
John is twelve years old. His sister, Mary, is two years younger than he is. One day their mother asked them to clean the house. Because they did a good job, their mother bought a delicious cake and said to John, "John, cut this cake into two pieces, and give one piece to your sister. Don't forget that you must do it like a brother."

     "Like a good brother?" John asked. "How dose a good brother do?"

     "He always gives the bigger piece to the other person." answered the mother.

     "Oh, I see." said John. He thought about this for a short time, and then took the cake to his sister and said to her, "Please cut the cake into two, Mary, and be a good sister."

1. John was ____older than Mary.

     A. twelve years         B. ten years              C. two years            D. one year

2. ______ cleaned the house very well.

    A. John                  B. Mary                  C. Brother                D. John and .Mary

3. John's mother asked him to give ______of the cake to Mary.

    A. the bigger piece                                      B. the smaller piece

    C. the better piece                                      D. the thick piece

4. At last John asked _______ to cut that cake.

     A. his mother              B. his brother             C. Mary                     D. them

5. In this story there are only ______ people really.

   A. two                      B. there                 C. four                        D. five


Please look at the flight Timetable and choose the right answers.

Flight No.Departure    Arrival       From         To           Stop

CA907    07:45      12:10       Beijing      Moscow       Chengdu

CA981    01:58      18:35       Beijing      New York      Shanghai

CA158    10:20      23:10       Beijing      London        Chengdu

CA149    11:35      22:10       Beijing      Sydney        Hongkong

CA923    12:35      17:10       Beijing      Moscow         /

CA167    13:15      02:40       Beijing      Paris          Moscow

CA147    15:55      10:15       Beijing      Sydney        Guangzhou

CA949    17:25      07:35       Beijing      Paris          Shanghai

CA173    19:20      01:50       Beijing      Moscow       Urumqi

CA937    21:25      08:10       Beijing      London        Hongkong


1.You'll go to Australia.You can only take__________________________

    when yon reach Beijing Airport at eleven forty.

      A.CA923              B.CA149       C.CA147              D.CA167

2.If you spend fourteen hours and ten minutes going to France, you must stay in ____on the way.

      A.Hong Kong          B.Shanghai         C.Moscow               D.Chengdu.

3.It will take you____________ to reach England if you stop in Hong Kong.

      A.nine hours and twenty                           B.ten hours and thirty-five

     C.twelve hours and fifty                             D.ten hours and forty-five

4.You may________________ in Beijing if you want to go to America.

      A.take one plane                                    B.take two planes

     C.take three plane                                   D.not take any planes

5.How many planes may you take in Beijing if you want to go to Australia?

      A.One              B.Two         C.Three                  D.Four.

Dear Jenny,

I’m sorry you’re sick and cant come to school this week.Let me tell you what you have on Monday next week.

    We have math at 8:00.How boring! Then we have English.That’s interesting.I know you love English.Next is P.E..The fourth lesson is art.That’s my favorite subject! In the afternoon,    we have history with Mr. Chen.He is fun but history isn’t.Then at 2:00 we have science with Miss Jones.You know how strict she is.I don’t like her.Our last class of the day is math again!



(    )1._______is not at school this week.

    A.Jenny                  B.Ben                     C.Mr. Chen               D.Miss Jones

(    )2.Their first lesson is __________.

    A.math                   B.English                C.science                  D.art

(    )3.Jenny’s favorite subject is ________.

    A.P.E.               B.art                       C.English                  D.science

(    )4.How many lessons do they have On Monday?

    A.Four                    B.Five                     C.Six                        D.seven

(    )5.Their science teacher is ________.

    A.friendly                B.kind                     C.boring                    D.strict

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