
     北京正日益成为一个国际化大都市,作为北京市民,请同学们根据以下内容,以“Keep Our City Clean"为题;向包括外国侨民在内的全体北京居民写一份保护环境的倡议书吧。
     Things you ever saw: cars producing smog on the street,people throwing things everywhere,leaving water taps on after using them, Things you will do:not to throw rubbish,turn off the water tap after using it,go to school by bike/bus instead of by car,not to use plastic bags,
             1. 语句通顺、语法正确;2. 70词左右。

One possible version:
                                                      Keep Our City Clean
    I used to see cars producing smog on the street,students leaving the water taps on after using them,people throwing things everywhere without thinking. How terrible it was! Then,what should we do?
    We should not throw rubbish onto the road. Instead we should pick up rubbish and throw it into the dustbins. After washing, we'd better turn off the water tap. Besides,we can go to school by bike or bus instead of by car. Of course we should cut the use of plastic bags.
    We are a family and we should try our best to keep our city clean.
     注意:1. 词数:60词左右;
                 2. 邮件的开头和结尾已替你写好,不计入总词数。
Receiver:Li Zhiyuan@163. com
Subject:How to protect the clean water?
Dear Li Zhiyuan, I feel very excited about my visit to Fuzhou and meeting you for the first time! But I’m still not sure about the following questions:1. Are there any rivers or lakes in your city? 2. Is the water dirty or clean? Why? 3. Did you do anything useful to protect the clean water? Please let me know. 
                                                                                                                                         Your friend,  
                                                                                                                                         Wei Huanjing  
Dear Wei Huanjing,
       I am very excited to receive your e-mail.  I am interested in your questions. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
                                                                                                                                             Li Zhiyuan

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