When Rebecca was a middle school student, she was often bullied(欺凌).At that time, she didn’t want to tell others. However, she now thinks people who are bullied should talk about their _____________.

Rebecca says that many people who are bullied_________in silence. She says that although she ___________heard a lot about bullying when she was in primary school, she never thought it would happen to her.

Rebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle school. People started making fun of her for being a ___________student and knowing all the answers.

She went on to say that every time she answered a question correctly in class, everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too_____________for them.

She told us that by the end of the year, she was very _____________about the bullying and became ill. She began to hate school. But _____________ she had a friend who could talk to, and they told their head teacher about her problem. She believes that talking to the teacher_________her a lot. They found ways to deal with the problem, and the bullying finally___________.

Her______________is, don’t see yourself as the problem. Nobody should be bullied. But if you don’t tell anyone what is going on, nobody will know that you need help.

1.A.experiences B.jokes C.hobbies D.studies

2.A.sleep B.laugh C.suffer D.play

3.A.seldom B.always C.never D.suddenly

4.A.bad B.happy C.silent D.good

5.A.clever B.slow C.noisy D.proud

6.A.pleased B.worried C.satisfied D.amazed

7.A.usually B.interestingly C.luckily D.strangely

8.A.surprised B.controlled C.excited D.helped

9.A.started B.stopped C.increased D.continued

10.A.problem B.agreement C.condition D.advice

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