
A woman repeated a bit of gossip (流言) about a neighbor. Within a few days the whole neighborhood knew the story. The neighbor was deeply hurt. Later the woman learned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old man to find out what she could do to repair the harm.
“Go to the market,” he said, “and buy a chicken, and have it killed, then on your way home, pick its feathers(毛) and drop them one by one along the road.” Although surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told.
The next day the wise man said, “Now, go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me.”
The woman followed the same road, but she was so discouraged when she found the wind had blown all the feathers away. After looking for hours, she returned with only three in her hand.
“You see,” said the old man, “it’s easy to drop them, but it’s impossible to get them back. So it is with gossip. It doesn’t take much to spread(散布) a gossip, but once you do, you can never completely undo(弥补) the wrong.”
小题1:Why did the woman feel sorry?
A.She didn’t know the story.
B.She hurt her neighbor deeply.
C.She was hurt deeply.
D.She was told an untrue story.
小题2:The underlined word “discouraged” might mean          .
小题3:Which of the following statements is true?
A.The gossip didn’t hurt anyone at all.
B.The wise man is not kind enough.
C.All the feathers had been blown away..
D.The woman was given a lesson.
小题4:What the wise man said has nearly the same meaning as the Chinese phrase “_________”.


小题2:推断题。A. surprised惊讶  B. excited 兴奋  C. upset心烦   D. pleased高兴根据第四段she was so discouraged when she found the wind had blown all the feathers away.这个女人发现所有的羽毛都已经被风吹走了,可推断出,她的感受肯定是不好的。结合题目,可知upset符合文章。A,B,D选项都不符合。故选C
小题3:细节判断题。根据第一段The neighbor was deeply hurt.邻居被深深的伤害了。故A错误。文章没有提到这个明智的男人不够和善。故B错误。根据第四段After looking for hours, she returned with only three in her hand.寻找了几个小时之后,她只找到了3支羽毛。故C错误。根据文章中邻居让这个女人的做的事情,她知道了散播谣言容易,一旦做了,想要弥补犯下的错误则很难。故选D
小题4:推断题。根据最后一段It doesn’t take much to spread a gossip, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong.”这个明智的男人说散播谣言不需要花费太多,但是一旦做了,你永远不可能完全弥补犯下的错。这句话在汉语里有个成语是“覆水难收”。故选A
Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesn't last long. But what happens if you feel this way too much? School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let's talk about school and what to do when you don't like it.
If you don't like school, the first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you don't have enough friends, or maybe you don't get along with your teacher. Sometime it's a big problem with your classes and school-work. You may be getting farther and farther behind,and it may seem like you'II never catch up.
When you know why you don't like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. It's a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor(顾问) will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It's a great way to let out emotions(情绪). Remember, you don't have to share what you've written with others.
小题1:Lots of kids        , according to the writer.
A.like school very muchB.are good at reading and writing
C.don't like doing homeworkD.have the thought of hating school
小题2:What does the underlined word “it”refer to(指的是)in the frrst paragraph?
A.A good education.B.School.C.Future life.D.Friendship.
小题3:If you don't like school, the first step is to.
A.find out whyB.go to see a doctor
C.ask your parents for helpD.leave school for a short time
小题4:How many reasons why you don't like school are given by the writer?
小题5:When you start taking steps to make things better, one of the good ideas is to       .
A.keep silent about your problemsB.share what you' ve written with others
C.write down your feelings about schoolD.get along well with your classmates
Crazy is our new normal. With two teenage boys and three little boys, our family is restless- to the baseball field, track field (田径场) and piano lessons. Even though we've limited(限制) each boy's activities and try our best to spare some time for the family, it seems that we're always in a hurry.
"Accept it. Roll with it," my husband, Lonny, says, "It's going to be like this for a while."
He is right. It's likely that life will continue to go forward before it slows down. But I remembered the peaceful, quiet days that our family used to enjoy. I missed long walks through the park when we held the boys' little hands. I wished for lazy Saturday afternoons under the tree in our backyard. I wanted to go back a few years, when busyness was the exception and not the rule(惯例).
One night, after a particularly ful day and evening games, our family gathered on the porch (门廊) for ice cream. Two parents, two teens, and three small boys sat on one old swing and a couple of rocking chairs. We were together, in one place, for a short period of time.
The moon was full. The Mississippi River, flowing past our home, was smooth as glass. I put my own arms around the son who sat on my lap and breathed in deeply his little-boy smell -dirt and sweat. My heart was peaceful and satisfied.
I realized that though crazy is our new normal, happiness is as usual. They may look different from before, but they are still there - even if they're in the form of a single moment on the porch. Maybe I just need the eyes to see.
小题1:What does the writer mainly talk about?
A.Her tiredness of her busy life.
B.Her family's struggle for a better life.
C.Her new feelings about the present life.
D.The pleasure of staying with her children.
小题2:Which of the following could best describe the writer's present life?
A.Busy and boring.B.Busy but happy.
C.Crazy and terrible.D.Normal but exciting.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer has five sons.
B.There is at least one child learning to play the piano.
C.The husband likes the present life.
D.The writer used to live a peaceful and quiet life.
小题4:Which of the following might the writer agree to?
A.Happiness is everywhere, but we have to discover it.
B.Life is nothing but sadness, busyness and hurry.
C.Parents should do more for their kids' better life.
D.Life in the countryside is attractive, wonderful, and sweet.
I was being interviewed by a senior manager for a major insurance(保险业)company. I told him honestly why I wanted the job —I needed to keep my family in Boston. My wife recently died of a heart attack. A job in Boston would help me reduce some of the extreme trauma(精神创伤) and pain of the loss for my 16-year-old daughter. It was important for me to keep her in her present high school. I could still hardly talk about the loss of my wife. Bruce, the interviewer, was politely empathetic, but he didn’t probe(彻底调查) any further. He admitted (接受)my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another subject. After the next round of the interview, Bruce took me to lunch with another manager. Then he asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he, too, had lost his wife. And, like me, he had also been married 20 years and had three children. In his sharing, I realized that he had experienced the same pain as I had —a pain that was almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a beloved one. He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, if I need help or just want someone to talk to, I should feel free to give him a call. Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever needed help. When he had no idea if we would ever see each other again, he helped our family deal with one of the greatest losses. He turned the normally cold business interview into a caring support for another person in need.
小题1:The author took part in the interview because _______.
A.he had lost his job and wanted to find a new one
B.he had to support his family in Boston
C.his wife had recently died of a heart attack
D.his daughter needed money for schooling
小题2: The underlined word "empathetic “in the second paragraph means _____.
小题3: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Bruce invited the author to lunch later.
B.Bruce shared his life experience with the author.
C.Bruce was willing to help the author.
D.Bruce finally gave the job to the author.
小题4: We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.
A.Bruce and the author saw each other often
B.the author got little help from Bruce
C.the author learned much from the job interview
D.the author had a better life afterwards
小题5: What is the best title for the passage?
A.An act of kindness
B.A pleasant interview
C.The same experience
D.An important lesson
Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order. A baby giraffe is born 10 feet high and usually lands on its back. Within seconds it rolls over its legs under its body. Then the mother giraffe rudely introduces its children to the reality(现实) of life.
In his book, A View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond describes how a new-born giraffe learns its first lesson.
The mother giraffe lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. Then she puts herself directly over her child. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable(不合情理的) thing. She throws her long leg and kicks her baby, so that it’s sent sprawling(四脚朝天).
When it doesn’t get up, the process is repeated again and again. The struggle to rise is important. As the baby giraffe grows tired, the mother kicks it again. Finally, it stands for the first time on its shaky(摇晃的) legs. Then the mother giraffe kicks it off its feet again. Why? She wants it to remember how it got up. In the wild, a baby giraffe must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with its group, where there’s safety.
Another writer named Irving Stone understood this. He spent a lifetime studying greatness, writing stories about such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, and Charles Darwin.
Stone was once asked if he had found something that runs through the lives of all these great people. He said, “I write about people who sometime in their life have a dream of something. They’re beaten over the head, knocked down and for years they get nowhere. But every time they stand up again. And at the end of their lives they’ve realized some small parts of what they set out(着手) to do .”
小题1:What does the underlined part “a tall order” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.A happy thing.B.A difficult task.
C.A big dream.D.A beautiful scene.
小题2:What does the book A View from the Zoo talk about?
A.A new-born giraffe’s first lesson.
B.A mother giraffe’s story.
C.The lives of some great people.
D.The way for a giraffe to stand up.
小题3:Why were some great people mentioned in the passage?
A.Because they all worked hard.
B.Because they all liked to read some special stories.
C.Because they were born with some illnesses.
D.Because they were similar to giraffes in some ways.
小题4:Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?
A.This passage is a description of giraffes’ living habits.
B.Baby giraffes can’t stand up until three months old.
C.Irving Stone spent a lifetime studying and writing stories about great people.
D.The great people can’t stand up after they’re knocked down for years.
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Raise a Baby Giraffe.
B.Learning to Get Back Up.
C.Stories about the great people.
D.A Mother Giraffe and Its Baby Giraffe.
For as long as I can remember, Grandma’s plentiful tomato garden has been a sign of summer’s end. Each September, just as the decreased heat of the sun suggests cooler days, Grandma requests (ask for something) my help in her tomato garden. I’m sure that she cannot pick tomatoes without my youthful eyes and quick mind. She says we need to examine each tomato and agree on its readiness for picking. While Grandma’s request for my help in the tomato garden is always the same, her desire for my help seems to increase each year.
  Grandma has eyes for finding even the tomatoes hidden by undergrowth and other tomatoes. I, however, just turn circles looking for the ones I think Grandma will like. I spot what looks like a ripe(成熟的)tomato, head in its direction, and then get sidetracked by another that appears to be equally ripe. I usually end up watching Grandma and trying to stay out of her way, which seems the only way my eyes and mind are useful.
  There we are, lost in the tomato vines(藤). Grandma’s eyes are always knowing, and they are no different in the vegetable garden. From afar she spots (notice) what looks like a ripe tomato. As she walks toward the garden, she evaluates the tomato for a second time, but from a different angle. I already know it will end up in the basket with the pile of others Grandma has carefully chosen. However, Grandma acts as if she needs a final look to be sure. She calls me to her side, kneels beside the vine while enjoying the warmth of the fading sunlight on her face, and grasps the tomato in her hand. She turns each round, red ball toward the sunlight before disconnecting it from the vine with a half-hearted smile.
  She then looks at me. I nod my head and smile. Grandma assumes I smile in agreement with her tomato selection. I know I smile, instead, at her.
小题1: Why does Grandma ask the author to go to the tomato garden with her?
A.He can help pick more tomatoes.
B.He can learn the hardship of labor.
C.She enjoys staying with him while working.
D.She tries to share tomato harvest with him.
小题2:The second paragraph shows that the writer _________.
A.isn’t good at picking tomatoes
B.doesn’t like to stay with Grandma
C.thinks his eyes and mind are useful
D.is trying to be out of Grandma’s sight
小题3: What’s the best title of the story?
A.Gardening—good for my Grandma.
B.Growing Grandma.
C.Gardening—good for my growth.
D.Picking tomatoes.
Once upon a time, some children were playing at the seaside when they found a turtle. They began to beat the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and shouted, “Stop!” The children ran   36  quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness. I really would like  37  you to a wonderful place now.” 
The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he   38  the palace, he was very surprised and said to the turtle, “What a nice palace!” To thank him, the king of the turtles gave him a very   39 . He had never seen such a dinner before. He received a warm welcome there and was very   40  everything.
After dinner, the king of the turtles said, “I am going to give you two boxes,   __41  you can open only one.” “You mustn’t open both. Don’t forget it!” the turtle warned him. “All right. I will open only one.” The young man promised. At this time, a large wave sent him out of the sea.
After he went back   42 , he opened the bigger one of the two boxes. To his surprise, the box was full of gold. “My God!” he cried, “I’m   43  now.” Then he thought, “Things in   44  box must be valuable, too.” He couldn’t wait any longer. He broke his promise and opened the other box. As soon as he opened it, he became an old man. His hair turned white. His face   45  an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in a moment. He was sorry for what he did, but it was too late.
A.wantingB.askingC.to letD.to invite
A.left forB.arrived inC.arrived atD.got away
A.big dinnerB.poor dinnerC.common dinnerD.small dinner
A.pleased withB.strick withC.angry withD.sorry for
A.to homeB.homeC.to the seaD.the sea
A.a poor manB.a rich manC.an old manD.a young man
A.anotherB.otherC.the othersD.the other
A.likedB.felt likeC.looked likeD.looked

One day, a tiger saw a frog(青蛙). He had never seen a frog before. He said,“I want to eat you. But first tell me who you are.”
The frog said,“I’m the king(国王)of the frogs! I can do all kinds of wonderful things.”
“Really?” said the tiger.“Can you show me what you can do?”
“All right. Let’s jump across the river. I can jump longer than you.”answered the frog.
They came to the river, The tiger jumped across it. He was surprised to see the frog was in front of him.
“I’m waiting for you, Mr Tiger.”said the frog, laughing.
While the tiger was ready for his jump. the frog held(拉)the tiger’s tail(尾巴)and got some tiger’s hair in his mouth. But the tiger didn’t know.
“Why do you have some tiger’s hair in your mouth?”asked the tiger.
“Oh”.said the frog,“Yesterday I killed(杀)a tiger and ate him.”
After hearing that, the tiger ran away quickly.
小题1: What did the tiger want to do at first? He wanted to       
A. jump over
B. run a race(比赛)with the frog
C. eat the frog      
小题2: –What was the frog good at?        
A. Running.                   B. Jumping.              C. Eating.
小题3:Why was the tiger surprised? Because       
A. he found the frog was the king of the frog
B. the frog wanted to kill him
C. the frog also jumped across the river
小题4: How did the frog jump across the river? By    
A. waiting for the tiger
B. holding the tiger’s tail
C. eating the tiger’s hair
小题5:Who do you think is cleverer?
A. The tiger                 B. The frog              C. Neither

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