
假如你是李华,擅长电子产品的评析。你的英国网友吉姆想买一块电子手表(e-watch) ,提供了两个品牌的信息让你给他推荐更合适的一款,由于不确定中学生是否真的需要一块电子手表,他也想知道你的想法。请阅读信息后,写一封电子邮件回复。

The Sonic Watch

•Made in China

•Last for 12 hours

•Wi-Fi; take clearer photos

•Keep the record of your health

•350 pounds

The Swan Watch

•Made in Japan

•Last for 9 hours

•With an e-dictionary; beautiful appearance

•Easy to return or change

•230 pounds







Dear Jim,

I have read the information about the two e-watches. And I think ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


Gossip means talking about other people's lives, which may be unkind or not true.

"We are going to do a gossip column (专栏) for the school newspaper," Emily said. "We take our notebooks whenever we go and write down everything happening around us."

"I already have _______ said, Austin, "I heard Lucy saying that she saw Julia's new haircut and it makes her look like a funny watermelon."

Jessica laughed. "I had _______ that, too."

This gossip-column idea was making _______ very uncomfortable. "Hold on," I said. "Don't you think kids will feel terrible to have that spread in the school?"

Emily shrugged (耸肩) . "Maybe, _______ people love gossip."

"Is that a good _______ to do it, though?" I said.

"Well, we are _______ reporting what we see and hear." said Jessica.

Austin cut in. "_______, I think Arizona was right. Gossip would make people feel bad."

Jessica said, "So does anyone have an idea for a different column?"

Emily suggested, "What if we do a friendly gossip column instead?"

"Good idea!" said Austin.

And that's exactly what we did then. We wrote down the good things or stories we saw. Here are a few good ones in our _______: Kate was seen picking up other people's rubbish and throwing it into the garbage bin. And Zoe was very _______ explaining a math problem to a classmate.

So, dear friends, "If you can't ________ anything nice, give up spreading the gossip." Even better, spread the word about the kind things people are doing.

(Adapted from Ask Arizona: The True-Friend Test)

1.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

2.A.beaten B.noticed C.left D.needed

3.A.him B.her C.me D.them

4.A.but B.and C.so D.or

5.A.way B.reason C.design D.spirit

6.A.just B.still C.already D.nearly

7.A.In the end B.In fact C.Above all D.After all

8.A.magazine B.diary C.newspaper D.novel

9.A.surprisingly B.patiently C.happily D.angrily

10.A.hear B.say C.smell D.see

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
