Do you like textbooks or computers when you are studying at school or home? The debate ( 辩论) on “textbooks vs.computers” has been going _______for years. How much technology is enough in the classroom? ________textbooks be replaced by computers?

There is no doubt __________ computers are powerful tools. Computer-based lesson plans are updated ( 最新的) in real time. New information can be added________ changes take place, so students can find the _______ information for the subjects they are studying. With computers, students can learn how to use them for the rest of their lives. Today, computers are used in almost all ________. Students can prepare themselves ______ for the future if they have computers.

________ there are many advantages, I think textbooks must stay.

Textbooks are professionally edited ( 编写). All the facts have been ______. They are put together in the best way. Each chapter builds on what a student has already learned. On the Internet, however, not all the information is _______ or well organized. With textbooks, it is easier for students to get the key points and write them down. Scientists have found that __________notes by hand helps students learn more. Textbooks are also __________ expensive than computers. While most families can afford textbooks, not all of them can afford a computer. Every student should be allowed to ______what he needs to learn. It’s wrong to rob (剥夺) a student of his _____ to learn just because he can’t afford the learning material.

Computers are playing an important role in education. They allow students to learn more. However, I don’t think they can _______ textbooks. If students want to learn effectively, they must use textbooks.

1.A.over B.on C.out D.through

2.A.May B.Must C.Should D.Would

3.A.that B.whether C.which D.what early as soon as often as possible as B.general C.latest D.last

6.A.countries B.schools C.colleges D.areas

7.A.abroad B.better C.worse D.hard

8.A.Because B.Since C.Unless D.Though

9.A.checked B.known C.printed D.reported

10.A.easy B.true C.popular D.wrong

11.A.taking B.making D.having

12.A.more B.little C.much D.less

13.A.find B.know C.learn D.write

14.A.ability B.duty C.wishes D.right

15.A.enjoy reading B.take the place of C.disagree with D.turn down

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