
If you're like most kids, you probably wish to be as thin as a super star or as strong as a sports player. Maybe you wish to be ____________ or just a little different. Thinking like these is normal. After all, it's a part of growing up._____________you must know that some things about yourself can't be changed. Learning and accepting these things is a(n) __________ part of your growing up, too.

Don't watch TV or movies to find the person you want to look like. These people are often on very strict and unhealthy diets to ____________thin and beautiful. And many models in magazines, newspapers, and___________ the Internet have their hair cut to look perfect. But these pictures and people are not realistic (现实的) at all!

Instead, look around the people you see every day____________. How do your family members look like? Are they really thin?_____________other healthy and "normal" people can help you to feel better about your body.

Feeling that you are overweight, underweight, too short, or too tall doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong with your ___________. These feelings may simply mean that you need a little bit of self-esteem (自尊). This means you should____________ to feel good about yourself and the way you are now.

The world is full of all kinds of different ____________. Learn to be yourself. The most important thing is to keep smiling, have fun, and be happy with the way you are!

1.A.bigger B.taller C.smaller D.easier

2.A.But B.Or C.And D.So

3.A.interesting B.modern C.important D.traditional

4.A.stay B.taste C.read D.feel

5.A.in B.at C.on D.to

6.A.loudly B.quietly C.probably D.carefully

7.A.Looking at B.Looking after C.Looking like D.Looking for

8.A.body B.spirit C.mind D.agree

9.A.talk B.dream C.agree D.learn

10.A.cultures B.value C.people D.places



Every student spends lots of time studying and almost everyone would like their study to be more efficient (高效的). Here are two ways to help you manage your time better when studying.

Your study environment

Watching TV while studying is a bad idea and makes your study ineffective (无效的). So you’d better turn off the TV while you’re studying. Some students like listening to music while studying. Music is OK, but whether it helps or hurts depends on whether it can keep your mind at peace. Make sure that any music you listen to is actually helping you study, but not drawing your attention away. Good lighting and temperature are necessary, too. When it’s too hot or too cold, it will be harder for you to give all your attention to what you are working on.

Full attention for at least 40 minutes at a time

One of the most important things you can do to study efficiently is to give all the attention to your study for at least 40 minutes at a time. Don’t let anything else draw your attention away from the study during the period. Then have a rest and relax. Don’t study for too long a time because your brain gets tired and it needs a rest.

If you choose these ways, you will make an improvement in how you manage your time for study.

1.完成句子 If Henry likes listening to music while studying, he’d better choose the music that can keep his mind________________.

2.简略回答问题How long does the writer advise us to pay full attention to our study a time?


3.简略回答问题Why shouldn’t we study for too long at a time?


4.用英语归纳文章的主题The passage mainly tells us _______________________________________________.



Living in small communities, we know just about everyone.We greet the postal workers by name when they drop off the daily mail with a smile. Our child’s teacher is likely someone we went to school with if we grew up in the area, and we can usually count on seeing familiar faces at every community event.Each and every interaction forms the tight-knit weave(编织)of a community that shares so much, built from hundreds of small moments that happen every day.

People all have their reasons for choosing to live in such a community, but they usually agree on one thing when they come together-they are grateful to be here. People say that the key ingredient to a strong community is taking part in every event of the community actively. That is really true-a community is no community at all without real relationship, and those bonds can only be built through engagement(参与).

As a part of a strong community, everyone is an important part in a group of people who want to help each other succeed and celebrate each success, as well as helping each other through challenges and sorrow. It’s important for every person to bring an only but special gift to the community. You should feel thankful if you ever found a community where the neighbors know and look out for one another because these days, many communities are built on “commuter relationships”.

Having moved well over a dozen times, the healthiest, strongest communities are the ones that welcome visitors and are willing to share their stories. The sharing contains so much from the stories that shaped the community today through their art, music, volunteerism, festivals and fundraisers(募集活动). One may be thankful on a daily basis to live and work in a community that is so strong and thank those that have been willing to share their stories. These are the moments that shape the community that we will pass on to the next generation.

Experiences in person

Living in a small but 1.and strong community.

*Know about everyone.

*Greet the postal workers by name when they drop off the mail.

*Children’s teacher was likely our2..

*Usually see familiar faces at every community event.

3. of a strong community.

What makes a strong community?

*The most important thing is that it needs everyone to take part in every event.

*Nobody can 4. and they are supposed to help each other succeed and celebrate each success, help each other through challenges and sorrow as well.

*People living there welcome visitors and they are willing to share their stories, because sharing plays a great role in 5. .

How do people feel living in such community?

People feel thankful for living and working in it.

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