
—_______go to the cinema together with me ? —Good idea .

A.How about

B.Why do you

C.Why not

D.What about





试题分析:根据答语good idea表示好主意可知前半句应是表示的是建议.how about="what" about其后都跟名词或动名词,排除D和A.why do you do sth表示你为啥那样做?不表示建议,故也被排除.why not do sth表示为什么不…表示建议,其后跟动词原形,故选C。


点评:对于固定短语必须牢记其基本结构,根据语境选择正确答案。此题的关键点就是区分what about和how about 的后面跟动词ing的形式;why not后跟动词的原形。



I. 听对话选图片 : 5%

(  )1. What did she do yesterday morning?

(  )2. What will the weather be like later on?

II. 听长对话回答问题: 5% (第一段回答6--7小题。第二段回答8--10小题)

(  )6. How does the woman know that the man comes from the USA?

A. From the way he walks               B. From the language he speaks.

C. From the way he speaks.              D. From his parents.

(  )7. Where are the two speakers?

     A. In China.     B. In America.     C. We don’t know.    D. In London.

(  )8. When is Mary’s birthday?

     A. August 15 th.    B. August 16 th.    C. August 12 th.    D. August 13 th.

(  )9. What time will the party begin?

     A. At 2:00 p.m.     B. At 2:20 p.m.     C. At 1:40 p.m.     D. At 1:30 p.m.

(  )10. Will Jean come to the party?

     A. No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

     B. Yes, she will, but she’ll be late for the party.

     C. Not sure. Perhaps she won’t be able to come.

     D. We can’t know from the dialogue.

III. 短文理解: 10%

                             ( A )

(  )11. When does Jim usually get up in the morning?

A. At 5:30.     B. At 6:00.       C. At 6:30.       D. At 7:00.

(  )12. Where does Jim have lunch on weekdays?

A. At school.   B. At home.       C. At the table.  D. At the desk.

(  )13. Does Jim watch TV on Sunday evening?

A.     Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.  D. No, he isn’t.

(  )14. How many people are there in Jim’s family?

A. One.         B. Two.           C. Three.         D. Four

(  )15. When does Jim go to bed?

A. At 7:00.     B. At 8:00        C. At 9:00.       D. At 10:00.

     "I don't have to go to school. My school __1__ me!" Sara showed me her room. "This is my
classroom and this is my teacher and the other __2_ " She pointed to a large radio with a microphone.
Sara lives with her parents on a farm in Central Australia. It's about 60 miles from her farm
to her neighbors.
     She can't go to __3__ because her farm is so far away from __4__. There are a lot of children like
her in Australia. They use the "School of the Air". There are 12 of __5__ for children in the outback
(内地) of Australia. They are at these schools until they are about 12 years old. Sara said, "We talk to
our teachers every day on the __6__. And our __7__ last about 30 minutes. Our teachers __8__ us the
class work and we do it before our lessons. Twice a year our teacher__9__ us, and once a year all the
students _10__. That's the best time of the year. "
(     )1. A. comes  to          
(     )2. A. neighbors          
(     )3. A. hospitals          
(     )4. A. the nearest airport
(     )5. A. the radio          
(     )6. A. train              
(     )7. A. classes            
(     )8. A. helps              
(     )9. A. helps              
(     )10. A. come              
B. looks for        
B. students        
B. station          
B. th e nearest town
B. the farms        
B. ground          
B. meetings        
B. hands            
B. calls            
B. meet            
C. helps with  
C. books        
C. cinema      
C. the big city
C. them        
C. radio        
C. parties      
C. sends        
C. thanks      
C. arrive      
D. thinks about
D. blackboards  
D. school      
D. the capital  
D. it          
D. computer    
D. programs    
D. shows        
D. visits      
D. appear      

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