
People usually hate mice(老鼠), but one mouse owns the hearts of the people all over the world-the famous Mickey Mouse.
 Fifty years ago, most films had no sound. A man named Walt Disney made a cartoon(卡通) mouse that could talk in these films. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of both young and old people . Mickey is clean mouse right from the beginning. Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said that they didn’t want Mickey to do wrong things. As there were many things that Mickey could not do, Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes. Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting. He came out as a star of beauty and wisdom(智慧). He has friends in almost every country.
小题1:What do people usually hate?
________________________________________ .
小题2: Why were people very angry?
________________________________________ .
小题3: What did Disney made ?
________________________________________ .
判断正误(正确的写T, 错误的写F)
小题4:The dog, Pluto is a clever animal in the film. (   )
小题5:__________________________________________ .

小题1:Because Mickey made some mistakes.
小题1:A new animal named Donald Duck.

1. 根据People usually hate mice(老鼠)可知他们讨厌的是老鼠,故为mice。
2. 根据In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry可知是他早期犯错导致人们生气了,故为:Because Mickey made some mistakes。
3. 根据Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck可知他制造了一种新动物叫做唐老鸭,故答案为:A new animal named Donald Duck。
4. 根据This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes可知这狗做蠢事并犯错,故错F。
5. ago表示之前,most意为大部分的,而no sound表示没有声音,故全句意为:50年前,大多数电影没有声音。
小题1:Kate wants to keep thinner and healthier.
小题2:Tom is collecting information about how to prevent electrical fire.
小题3: Betty is trying to advise her mother to do some sports.
小题4: Sophia has to know some ways to prevent common cold.
小题5: Jane is studying health insurance(保险).
A.This book will help you understand how to stay well and avoid disease. You’ll learn some things that you might use at home to be away from cold.
B.Do you want to know how much food you should eat every day? Do you want to make a good plan about your meals? If so, please read this book. From the book, you will know about safe ways to lose weight and how many calories you need each day.
C.Do you have difficulties to communicate with others? Do you often say something wrong when you talk to others? This book will teach you how to say proper things to different people in different places.
D.This book will tell you something about how to keep healthy by taking exercise, but also the ways of taking exercise.
E. Are you worried parents? Do you have trouble in teaching your children? This book is written by a famous psychologist. It can help you understand your children well and make friends with them.
F. You will know why people need health insurance by reading this book. You can also know how to choose health insurance and how to use insurance to pay for your health in this book.
G. You will get useful information about how to prevent common accidents from this book. It’s about safety both indoors and outdoors.
Bollywood: the Hollywood of India
You might be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 movies a year, and that number continues to grow. Just as the movie Capital of the United States is Hollywood, the movie capital of India is Bombay (孟买), but it is usually called "Bollywood", a combination(结合) of the words Bombay and Hollywood.
No Bollywood movie is thought complete without a few songs and dances. In fact, music is an important part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still do well if the music is good. Music directors are sometimes more popular than the film stars. A Bollywood movie has five to six songs with at least three songs to show what the dances mean.
Bollywood may be different from Hollywood in music, but it is very like Hollywood in several ways. If Tom Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood hero Sharukh Khan. Hollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often as Hollywood stars. The persona! lives of actors and actresses catch the headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.
The Oscars are a very exciting time of the year for actors and actresses in America, Bollywood has its own form of the Oscars, and they are also very exciting.
小题1:The name Bollywood comes from the words _____________________ .
小题2:Bollywood is a place where many __________ are made each year,
小题3:In India, the film stars are sometimes _______ popular than musk directors.
小题4: Every complete Bollywood movie has a few _______________ in them.
小题5:The Oscars in India are as ________ as those in America though they are different.
Tigers are fierce animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness, quickness and strength. A pussycat, on the other hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its gentle warmth and calms us with its purring.
As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is definitely a tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌) . tells of the strict upbringing she gave her two children. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child’s potential( 潜力) and to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day. As a result, her kids became successful. She admits this caused a lot of tears and anger but she has few regrets (后悔).
Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they’re pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really pussycats. They care more about their children’s self-esteem (自尊). They don’t want to push their kids too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers encourage their children to find their own path.
So, is a tiger mom better than a pussycat? Perhaps it depends on the differences between Asian and Western cultures. It may also depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be pushed while others respond to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer.
小题1:What’s the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua’s idea on children’s education? (根据短文内容回答问题)
小题2: How did Amy Chua’s kids become successful? (根据短文内容列举两条)
小题3:Why are most Asian mothers tigers? (根据短文内容回答问题)
小题5: What kind of mother would you like, a tiger or a pussycat? And why? (先回答,然后至少写一个句子说明原因)

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