
-Must we leave now?

-No, we ________. We still have two more hours.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

【小题1】We cried when our school football team __________ ( lose ) the game last week.
【小题2】I couldn’t finish the work ________ ( with ) your help.
【小题3】It rained ____________ ( heavy )last night.
【小题4】 The earthquake happened and many people were ___________ ( terrible ) hurt.
【小题5】Bad weather sometimes causes __________ ( nature ) disasters.
【小题6】The house _________ ( shake ) when the heavy truck went past.
【小题7】Listen! I can hear an old lady __________ ( scream ) for help in the next door.
【小题8】A large number of people were _________ ( 围困 )underground in Wenchuan Earthquake.
【小题9】The noise of the thunder became much __________ ( 轻微 ).
【小题10】The telephone suddenly rang and she ____________ ( 赶忙 ) to answer it.
【小题11】The Chinese _________ (政府) wants to protect these birds
【小题12】If you are ill, you must take some m_________.
【小题13】The w_________ of the panda is 20kg.
【小题14】A lot of t_________ go to Beijing to see the Great Wall.
【小题15】Do you know the  i_________ of English?  
【小题16】Help _________(自己) to some fish, boys and girls?
【小题17】The teacher asked us to answer the _________(以下的) questions.
【小题18】There is a lot of _________ (交通)on the roads every morning.
【小题19】L_________, I passed the exam.
【小题20】At the _________ (开始)of the term, I don’t like our school.


     1979 was World Conservation (自然保护) Year. The United Nations wanted everyone to know
that the world is in danger. They hoped that governments would go into action (采取行动) quickly  
in order to conserve nature. Here is one example of the problems. At one time there were l,300
different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 remain. The others have been
destroyed by modern man and his technology (技术). We are changing the earth, the air and the water,
and everything that grows and lives. We can't live without these plants. lf we continue like this, we will
destroy ourselves.
     What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?"
The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know
that conservation is necessary. Many are helping td save our world. They plant trees, build bridges
across rivers in forests, and so on. In a small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned
the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conversation' through a record
called  No one's going to change our world. It was made by the Beatles, Cliff Richard and other singers.
The money from it will help to conserve wild animals.

1. World Conservation Year sponsored (发起) by the United Nations warned (警告) the people               all over the world ________.
A. of the danger in the world
B. against the changing world
C. against modern man and his technology
D. against destroying themselves
2. If we change the earth we live in we shall ________.
A. destroy the air and water
B. destroy everything that grows and lives
C. destroy the outer space
D. destroy ourselves
3. What will happen in the future is decided by ________.
A. the young of today
B. the young of tomorrow
C. what we do today
D. how much we know about the earth
4. No one's going to change our world is ________.
A. a call given by the Beatles
B. the name of a popular record
C. the name of a popular book
D. the name of a radio station
5. Some of the world famous singers made a record to collect money for _            .
A. the United Nations
B. saving the living things
C. the conservation of the nature
D. the poor people of the world

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