
【题目】书面表达。字数60词以上。 可以适当发挥。

假如你是Grace,请给你的好朋友Linda 介绍一下你的一天。

1. 我每天早上6:00起床,穿衣,6:20刷牙,6:30 吃早饭。然后6:40去上学。我每天上午有5节课,下午两节。

2. 我家离学校10公里,因此每天我都得坐公交车去学校,大约花费20分钟。

3. 现在是下午4:30,操场上有很多学生在做运动。 一些在打篮球, 一些在唱歌跳舞,别的在跑步。我在做什么?我在游泳池里游泳呢。

4. 我的一天很忙但却很开心。

(在操场上 on the playground)

My day

Dear Linda:

How’s it going? DO you want to know about my day?



My day

Dear Linda:

How’s it going? Do you want to know about my day? I get up at 6 in the morning,then I put on my clothes.I brush my teeth at 6:20 and have breakfast at 6:30.Then I go to school at 6:40.Everyday I have five class in the morning and two in the afternoon.

My home is ten kilometers from my school.So I have to go to school on the school bus everyday.I t takes about 20 minutes.

It’s 4:30 in the afternoon now.There are many students doing sports on the playground.Some are playing basketball.Some are singing and dancing.Others are running.What am I doing?I’m swimming in the swimming pool.

My day is very busy but I am very happy.





【题目】Many people don’t think that the number 13 is a lucky number. Many hotels do not have a 13th floor. The floors go from 12 to 14, and there is no number 13. Some people will never sit at a table with 12 other people. They will tell someone to go or ask another person to sit with them.

No one really knows why people do not like the number 13. Perhaps one person is that when people began to count(数) they used the fingers and two hands. This made 12. They could not count more.

Some Christians(基督徒) say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before Jesus(耶稣) was killed(被杀). In a story about the old Greek(希腊的) gods(神), 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came. This made 13. It is why the god Balder, who was at the meal, was killed.

【1】There is often no floor number 13 in ______.

A. restaurants B. countries C. hotels D. Greece

【2】One way people can count is by using their _______.

A. fingers B. hotels C. tables D. gods

【3】Some people will never sit at a table with twelve other people, or(否则) __________.

A. all of them will leave

B. they will wait for two other people to come

C. they will never come for dinner together

D. they will ask one of them to leave

【4】The Christian story and the Greek story both talk about_______.

A. Jesus B. the number13 C. Balder D. Hotels

【5】The story is about _________.

A. the deathspan> of Jesus

B. the person who killed Balder

C. the way people count with their fingers

D. why 13 is not a lucky number

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