Amy's grandparents live in Canada. They are visiting Amy now. Amy's grandpa cries when he reads about the Taiwan earthquake. His brother was at the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. He is telling Amy about it.

My parents lived in a small village in China. A long time ago, everyone in the village was talking about ‘the Gold Mountain’--San Francisco. My uncle told my father that he wanted to move to America. In 1904, my father gave him some money and he went on a ship to America with my brother.

  My uncle and my brother started working as factory workers in San Francisco. Life was not easy but America was their dream. Then one day, a terrible thing happened. It was an early morning in April 1906. They were still sleeping at home. My uncle felt slight shaking but he did not get up at once as San Francisco had small earthquakes every summer. After a few seconds, a powerful earthquake happened. The windows cracked. He woke my brother up. Then they ran out of their flat.

    My uncle said everyone in the building was frightened and screamed. Everyone was running out of the building. Some people were shouting ‘Calm down!’ but no one listened. Soon, my uncle was in the street. He looked beside him but he could not find my brother. He tried to get back into the building but everyone was getting out.

Seven hundred people died in the earthquake. I know my brother was one of them. He was trapped inside the building. When I lie awake in bed, I always think about him. He did not survive the earthquake.

Amy wants to write an article about the San Francisco earthquake for the school newsletter. Read what she thinks. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.

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