
Her hair is ________ curly, not very straight

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    kinds of
  4. D.
    a little bit
little“一点(几乎没有)”后跟名词;bit“一点儿;少许”一般不单独使用, 而是构成短语 a (little) bit(修饰形容词或副词)或a bit of(跟名词) ;kinds of“各种各样的”后跟名词;句中的curly是形容词,故用a little bit。

During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a test. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”
Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I’d never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.
Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grades.
“Absolutely,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and to say hello.”
I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.
【小题1】How was the writer at the nursing school?

A.She didn’t study hard.B.She was one of the top students.
C.She loved telling jokes. D.She often asked questions in class.
【小题2】What did the cleaning lady look like?
A.She had only a little hair.B.She was not tall.
C.She looked young.D.She always smiled.
【小题3】How did the writer feel she first saw the last question?
A.She felt guilty.B.She felt surprised.
C.She felt excited.D.She felt comfortable.
【小题4】What can we learn from paragraph 3 and 4?
A.The last question was a part of the quiz.
B.The students needn’t answer the last question.
C.Only one student didn’t know the answer.
D.None of the students knew the woman’s name.
【小题5】What did the teacher want to tell the students through the last question?
A.You should pay attention to everyone around you.
B.You should work hard to get good grades in school.
C.You should be friends with the cleaning lady.
D.You should try to make as many friends as you can.

That warm day was the only day of the week without rain. I opened the door, took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Suddenly, I noticed that the house near mine had been sold. An elderly lady was in front of the door, with some beautiful flowers beside her. I walked to her. She looked to be in her early eighties and had the prettiest white hair.

“Hi! My name is Karmen,” I said smiling brightly at the old lady. She smiled back and said, “Hello, Karmen. I’m Henrietta.” Her voice was very strong for someone at her age. Later, I learned she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her. From that day on, I often visited her and helped her with her housework and sometimes she gave me some delicious food. A year passed, and I considered Henrietta to be one of my best friends.

One day, I walked over for my morning visit and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, and she still didn’ t turn up. So I let myself in, using the key she had given me. I checked her living room and then her kitchen. I finally went into her bedroom, and she was lying peacefully on her bed. Beside her there were two notes. One was her will, which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly.

Though several years have gone by, I still miss her deeply. Whenever I look at the beautiful flowers in front of her house, I remember the wonderful friendship we had.

1.Through visiting the old lady, the writer learnt that the old lady __________.

A.had no one to look after her               B.disliked all her relatives

C.didn’t want to live with her family          D.was looking for someone to look after her

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The old lady was not kind.

B.The writer didn’t have any good friends.

C.The old lady didn’t know how to make food.

D.The writer got on very well with the old lady.

3.The underlined expression “turn up” ( Paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to “_______”.

A.leave             B.appear            C.try               D.change

4.In order to thank the writer, the old lady decided to _________.

A.give the writer her favourite flowers.        B.let the writer know she was her best friend.

C.give the writer a key to her house.          D.leave all that she had to the writer.

5.In what order did the following take place in the story?

a. The lady died.

b. They became good friends.

c. The writer enjoyed the sunshine.

d. The writer will never forget the friendship they had.

e. They got to know each other.

A.c, d, a, b, e                            B.b, e, d, c, a

C.c, e, b, a, d                             D.b, d, c, a, e



“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When she saw the baby, she was surprised. The baby was born without ears.

As time went by, the baby grew up. There was nothing wrong with his hearing. But some kids laughed at him because he didn’t have ears. The baby was very sad, but his parents did nothing but felt sorry for him.

The boy’s father talked with a doctor. “Could nothing be done?” the father asked. “ I believe I could give him a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” The doctor answered. So they began to look for a person who would like to give his or her ears.

Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone and it will give the ears you need. But it’s a secret, ”said the father. The operation was very successful. Several years later, he got a good job.

One day, he told his father “ But I must know who gave so much to me. I want to do something for him or her.” “I am sorry, but I can’t tell you.” Said the father.

The secret was kept for years, but the day did come. For the boy it was one of the darkest days. He stood with his father over his mother’s coffin.

Slowly, the father raised her thick brown hair to show that his mother had no outer ears. “Your mother said she was glad that she never let her hair be cut,” he said, “and nobody ever thought she was less beautiful, did they?”

1.Why did the kids laugh at the boy?

A. Because he heard nothing.   B. Because he had only an ear.

C. Because he had no parents.  D. Because he had no ears.

2.Who gave the ears to the boy?

A. A doctor.        B. His father.       C. His mother.       D.A good man.

3.Why did the boy’s mother never let her hair be cut?

A. Because she liked long hair.

B. Because she didn’t let her son know the secret.

C. Because she had only an ear.

D. Because she had no ears when she was born.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There is nothing wrong with the boy’s ears.

B. The boy’s parents did nothing for the boy.

C. Just after the operation, the boy knew the truth.

D. Before the boy knew the truth, his mother died.

5.From the passage, we know “__________”.

A. ears are very important                B. no ears are good

C. parents’ love is great                  D. secrets are known by people


Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet’s(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly hair covered her sausage-shaped(香肠形)body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rats tail.

She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though.“No one should judge her by her looks,”I thought. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local paper.“Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family.”

When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids raced to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and stroked her soft hair. She licked(舔)his face. Her tail wagged(摇摆)around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.

“She’s perfect!”the old man said happily.

I was thankful that Minnie had found a good home.

Suddenly, I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white colour—he was blind.

1.The last three sentences in the first paragraph tell us      .

A. how funny Minnie looked          B. how well Minnie behaved

C. Minnie was a beautiful dog       D. Minnie was dying

2.Why did the writer advertise Minnie in the local newspaper?

A. Because he wanted to sell her at a good price.

B. Because he didn’t want her any more, either.

C. Because he wanted to find a family for her.

D. Because he wanted to have another dog.

3.Why did the boy who called the writer want Minnie?

A. Because he loved all kinds of dogs very much.

B. Because he had seen Minnie and loved her very much.

C. Because his grandfather’s dog was too old.

D. Because his grandfather’s dog had just died.

4.The underlined word“stroke”may mean      .

A. 抚摸         B. 拔           C. 剪           D. 揪

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Minnie wasn’t the type of dog the old man loved.

B. The old man couldn’t see how funny Minnie looked.

C. Minnie knew very well how to make others dislike her.

D. Minnie was like the old man’s dog which had just died


I’m Millie.I’m 12 1 old.I have black 2  and black hair.I 3 born in Beijing and I live  4  Hoping Road.I have a brother. 5  name is Andy.I like 6 TV and Andy  7  listening to the radio.I have  8 of good friends at school.My 9  friend is Kitty.She is my classmate.She is a good student.She wants to be a doctor when she  10 up.?

1.A.month          B.months            C.year                       D.years?

2.A.mouth          B.nose                   C.eyes                       D.eye?

3.A.am                  B.is                       C.was                           D.are?

4.A.in                   B.on                            C.for                            D.with?

5.A.His                 B.He                     C.Her                           D.She?

6.A.watch              B.watches              C.to watch                 D.watching?

7.A.like                 B.love                   C.enjoys                       D.enjoy?

8.A.lot                  B.lots                    C.a lots                        D.lot a?

9.A.good            B.better                 C.best                          D.well?

10.A.gets               B.puts                   C.rings                         D.grows


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