



She ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ on the audience.


_________ an actor or a player _________ my dream in the future.


Homework __________ __________ __________ on time


Helen 's parents __________ her from _________ ________ for America yesterday.


The teachers often _________ _________ _________ do more reading


【1】makes / made a good impression

【2】Being is

【3】must be finished

4stopped setting off

5ask us to



1.【1】此题考查固定短语made a good impression留下好印象,根据句意,故填makes/made a good impression

【2】此题考查动名词作主语,根据句意,故填Being is

【3】此题考查含有情态动词的 被动语态,根据句意,故填must be finished

4此题考查固定短语stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事,根据句意,故填stopped setting off

5此替考查固定短语ask sb to do sth叫某人做某事,根据句意,故填ask us to


【题目】Here are some home-stay trips you can choose if you and your family want to go on a trip.

Place: Auckland, New Zealand Dates: July 9—24 Cost: $ 3,900 Temperature: 13--9 Foods: lamb, seafood

Popular sports: tennis, golf, horseback, riding Good buys: sweaters, coats, jewelry

Place: Portland, U.S.A Dates: Aug.12—Sept.13 Cost: $ 4, 100

Temperature: 26--13 Foods: seafood, pizza, hamburgers

Popular sports: rafting, fishing, horse riding, hiking

Good buys: hoots, jeans, sporting goods

Place: Vancouver, Canada Dates: Sept.2--25 Cost: $ 4,350

Temperature: 19--16 Foods: smoked salmon, lobster, ethnic foods

Popular sports: tennis, fishing, mountain hiking

Good buys: sweaters, leather products

Place: Perth, Australia Dates: Aug.11—Sept.1 Cost: $ 5,100

Temperature: 15--11 Foods: crabs, beef, prawns

Popular sports: rafting, golf, tennis

Good buys: aboriginal goods, leather products, opals

【1】________ is the warmest place on August 27.

A.Auckland B.Perth C.Portland D.Vancouver

2The highest trip price is in ________.

A.Auckland B.Perth

C.Portland D.Vancouver

3Fishing is Mr.White’s hobby.So we can advise him to go to ___ for his holiday.

A.Perth or Auckland

B.Portland or Perth

C.Auckland or Vancouver

D.Portland or Vancouver

4If you go on a trip in Perth, you can’t eat _________.

A.lamb B.prawns C.crabs D.beef

5If you prefer to travel to Vancouver, your favourite sport may not be __________.

A.fishing B.mountain climbing

C.tennis D.horseback riding

【题目】Long ago in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers Harry and Peter. Harry was very hard-working while Peter was .Every day Harry got up early and came home late but Peter walked around for fun.

One summer there was no and the crops(庄稼) were dying. Harry thought “I must do something to save these crops or they shall die.” With this in mind he went out to find a river so that he could dig(挖) a canal(沟渠)to his field. He walked on and on, feeling tired and thirsty. After a search he found a river full of blue water. He was very happy. He started digging a canal to hi s field. it was noon,his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home lunch. But Harry did not go. He did not want to leave his work unfinished. He completed his work at night. He was very satisfied(满意的). He went home, had a good meal and into sleep.

Peter did the same. But he was not at all determined(有决心的).He also digging a canal to his field but he didn’t have his work completed. His field did not get water and all his crops died. Harry’s field would be watered when needed. He had a good harvest because of his hard work.

1A.kind B.1azy C. careless D. hard-working

2A.rain B. wind C. cloud D. river

3A.feeling B. dream C. problem D. thought

4A.quick B. long C. slow D. special

5A.Whether B. Although C. When D. Unless

6A.for B. to C. with D. at

7A.early B. far C. late D. deep

8A.fell B. looked C. turned D. walked

9A.stopped B. loved C. forgot D. started

10A.clean B. enough C. little D. fresh

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