
Food is a major(主要的)of every culture. After all, everyone needs to eat! But each country has its own traditions on what people eat and when.


Egyptians commonly start the day with a drink, sometimes going with bread. Breakfast can be eaten any time after this but before the day’s main meal. In the past, this main meal was served at around 3:00 p.m. But now people work longer hours and eat when they get home at around 6:00 p.m. Dinner parties are held later, around 9:00 p.m.

Most Egyptian meals include bread or ice, cooked vegetables and beans or meat.


France is known for its fine cooking, and its people take food seriously. Most eat three meals a day at fixed times and never snack between meals. Breakfast is a light meal of bread and coffee. They eat lunch at around 1:00 p.m. and a dinner with multiple courses after 8:00 p.m.

The French consider eating a social activity. Eating alone is hard to see, and eating while doing something else is unheard-of. The French take time to enjoy their meals and visitors should do the same.


Like the French, Brazilians usually eat a light breakfast. Lunch, the largest meal of the day, usually consists of meat, rice, potatoes, beans and vegetables. Between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., people enjoy a smaller meal with their families.

Brazilians don’t mind eating a hurried or light meal and sometimes buy food from street carts (手推车). But they always finish eating before walking away.

The United States

American’s ancestors came from many countries, so American eating habits differ. Some take time to prepare and eat a hot breakfast. Others take a bagel (面包圈) while rushing out the door or just skip breakfast. For lunch, most Americans eat a sandwich or leftovers. Traditionally, families got together for a large evening meal around 6:00, but now busy schedules force many families to eat in turns. American restaurant servings tend to be huge. But you don’t have to finish them; taking leftovers home is common.

1.People of Egypt usually start a day with________.

A.a drink B.a bagel C.some meat D.some vegetables

2.In which country do people consider lunch the largest meal?

A.Egypt. B.France. C.Brazil. D.The United States.

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Ways of life B.Eating habits.

C.Delicious food. D.Restaurant culture.


Have you ever heard of half-birthday? It's a day six months earlier before or after your real date of birth. Do you sometimes need an excuse for a celebration? If so, it may happen because your birthday are still a few months away, or because you just want to throw yourself into a celebration, or because you need to get together with your friends.

Half-birthday is often celebrated when some important festivals get in the way of the real birthday. In the US, half-birthdays are often celebrated for children whose real birthdays don't fall in the school year, so giving them the chance to celebrate at school with their friends and teachers.

Half-birthday has become popular all over the world only with the popularity of Harry Potter. As we all know, Harry's friends try to cheer him up by celebrating his half-birthday on January 29th.

任务 2:阅读短文(B),根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词

c1.: to show that a day or an event is important by doing sth. special.

e2.: a reason, either true or invented that you give to explain your behavior.

任务 3:阅读短文(B),进行同义句转换,每空一词

As we all know, Harry's friends try to cheer him up by celebrating his half-birthday on January 29th.

As 3. 4. to all, Harry's friends try to cheer him up by celebrating his half-birthday on January 29th.

任务 4:根据短文(B)内容回答问题

What often happens when some important festivals get in the way of the real birthday?5..

In the US, with whom do children whose real birthdays don't fall in the school year celebrate their half -birthdays?6..

In which month does Harry Potter's birthday fall?7..

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