
【小题1】The excited people were shouting with _______________(激动)
【小题2】The book________(写 )by the famous writer has just come out.
【小题3】Don’t argue with me. I’ll spend as much time as I can__________(解释) it to you.
【小题4】I have no _______(选择)but to do my homework..
【小题5】Forests are ________(消失) faster than we think.
【小题6】The victim had a lot of _________(敌人) before, so it’s difficult to know who the murderer was.
【小题7】It was a great success and she became famous ___________(立即)。
【小题8】Thursday is the ______(五) day of a week.
【小题9】The host came to the stage, _________(hold) a microphone in his hand.
【小题10】He was ______(terrible) ill and was sent to the hospital at once.
【小题11】He was seen ________(attack) the victims with a sharp knife at that time.
【小题12】Some famous stars will be ______(interview) about their recent work.
【小题13】What he did still ______(make) us feel very sad now.
【小题14】He _______(prefer) tea with nothing when he was here several years ago.
【小题15】She devoted much of her time to ________(help) poor children in the world.


【小题3】spend +时间+doing sth表示某人花费多长时间做某事,故本题空格处填解释的动名词explaining。
【小题11】本题的含义为我在那时看到他用刀来攻击受害者,看到某人正在做某事可用see sb doing,故本题空格处填攻击的现在分词attacking。


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