-headed McDull gradually became more attractive when he told his classmates that if he became the class monitor, he would treat everyone with strawberry cakes. McDull tried to speak out one sentence in his speech, “If you choose me, you will be...painful.” For him, it looks only a little bit different from an “A” when he gets an “E”.  小题2: 
 小题3:   In one of the McDull movies, he talks to the audience (观众), “I suddenly realize that there is something you cannot have. No noodles, no Maldives, no golden medal, no money... Actually, being silly is not funny---it could mean failure (失败). Being fat is not funny. Being fat does not even mean you are stronger. Disappointment is not funny, either. When I grow up, and face the strict world that isn’t funny, what should I do?” He is still happy, however. He always starts again with a new dream when one fails him.
小题4: The popularity of McDull sometimes makes his creator Alice Mark confused, who has some simple thoughts, such as God creates humans, because he loves humans and he wants them to be happy. “Maybe people see themselves and their friends in McDull. McDull makes people realize that they used to be as simple and happy as him. If there is a theme in all the McDull movies, it is about how a simple person keeps his or her simplicity in a world full of problems.  小题5: ” says Alice Mark.


试题分析: 本文大意:香港最受人喜爱的猪是麦兜。麦兜是个笨笨的但可爱的善良的猪,他总是在梦想失败后又开始新的梦想,永远是开心的。他的受欢迎令他的创作者艾力丝.马克困惑,她说麦兜使人们意识到他们过去常常和他一样简单而快乐。
小题1:推理判断题。句意:卡通猪也不聪明。根据the wooden-headed McDull木头脑袋麦兜,可知选A
小题2:推理判断题。句意:据校长说,他不是笨,而是太善良了。根据For him, it looks only a little bit different from an “A” when he gets an “E”当他得了一个E时,对于他来说,只与A有一点不同,可知选D
小题4:推理判断题。句意:但反应迟钝的笨笨猪赢得了香港人民的喜爱。根据The popularity of McDull麦兜的受欢迎,可知选C
小题5:推理判断题。句意:那就是为什么孩子和成人发现麦兜可爱的原因。根据McDull makes people realize that they used to be as simple and happy as him. 麦兜使人们意识到他们过去常常和他一样简单而快乐,可知选B
What are people wearing in the 21 st century? Scientists believe that in the near future, high—tech(高科技)clothing will make our lives more interesting. Take a look here and see some great inventions.
Some say Speedo swimsuits helped world champion Michael Phelps move faster in water  小题1: This gives clothes many new functions(功能).
Now many clothes makers begin to use new fabrics(纺织品)like nanofiber(纳米纤维). The clothes made from these fabrics can keep away stains(污渍)and creases(皱褶) 小题2: 
Clothes makers also use eco—friendly materials in clothing. Most of them come from old clothes. newspapers or even plastic bottles.   小题3:  Many clothes makers like Li-Ning make clothes from this low-carbon material.
As the Internet has become part of our life, everyday objects are becoming part of a network.
Clothing is, too. For example, a US company has developed a pair of pants.  小题4:
Scientists put sensors(传感器)inside the pants and then connect them to a computer. When people put the pants on, the sensors collect information about the body and send it to the computer.  小题5: .
A. People don't have to wash them or iron them frequently.
B. Reusing materials will help us to cut down on carbon emissions(碳排放).
C. High-tech clothing is made from old clothes, newspapers or even plastic bottles.
D. It can see your movement and “let a computer know your every move”.
E. Today there's more and more technology in clothing.
F. Scientists believer this technology will help us learn more about our bodies.
G. Clothes makers can make more and more money in the future.

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