
【题目】I have ____ my hometown for a few years. It has changed a lot ____ the years. New roads and beautiful buildings have been ____ . People in my hometown have realized the ____ of protecting the environment. They have done many things ___ planting trees, keeping the roads clean, and not ____ plastic bags. Now the ___ is much better than before, and people’s life is ___ than before. The old are doing all kinds of ____ such as playing ____ , dancing and playing TaiJi in the park. There are ____ places for people to relax such as KTVs and bars in the town. People’s life is not ____ any more. They can relax in many different ways ____ just watching TV at home. There are also some places ___ further learning , especially for the __ who want to find good jobs.

【1】A. left B. been away C. been away from D. left away

【2】A. over B. among C. between D. after

【3】A. build B. building C. built D. buildings

【4】A. important B. useless C. importance D. use

【5】A. for example B. as C. such as D. that is

【6】A. use B. used C. useful D. using

【7】A. environment B. weather C. life D. hometown

【8】A. bad B. worse C. colourful D. more colorful

【9】A. games B. matches C. work D. activities

【10】A. chess B. the chess C. with chess D. a chess

【11】A. few B. less C. more D. much

【12】A. interesting B. boring C. bored D. happy

【13】A. for example span>B. in fact C. instead of D. such as

【14】A. for B. at C. with D. to

【15】A. young B. children C. old D. Baby



















【1】考查动词及语境理解。句意:离开我的家乡几年 left 离开; been away离开;been away from离开…left away不符合英语表达习惯。根据for a few years 可知谓语动词必须是延续性动词,所以选C。

【2】考查介词词及语境理解。句意:多年来它已经发生了很大的变化。 Over多余,超过; among在….当中between在…两者之间;after……之后。故选A。

【3】考查动词及语境理解。句意:已建成新的道路和美丽的建筑。 Build建造;building建筑物;built是build的过去式;buildings建筑物。have been +过去分词,构成现在完成时被动语态,所以选C。

【4】考查名词及语境理解。句意:在我的家乡,人们已经意识到保护环境的重要性 important重要的; useless无用的;importance重要性; use用。所填词前有定冠词,后面有介词短语修饰,该为名词,所以选C。

【5】考查介词短语及语境理解。句意:他们已经做了很多事情比如种植树木,保持道路清洁,不使用塑料袋。 for example例如; as 作为;such as 比如;that is那是。根据空后planting trees, keeping the roads clean, and not ____ plastic bags.可知这里是在举例说明前面说到的many things,所以选C。

【6】考查动词及语境理解。句意:他们已经做了很多事情比如种植树木,保持道路清洁,不使用塑料袋。 use 用; used是use的过去式;useful有用的;using是use的现在分词、动名词。根据前面的并列成分planting trees, keeping the roads clean,可知该选D。

【7】考查名词及语境理解。句意:现在的环境比以前好多了。 Environment环境; weather天气;life生活;hometown家乡。联系上文People in my hometown have realized the ____ of protecting the environment.可知该选A。

【8】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:的生活比以前更丰富 Bad坏的;worse更坏的;colourful 丰富的;more colorful更丰富的。由than 可知该用比较级,所以选D。

【9】考查名词及语境理解。句意:老年人开展各种各样的活动。Games游戏;matches比赛;work工作; activities活动。根据后面的such as playing ____ , dancing and playing TaiJi in the park.可知该选D。

【10】考查名词及语境理解。句意:下棋、跳舞在公园里打太极。 chess 棋;在play后根表示棋类的名词时不要冠词,也不要介词,所以选A。

【11】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:有更多的让人们放松的地方镇上的KTV和酒吧。 Few少数几个,几乎没有; less更少的;more 更多的;much许多。联系后文such as KTVs and bars in the town.可知该选C。

【12】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:人们的生活不再无聊 interesting 有趣的;boring令人无聊的;bored无聊的; happy高兴的。联系上文such as KTVs and bars in the town. 可知该选B。

【13】考查介词短语及语境理解。句意:他们可以在许多不同的方式放松而不是只在家看电视。 for example例如; in fact事实上;instead of 而不是;such as比如。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。

【14】考查介词及语境理解。句意:也有一些进一步学习的地方For为;at 在;with 和,有;to到。此处表示用途,所以选A。

【15】考查形容词及语境理解。句意:特别想找到好工作的年轻人 Young年轻的;children 孩子们;old老的;Baby婴儿。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。


【题目】It was Jimmy’s birthday and he was 5 years old. He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum.( )

Who gave him that drum?” Jimmy’s father said when he saw it. His grandfather did,” answered Jimmy’s mother.

Oh,” said his father. Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his father didn’t mind . He was working during the day and Jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening ,so he couldn’t hear the noise.

But one of the neighbors didn’t like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp ( 锋利的 ) knife and went to Jimmy’s house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, Hello, Jimmy, do you know, there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and let’s find it.”

1Jimmy got a lot of nice presents from his _________.

A. classmates B. friends

C. teachers D. family

2Who gave Jimmy the drum? _________.

A. His father B. His mother

C. His neighbor D. His grandfather

3Why did Jimmy’s father not stop him from making noise with the drum? _________.

A. Because he liked Jimmy very much

B. Because he didn’t mind

C. Because Jimmy was in bed

D. Because Jimmy only played in the evening

4One of the neighbors _________.

A. liked Jimmy very much

B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum

C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife

D. didn’t like the noise at all

5What did Jimmy’s neighbor really want him to do? To ___________.

A. stop him making noises

B. make a noise on his drum with a knife

C. show him how to hit the drum

D. find something nice in his drum

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