
1.Li Yundi, took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in     and won first prize in his group. ?




D.France ?

2. Harbin holds a (an)      in winter every year.?

A.Dragon Boat Festival

B.Ice and Snow Festival ?

C.Mid-autumn Festival

D.Lantern Festival ?

3.They are all American cities EXCEPT      .?


B.New York

C.Los Angeles

D.Memphis ?

4.I hope to see Niagara Falls  in      some day. It’s said to be wonderful.?



C.North America

D.South America ?

5.What did Alexander Graham Bell say when he answered the telephone for the first time??




D.Cool.〖 ?

6. The following are all e-mail English EXCEPT    . ?













【解析】 略



Fans often only see the good side of fame. They see the happy smiles and great success of famous people. But it’s difficult for them to understand everything that comes before then. They can’t see the hard work or the hours of practice.

   Li Yundi, the Chinese piano prodigy(天才), recently released his first concert recording. He talked with Teens about his art and his job.

   “Of course, the job is hard work,” Li, 25, said. “You need to work hard to be a professional. But you also have to play hundreds of concerts, meet fans, and listen to critics(评论) of your music.”

   In 2000, when Li was 18, he won the top prize at the International Chopin(肖邦) Competition in Warsaw, Poland. This was the first time the top prize had been given in 15 years. Li was also the youngest, and the first Chinese to win the prize. Since then, Li became famous and his list of honors goes on and on.

   Born in Chongqing, Li began to play piano when he was seven. His parents spent all their money and bought a piano for him--- a luxury in 1980s China.

   He worked hard. Every day, Li played for eight hours or more at a piano school. He often played even after the school had closed.

Today, Li still can’ t play a beautiful tune without careful preparation.

You need to be ready on stage.” Li said. “People are waiting for you. Nobody knows whether you have slept enough, or whether you have another problem in your life. But you need to play great music for your audience. That’s what they want to hear.”

1.What is Li Yundi?  ______.

   A. A music-critic     B. A music fan      C. A pianist        

2.What does the underlined word “luxury” mean in Chinese?  ______.

   A. 奢侈品          B. 流行品         C.豪华          

3.How long did it take Li to get the prize of Chopin Competition and became famous? ______.

   A. 7 years     B. 11 years      C. 15 years      

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?  ______.

   A. You need to sleep well the night before the performance

   B. You should prepare carefully before the performance.

   C. You need to know your audience.

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?  ______.

   A. You need to be a prodigy to be successful.

   B. You need to be happy to be successful.

   C. You need to work hard to be successful.


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