
请以 My new look 为题,写一篇文章。要求不少于50词。(15分)
假设你是Li Ming, 你的新邻居的某些行为让你觉得很烦恼,你不得不写信委婉地告诉他们:
1. 不要把电视机的声音开得太大;
2. 不要让孩子在家里踢足球;
3. 晚上不要长时间大声地说话。
4.最好不要把自行车放在门口(put………in the doorway )
5.不要乱丢垃圾(throw…………..around )
7.照顾好你家的宠物狗,不要让它到处跑(run,,,,,,,,around )
要求: 1. 语言规范,格式正确;
2. 运用委婉请求句型;
3. 词数:60~80;
4. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,
Welcome to our neighborhood. Would you mind not.                                         .
根据中文提示和英文书信内容, 写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其字数不计入所完成的回信内。
假如你叫Mary, 是王丽的笔友。你收到了她的电子邮件。要求根据她来信的内容写一封回信。针对她的困惑, 谈谈你的想法, 并提出建议。
提示词语:understand, dishonest, care about, find out, worried, advice, choose, follow, explain, interests, successful
Dear Mary,
How are you these days? I am really unhappy now, and I am writing to tell you about my problem.
I began to learn the piano when I was 6. My parents think playing the piano is a very useful hobby so they ask me to practise every day. They believe I am the best. But to tell the truth, I feel very tired and I don’t like playing the piano at all. I have never told them my real thoughts because I am afraid that may break their hearts. Last week, instead of going to my usual music lesson, I went to my friend’s home and watched TV for two hours. Later I lied to them when went back home, I don’t want to go to the class again and my friend says she will not tell my parents about it.
But now I begin to worry. Do you think I should tell them the truth? Or should I keep playing the piano to make them happy?
Wang Li
Dear Wang Li,
Glad to read your letter._________________________________________________________
Wang Wei
滨州正在创建文明城市。请运用所学过的语言知识,从以下三个方面来介绍滨州:滨州有许多美景;滨州和以前相比也有很大的变化;滨州的人文环境(人、交通、天气、食物…)也很好。要求语句通顺,格式正确,要点齐全,70词以上。 注意:写作中不要出现真实姓名。
Our city-Binzhou

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
