
Long ago,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟). They began to beat(打) the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and said to them, “Stop!” The children ran    1   quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your    2  . I truly would like to invite you to a wonderful palace now.”
The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he    3  the palace, he was very surprised and said to the turtle, “What a nice palace!” In order to thank him, the king(国王) of the turtles gave him a very big dinner. He had never seen such a dinner before. He received a warm welcome there and was very    4  everything.
After dinner, the king of the turtles said, “I am going to give you two boxes,    5    you can open only one.” “You mustn’t open both of them. Don’t forget it!” The turtle   6  him. “All right, I will open only one,” the young man promised. At this time, a large wave(浪) sent him out of the sea.
  7  he went home, he opened the bigger one of the two boxes. To   8   surprise, the box was full of gold. “My God!” he cried. “I’m   9  now.” Then he thought, “Things in the other box must be expensive, too.” He could not wait any longer. He    10  his promise and opened the other box. As soon as he opened it, he became an old man. His hair turned white. His face looked like an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in a moment. He was sorry for what he did, but it was too late.
A.pleased withB.careful withC.angry withD.sorry for


小题4:结合语境可知他对每件事都感到非常满意,故选A,be pleased with对……感到满意。
It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.
I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any patients. Just then five bodies   1    at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.
“Are you all sick?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said   2   , lowering her head.
But when they described their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn’t show any    3  of headaches at all. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother  4  of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
I didn't say anything,  5 I explained that they might wait for a little while before a doctor saw her. She answered, “Take your time; it's warm here.”
I checked the chart after another nurse had finished registering(登记) the family. No 6  —they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.
I looked at the family by the Christmas tree. The littlest one was pointing at the television and saying something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at lights on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses who felt bored with  7  Christmas, turned to compassion((怜悯) for the family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action. We began to prepare a party for our Christmas  8 . We needed presents. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things available that could be presents.
   9 , as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old child came running back, gave me a hug and    10 , “Thanks for being our angels today.”
A.set upB.put upC.cheered upD.showed up
A.explainedB.expressed C.complainedD.compared
A.nurses B.doctorsC.guestsD.patients
One day Mrs Jones goes shopping alone(独自地). When Mr Jones comes home in the evening, she begins to tell him about a beautiful dress. “I see it in a shop this morning,” she says, “and…” “And you want to buy it,” says Mr Jones, “how much is it?” “Fifteen pounds.” Every evening, when Mr Jones comes back from work, his wife goes on talking only about the dress. And at last, after a week, he says, “Oh, buy the dress! Here’s the money!” She is very happy. But the next evening, when Mr Jones comes home and asks, “Have you got the famous(著名的) dress?” She says, “No.” Why not?” he says. “Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. I think nobody else wants this dress. So I think it is not a good one!”
小题1:Mrs Jones goes shopping_________ one day.
A.with Mr Jones
B.with her friend
C.by herself
D.with the other woman
小题2:Mrs Jones tells Mr Jones about the dress every day because________.
A.it is really beautiful
B.she wants the shop
C.she wants Mr Jones to buy it for her
D.she likes it very much
小题3:Mrs Jones is very happy after________.
A.Mr Jones agree(同意) to buy it for her
B.Mr Jones gives her the money for the pants
C.she gets the beautiful dress
D.she sees the dress is still in the shop window
小题4:Mr Jones thinks it’s the famous dress because________.
A.it is a beautiful dress
B.it is in the shop window for a week
C.his wife has it
D.his wife talks about it again and again
小题5:From the story we can know__________.
A.Mrs Jones is a housewife, she doesn’t have much money
B.Mr Jones doesn’t like his wife
C.Mr Jones comes home for lunch every day
D.Mrs Jones doesn’t like the things if others like them
A group of swans flew down to a beach where a crow was jumping around. The crow watched them with disdain.
“You have no flying skills at all!” he said to the swans. “All you can do is to move your wings. Can you turn over in the air? No, that’s beyond you. Let’s have a flying competition. I’ll show you what real flying is!”
One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge. The crow flew up and began to show his skills. He flew in circles, performed other flying tricks, and then came down and looked proudly at the swan.
Now it was the swan’s turn. He flew up, and began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him, making all kinds of comments about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldn’t see the land and there was nothing but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was now so exhausted that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling into the water.
The swan pretended not to notice, and said, “Why do you keep touching the water, brother? Is that another trick? “
“No,” said the crow. He knew he had lost the competition. “I’m in trouble because of my pride! If you don’t help me, I’ll lose my life. . . ”
The swan took pity on him, and took him on his shoulders and flew back to the beach.
小题1:The crow met the swan on a ___________
小题2:What’s the correct order of the following events?
a. The crow followed the swan and got into trouble.
b. The swan felt pity for the crow and saved it.
c. The crow had to ask the swan for help.
d. The swan accepted a challenge of performing flying tricks.
A.a, d, b, cB.a, b, d, cC.d, a, c, bD.d, c, a, b
小题3:What does the underlined word “took pity on” in the last paragraph mean?
A.对…… 怜悯B.对……后悔C.对……蔑视D.对……失望
小题4:The underlined sentence means ____________ .
A.The swan began to fly.
B.It is the turn for the swan to feel proud.
C.The crow began to fly.
D.It is the turn for the crow to feel proud.
小题5:What do we learn from the passage?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.The early bird catches the worm.
C.No pains, no gains.
D.Pride goes before a fall.
One day Trudy saw an advertisement in a magazine. It offered a packet of 100 mixed stamps for $10. Trudy wanted to start a stamp collection so she ordered the packet. One hundred mixed stamps seemed a good way to begin a collection. She sent a postal order to the stamp company with her order, and waited excitedly for the stamps arrived. Trudy checked the mail every day for four weeks but the stamps didn’t arrive. So Trudy decided to write to the company. “Dear Sir/Madam,” she wrote, “a month ago I sent you a postal order for $10 as payment for 100 mixed stamps. They haven’t arrived. Please send them by return of mail.” another month passed. The stamps still didn’t arrive and she didn’t receive any replay to her letter. She asked her father for advice. Her father said, “You must write a stronger letter. Make the stamp company worry that you will report them to the authorities.” “Dear Sir/Madam,” she wrote in her second letter. “I am writing to complain about your poor service. Two months ago I sent you a postal order for $10 as payment for 100 mixed stamps. I didn’t receive the stamps. A month ago I wrote to inform you of this. I still haven’t received the stamps, and you haven’t replied to my letter. If I do not receive the stamps within seven days. I shall report this matter to the authorities.” Two days later Trudy received the stamps in the mail.
小题1:Trudy ordered the stamps because _______.
A.it seemed a good way to start a stamp collection
B.she wanted to give them to her father
C.she need them to mail some letters
D.she thought they were cheap
小题2:Trudy paid for the stamps with ________.
A.cashB.a checkC.the credit cardD.a postal order
小题3:Trudy checked the mail every day for ______.
A.4 monthsB.a weekC.a monthD.for 3 weeks
小题4:In her second letter Trudy complained about how _______.
A.expensive the stamps were
B.boring the stamps were
C.poor the company’s service was
D.slow the postal service was
小题5:Trudy received the stamps ______ after she sent the second letter.
A.a weekB.a monthC.two monthsD.two days

Many believe that life has smiled on Yang Mi: at the age of 4, she got her first TV drama(剧)role; at 16, she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18, she went to her dream college — Beijing Film Academy (学院).   
Last year, the 24-year-old actress played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-traveling TV drama, Palace. The drama became a big success and made Yang very famous. The number of her micro blog followers soared from several thousand to more than 3 million overnight.
Could she be any luckier? Yang doesn’t think luck had anything to do with her success. She paved her way all by herself. “Every chance comes from the efforts I’ve made,” said Yang. People now think she’s very hard-working.      
She doesn’t forget the time when people gave her the cold shoulder. Some treated her with little respect. They didn’t want to help her in her time of need. “I have to thank them because they gave me the drive to prove myself,” she said. That’s why she is eager to help others when they are in need.
In May, Yang became the ambassador (大使) for the Climate Group. She calls on people to join the Million-Miracle (百万奇迹) project and plant trees on China’s dry land. Together we’ll fight the bad weather!
小题1:What happened to Yang Mi when she was sixteen years old?
A.She got her first drama role.B.She played a bad girlin Palace.
C.She became a fashion model.D.She went to a film college.
小题2:The underlined word “soared” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced(代替)by ________.
小题3:Why did Yang Mi succeed in life?  
A.Because she caught every chance luckily.
B.Because she often helped workers to pave the road.
C.Because she put more efforts into her work.
D.Because she wrote her micro blog to attract fans.
小题4:If Yang Mi meets an actress in need of help, she will _________.
A.show her a cold shoulderB.treat her impolitely
C.criticize her seriouslyD.give her a hand
小题5:The last paragraph is mainly about_________.
A.what Yang has done for the Climate Group B.the Million-Miracle project
C.planting trees on China’s dry landD.Yang’s courage to fight the bad weather

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