


9:00-17:00 every day

16 Yongle Street            Tel: 3801451

Free physical examination for those over 70.

Give you good advice on how to keep healthy!


16:00-18:00 every Saturday   200 yuan a month.

9 Zhouyu Street            Tel: 3785290

Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!


Ann hopes you can come to her party!

Time: twenty to six in the afternoon

Date: Saturday, August 29

Place: Flat 9B West Wing Tower     Tel: 8754615

The more friends, the better.


Age: 20-30  Good health.  Two foreign languages.

Apply to Red Rose Travel Agency.  Tel: 6348209

1.If you want to get more information about Heath Center, you can call______.

A. 3785290    B. 8754615     C. 3801451     D. 6348209

2.One can get free physical examination in Health Center if he or she is ___ years old.

A. 20     B. 30     C. 60     D.73

3.The Sunny English Club is open _____ hours ______.

A. 2, every day    B. 2, every Saturday   C. 8, every day   D. 8, every Saturday.

4.Ann’s birthday party starts at ____ p.m. on ____

A. 5:40; August 29    B. 6:20; August 29  

C. 5:40; August 19   D. 6:20; August 19

5.Which of the following is True according to the material?

A. The Health Center opens 5 hours every day.

B. You need to pay 600 yuan if you want to be a member of the Sunny English Club for half a year.

C. Students can’t learn any English songs in the Sunny English Club.

D. The tour guide needs to know two foreign languages.











1.细节理解题。根据第一则布告中  Tel: 3801451及Give you good advice on how to keep healthy! 描述,可知拨打3801451这个电话,会给你更多的关于健康中心的信息。故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据Free physical examination for those over 70. 描述,可知年过70的人,可以在这个体检中心获得免费体检。故选D。

3.推理判断题。根据16:00-18:00 every Saturday 描述,可知阳光英语俱乐部,每周六开放两小时。故选B。

4.细节理解题。根据第三则短文Time: twenty to six in the afternoon。Date: Saturday, August 29描述,可知安的生日在8月29日5:40开始。故选A。

5.细节理解题。根据最后一则布告Two foreign languages.描述,可知这个导游需要会两门外语。故选D。



     Jolanda Maas, a leader of a research at the Nivel Institute in Utrecht, has reported the result of the study in
the magazine BioIMed Cen,tral Public Health. It says that people who live closest to green areas in the
countryside walk and cycle less often for shor- ter time than other people.
   " We found that there was either no relationship or only a small one between green space and physical
activity," said Maas."People with more green space walk and cycle less often in their spare time."
     People with 20% of green space walked around 250 minutes each week during their spare time compared
to 180 minutes for those with 80% of green space.
   "This may be because people in the countryside need to use their cars more to get to places such as shops,
schools and the doctor's office," Maas said. Living near green space also makes no difference in whether
people met NHR (全身健民标准) to get 30 minutes of exercise daily, according to a survey (调查) of 5000
people across the Netherlands (荷兰). "
    The study shows when you just look at how much green space people have,
it is not true people are just more physically active," Maas said."This study shows you don't really need green
1. Is Jolanda Maas the leader of the research? 
2. Who walk less,people with 20% or 80% of green space?
3. How do people in the countryside go to shops, schools and the doctor's?
4. How long are people advised to exercise daily? 
5. What does the writer really want to tell us? 

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