第二节: 阅读下面一篇短文。理解大意, 然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。

This morning I got an e-mail from Roy, it seemed that my boy really enjoyed his new life at Harvard University. The _______ made me think of the first day when, moved into this house.

Little Roy, around the new house with great excitement and tried to move _______ he could take into the house. Suddenly, his little hand knocked over a bottle of paint on the shelf. The paint made the tidy floor and the white wall a terrible mess. "Oh, my God!" My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son _______ I noticed his small face was filled with fear.

I _______ and held his hand. "Take it easy, Roy. Now let's do something to make it look _______ . I took out a _______, "You see, Dad is a magician. I can change it into a big tree. "

His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall.

We spent the whole afternoon _______ and laughing, the wall became a beautiful forest with plants, birds and small animals. Blue sky and white clouds were also painted by Roy. On that day, everybody in the house knew something _______ happened.

The night before Roy left for Harvard University, he asked me if I still remembered the day when he had knocked over the paint," Since then I've _______ worried about making mistakes," he continued," I believe I can always ________ ways to solve the problems. "

1.A.call B.e-mail C.letter D.card

2.A.who B.when C.where D.what

3.A.and B.or C.so D.but

4.A.cried B.smiled C.shouted D.looked

5.A.nice B.bad C.wrong D.ugly

6.A.drum B.pen C.brush D.clock

7.A.painting B.washing C.cooking D.writing

8.A.dangerous B.boring C.hopeless D.special

9.A.always B.never C.sometimes D.usually

10.A.put out B.hand out C.give out D.find out

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