1. 我要一件新夹克衫。这件不防寒。
I need a new jacket. This one doesn't the cold.
2. 顾客说餐馆的食物尝起来很糟糕。
Customers say the food at the restaurant .
3. 当价格被列出来时,你可以去价钱最低的商店。
When prices , you can go to the store with the lowest price.
4. 努力学习英语能获得一份好工作。
Working hard at English can to a good job.
5. 不要急着买手表,咱们先去另一个商店比较一下价格。
Wait before you buy that watch. Let's _____ in another store.
I need a new jacket. This one doesn't the cold.
2. 顾客说餐馆的食物尝起来很糟糕。
Customers say the food at the restaurant .
3. 当价格被列出来时,你可以去价钱最低的商店。
When prices , you can go to the store with the lowest price.
4. 努力学习英语能获得一份好工作。
Working hard at English can to a good job.
5. 不要急着买手表,咱们先去另一个商店比较一下价格。
Wait before you buy that watch. Let's _____ in another store.
1. keep out
2. tastes terrible
3. are listed
4. help, find
5. compare prices
2. tastes terrible
3. are listed
4. help, find
5. compare prices
