The way we spend our time can be divided into three groups or jars (罐子). These would be the necessary tasks jar, the voluntary tasks jar and the happiness jar.

Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar. We fill this jar with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another jar with voluntary tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This jar is filled with tasks like taking children to activities and cooking family meals. Those jars are very important. If we don’t fill them each day, our family won’t run properly.

However, we often forget to fill the third jar? the happiness jar. This is the jar that we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your happiness jar sometimes empty at the end of the day? We all have days like that. Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by on some days, and before we know it, it is time for bed.

That is why each day we try to fill our happiness jar. Most days, I fill mine by going to the ballroom dance (社交舞) class. Between the music, the dancing and the friendship among the students, I always leave classes happier than when I entered. Playing music is another way that I fill my happiness jar. This week, I was happy to take part in an orchestra (管弦乐队) practice at my church (教堂). A small group of us met to practice Christmas music for a church service. It was a time of fun, friendship and music making. At the end of the evening, my happiness jar was full.

Consider how your time is spent. Try to find ways to achieve a balance. At the end of the day, hopefully we’ve done all we can to make sure that our happiness jar is filled.

1.How many kinds of jars are mentioned in this passage?


2.What will happen if we don’t fill the necessary tasks jar and the voluntary tasks jar?


3.Why do we often forget to fill the third jar?


4.How does the writer fill her happiness jar?


5.Do you think it important to fill the happiness jar? Why or why not?


Dad had a green comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would hand me his ________and say, "Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?"

I was ________to do it. At age five, this dull task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap ________ and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I'd done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad.

He would smile at me and place the comb on his ________. Two years later, Dad started his own ________, which wasn't doing so well. That was when things started to ________. Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became with him for placing our

family in trouble. With ________, an uncomfortable silence grew between us.

After my graduation, Dad's business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday, Dad came home early .

As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, "Hey, would you help me ________ my comb?" I looked at him a while, then ________the comb and headed to the sink.

It hit me then: why, as a child, ________Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home early to the evening with Mum and me. It ________a happy and loving family.

I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and still ________placed his comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something ________. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles(皱纹) next to his eyes when he smiled, ________his smile was still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good________ for his family.

1.A.bag B.wallet C.comb D.brush

2.A.sad B.bored C.afraid D.happy

3.A.out B.over D.on

4.A.wallet B.table C.desk D.bag C.task D.journey B.change C.improve

7.A.time C.speed

8.A.sharpen C.clean D.keep

9.A.dropped B.took C.handed D.threw

10.A.watching B.letting C.helping D.hearing

11.A.brought B.broke C.meant D.supported

12.A.excitedly B.hurriedly C.noisily D.carefully

13.A.different B.exciting C.interesting D.necessary

14.A.for B.or D.but


根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。

Andy opened his eyes and looked at the clock. 10:00? He jumped out of bed and threw on clothes. He had wanted to get up early and surprise his dad with Father's Day breakfast in bed—with his mom's h1.of course. He took up the wrapped present on his desk and went to find his father.

"Where is Dad?” Andy checked all the rooms, but the whole house was e2.. He walked out to the yard, and his jaw(下巴)dropped. Dad was holding a hammer and looking at a new tree fort(树堡)that stood in their big back yard.

Andy climbed the rope ladder(梯子)up to the fort. It had two rooms with three small w3..

Dad f4.Andy into the fort, looking excited. "I spent all morning building it. I had one when I was at your age. Grandpa surprised me with it on Father's Day, too. "

"So, it's like a our family?” Andy asked.

"Yes, this is a present for both of us. Maybe you'll build one for your son one day. "

Dad looked around and asked Andy what they would do first in the tree fort. Andy slowly showed the present and said, "Happy Father's Day!”He didn't think it was possible, but Dad's smile widened as he opened the gift. "A chess set! H6.did you know I wanted it?” Andy always saw his dad playing a7.the computer. And he guessed it must be his father's favorite.

"Let's play it!” Dad set up the chessboard. "It's the best gift I got of all this Father's Day.”

"I'm glad you like it, "Andy said.

"I do. And I want to spend more time with you. I always love the father-son time. I spent a lot with your grandfather when I was g8.up. "

Andy looked at his dad, "Can we call Grandpa and i9.him to come to the fort?"

Dad squeezed Andy's shoulder, "I think he'd love that.”

That day, the three men played, talked and laughed. It was really a h10.Father's Day.

Almost everybody loves snakes (零食). When I first came to Beijing, I was surprised to see that some of my favorite snack brands (品牌) from back home were also in China. Many of them also have new flavors (口味) for Chinese.

For example, the Dove brand of chocolate has a green tea-flavored chocolate bar (巧克力棒). The Lay’s brand of potato chips has a cucumber (黄瓜) flavor. I find shrimp-flavored (虾味的) snacks, too. And of course, fast food restaurants like KFC also have their own Chinese food such as youtiao and porridge.

Some of these “Chinese” flavors are quite good. The green tea-flavored snacks tasted a bit odd (奇怪的) to me at first, but I like the taste now. As for the shrimp-flavored snacks. Well, I think I’ll leave those ones alone for now.

By Mike

1.The underlined (划线) phrase “from back home” in Paragraph 1 refers to (指代) __________. the writer’s family the writer’s country his home in Beijing another city in China

2.Which snacks does the writer’s country have?

A.The Dove brand of chocolate. B.Cucumber-flavored potato chips.

C.Shrimp-flavored snacks. D.Youtiao and porridge.

3.What does the writer’s mean by saying “I think I’ll leave those ones alone for now”?

A.He wants to eat the shrimp-flavored snacks.

B.He doesn’t want to try the shrimp flavored snacks.

C.He will give away the shrimp-flavored snacks as gifts.

D.He will take the shrimp-flavored snacks back to his country.

4.What does the writer want to show with this story?

A.Chinese people don’t like American snack brands.

B.Chinese people give new flavors to many snacks.

C.Chinese tastes are odd and hard to understand.

D.Chinese snacks are not as healthy as those in the US.

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