
Apps are taking the place of teachers as technology plays a bigger role in language education.

Ma Ruining has been studying English for a long time, but her teachers are not in the classroom — they’re in the palms(手掌) of her hands. Ma has several English learning apps. They are often for users who want to improve their English, from listening to speaking.

Although she’s tired from eight hours’ office work, she does not spend her free time just relaxing by watching TV dramas as she did before.

She takes out her mobile phone and begins to practice her spoken English with an app called Liulishuo (“speaking fluently” in English), which offers ways to people looking to improve their spoken English.

A 10-second audio clip(音频) by native speakers is then played on the app as Ma starts her lesson. After that, the app asks her to imitate(模仿) the piece. The app then scores her performance on a scale (数值范围) from 1 to 100 and gives advice on how to make improvements.

“If you score more than 90, it means your pronunciation is good,” says Ma, who has been practicing English every day on the phone for the past six months.

“At first, I usually only get a score of 70 as I often mispronounce,” adds Ma, 26. “I graduated two years ago, but I wanted to improve my spoken English to study or travel abroad some day in the future.”

English learning apps make it convenient for people to study English. So what English learning apps are you using now?

1.According to the passage, who often uses English learning apps?


2.How did Ma Ruining spend her free time relaxing?


3.Will the app called Liulishuo provide users with suggestions?


4.How often does Ma practice English on the phone?


5.Why did Ma want to improve her spoken English?


One winter day when I was fourteen, my father took me to a ski hill that I had never been to. "Take a ski class?" I asked. He laughed, "No, Beth. I'll teach you ______ ."

On the bunny hill (初学者滑雪道), there were a lot of children. I was worried to hit them ______ I didn't know how to stop my skis. So when I saw a little kid in front of me, I fell over to stop. After ______ hour or two, I was tired.

"Let's ______ up to the yellow ski run," Dad said. At the chair lift, we saw other people going up. "See, Beth, that's how you get on the lift," he said. Getting on the chair lift wasn't too ______. I laughed.

There were three stops. We came up to the first stop. The chair lift was moving very quickly. My dad got ______ . But by the time I was ready, it was too late! I turned around and watched as my father looked smaller and smaller while I went up the mountain alone. Help!

At the next stop, I knew I must move ______ this time. I remembered my plan from the bunny hill. Fall down! I tumbled (摔倒) in the snow, but at least I was on the snow again. A few minutes later, my dad ______. He was laughing, but I saw that he was worried. "Now we're on the blue run," he said. "It's not easy."

You guessed it, I fell down a lot. I realized ______ they called it a "blue" run. My legs and bottom were all black and blue, but I had learnt how to ski. ______ amazing Saturday!

1.A.me B.mine C.myself D.I

2.A.so B.though C.if D.because

3.A.a B.an C.the D./

4.A.go B.to go C.went D.going

5.A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.hardly

6.A.off B.in C.up D.on

7.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest

8.A.appears B.will appear C.is appearing D.appeared

9.A.which B.how C.why D.when

10.A.What B.What an C.How D.How an

Anna's Blog (博客)

Shut Up Zoos, Not Animals

You may think that visiting zoos is harmless fun, but you're wrong because zoos are just prisons for animals. The difference is that prisoners get out after a few years! Animals in cages look bored and sad. After all, we all know what an elephant looks like, and we've seen them on TV. So why make animals hurt by shutting them up for our fun?

Shut up the zoos instead!

Posted by: Anna on May 8. at 20:50


Comments (评论)

I partly agree. But some zoos aren't there for fun. I've just got back from Jersey Zoo. It saves endangered animals and feeds them. Then it returns the babies to the wild. Not all zoos are the same, you know.

Posted by: Susan on May 8, at 20:55

Quite agree! Every time I go to the zoo, I never look into the poor animals' eyes! Kept in the small and smelly cages, they look so lonely. Hope one day they will return to nature, where they can live happily and freely with their family.

Posted by: Tony on May 9, at 21:05

In my opinion, zoos are fantastic places for children. They can play with animals and enjoy themselves so much there. Also, they learn a lot about animals. Why shut up

Posted by: Linda on May 9, at 21:50

1.Anna thinks a zoo is ______.

A.a fun place for children B.a terrible place for animals C.a warm home for animals

2.Who thinks some animals can be well protected in the zoos?

A.Linda B.Susan C.Tony

3.When did Linda post her comment?

A.On May 8, at 20:50 B.On May 9, at 21:05 C.On May 9, at 21:50

4.According to the passage, _______ people express their opinions?

A.two B.three C.four

5.Which of the following is Not True according to the information above?

A.Susan never looks into the poor animals' eyes when she goes to the zoo.

B.Jersey Zoo saves endangered animals and feeds them.

C.Linda thinks zoos are fantastic places for children.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
