He said            ¡ø                   interesting book before.
I don¡¯t know             ¡ø              . I will tell you _____________.
Nancy would                    ¡ø                              .
After watching the TV play, he__________________________ couldn¡¯t fall asleep.
Betty suddenly heard the telephone ringing _____¡ø  __________.

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿that he had never read such an
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿if/whether he will come, if he comes
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿rather stay at home than go to the cinema
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿was so excited that he
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿while she was cooking

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