


要点提示: 1. 学会照顾好自己,保持好良好的精神状态(stay in…)。

2. 多于医生、朋友谈心,从中得到帮助。

3. 不要担心钱,因为我们会帮你筹集钱(raise money)。

4. 有空我会去看你,帮你补补课(help…with…)。

5. 希望你能笑对人生(smile at…)早日健康。


Dear Hao Qiang,

Your sincerely,

Lin Fan


Dear Hao Qiang,

I am sorry to hear that you are ill in hospital. I understand your feeling very well. But you know nobody can be happy all the time. You should learn to take good care of yourself and stay in a good mood. You can talk to the doctors or your friends when you are upset. Try to get help from them.You must follow the doctor’s advice and take the medicine on time. Don’t worry about money because we can raise money for you. My friend and I will visit when we are free. We can help you with your lesson. I hope you can smile at life and get well soon.

Your sincerely,

Lin Fan



写作亮点: 这篇短文涵盖了题目要求的所有要点内容,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上很好地使简单句和复合句,文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。同时,文章还使用了多种句型结构如:You should、You can、Try to get help from、You must follow、Don’t worry about、I hope,这为文章增色不少。



Overseas education consulting companies(海外教育咨询)are always busy during the summer. That’s because many students are not interested in the majors in their college entrance exams. They want to experience studying and living abroad.

Li Qing, a Chinese student, said, “In order to enter a better university, I have decided to go abroad. I think it will give me a better development.”

According to the companies’data, the number of the students who want to study abroad has increased by 40% in the last few years.

Most of the students who want to go abroad are high school graduates. More and more parents now realize the advantages of sending their children to study abroad. It’s becoming a popular choice of many welloff(富裕的)families.

Many students apply(申请)for world-famous universities. 40% has applied for the top 50 universities in the US; 70% applied for the top 30 in Britain, and 50% applied for the top 8 in Australia.

Countries like Britain, Australia, Japan, Russia, Germany and France are still favorite for the students. Schools and colleges in nearby Malaysia and Singapore are also popular.

Information card

Why do the high school students want to study abroad?

They don’t like their 【1】 in the college entrance exams.

How do the students think of studying abroad?

They may have 2】 by studying abroad.

Which universities do they like?

They mostly apply for 3 universities.

What about the number of the students who want to go abroad?

It has increased by 4 .

Which country is the most popular with the students who want to study abroad?


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