

The day came at last! Grandma was moving(搬家)out of her big house. 1. Because I spent lots of happy time with grandma in that house.

I asked where Grandma was moving to. My dad just said,

"She is not going far.2."

But I was worried. I spent a lot of time with Grandma. I didn't want to see her less.3.In fact, I wanted to see her every day.

No one wanted to tell me where Grandma was going because they knew I would be sad, "It must be far away" I thought.

We got all of Grandma's things in the truck(卡车),4.We talked all the way.

After a while, the truck stopped.5.

It was our house. Grandma was coming to live with us.

A.I wanted to see her more.

B.I was sad.

C.Don't worry.

D.She was going to our house.

E.I sat beside her in the car.

F.Grandma's house was far away.

G.I look out to see her new house.


"Please take my penny(便士)," said Maggie to old Man, the fisherman, who sat on a bench repairing his nets. Her mother drew her back, _______ , "Maggie, he is not a beggar(乞丐)!" But Maggie paid no _______ . "Please take it," she said again. Old Man smiled, and took it. "Thank you, little miss," he said, "It is kindly meant."

After that, Maggie went to the beach to ________ shells on her own. She never thought how fast the hours were passing until being ________ , she sat down on a rock beside a little pool. Soon she was scared by a noise near her. Dan's large dog Rover jumped down from a rock, barked _________and began to pull her coat. "Rover wishes me to ________ , I see," she said, and she rose from the rock and wanted to go home. However, that was not so easy as she had expected. She found the places she had gone down very difficult to ________ , and as the tide(潮水)had been coming in for some time. She found some of the stones wet and ________ .

Rover jumped upon a big stone and raised his loud bark. Luckily, the fisherman heard the loud barking. He got to the boat, and rowed fast to the bay(海湾)and took them safely to land!

Maggie hugged the old man and said, "Thank you so much." "It was the _________ that did it, little miss," the old man said. "I saw Rover looking at you when you put it so kind-like into my hand—just as if he would have said, 'Rover will be your friend now, little girl.' And I think he was ________ you all the day, for he never came near me after that."

Some years later, Rover came to Maggie's home with a little note, in which was written—"Will Maggie help Rover?—his master is dead."

1.A.screaming B.shouting C.whispering D.crying

2.A.price B.attention C.care D.money

3.A.gather B.sell C.buy D.watch

4.A.surprised B.awful C.worried D.tired

5.A.gently B.weakly C.loudly D.happily

6.A.stay B.leave C.swim D.run

7.A.fall down B.climb up C.jump down D.look up

8.A.soft B.hard C.smooth D.comfortable

9.A.penny B.rock C.wave D.shells

10.A.talking about B.looking after C.taking pity on D.complaining about

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