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【小题1】John got lost on his way to the library.
【小题2】 Xu Ying is now on a business tour in Germany. She finds it difficult to understand articles in Germany.
【小题3】Lisa is a photographer, and wants to show some of her best pictures with her friends in Italy.
【小题4】Sun Xin is poor at English speaking, and now wants to improve it by practicing it on line with native speakers.
【小题5】 Kim is a busy girl. She often forgets something important. She really needs to put his plans in a schedule so as to remind her in time.



配对阅读 左栏是五个人的兴趣描述,右栏是七个网站的简介。请将五个人与他们感兴趣的网站配对,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
【小题1】George loves dogs very much. He regards dogs as his friends. Now he keeps two in his house. He is interested in all kinds of information and news about them.
【小题2】Amy is a school girl. Reading short stories is her hobby. Every night, she would like to read one after finishing her homework.
【小题3】Judy likes listening to pop songs. She would like to download (下载) some to her MP4 so that she can enjoy them wherever she is.
【小题4】 Henry is a very active boy. He likes playing ball games as well as watching them. He is also interested in searching news about games and sports stars.
【小题5】Kate likes surfing the internet for ideas. Mother’s Day is coming. She wants to do something different to thank her mother this year.
A.http: // www. workpage. com
Classical Chinese novels can be found here, such as Journey to the West, Legend of White Snake and Three Kingdoms. You can know something about Chinese history by reading the long stories. The are good for you to read online.
B.http: // www. search. com
Do you want to search for the perfect gift suggestions? We have many for you, from expensive gifts to special and new ones. You will be pleased with our advice. Click our website now.
C.http : // www. ez-tracks.com
The latest and the greatest songs of all times and today like Katy Perry’s I Kissed a Girl with EZ-Tracks can be found here. You can listen online or download some for future listening.
D.http:// www. classical. com
This website is good for those who are interested in reading stories and poems. You can experience the joy by reading such fine short works. We hope they will excite people again into discovering the happiness that the excellent e-books bring.
E. http://www.nationalgeographic.com
You can get animal pictures, photos, videos, facts, photo galleries and more in our web. It tells you a lot about living styles of animals, the animal structure and the food they eat. You can also read news about them here.
F. http://www.mzone.com
Watch and listen to different kinds of music videos online, such as classical music, pop music, country music, rock and roll, etc. Get the latest music videos, news interviews and more.
G. http://www.bluesky.com
The best sports around the world include football, basketball, golf, rugby, WWE, boxing, tennis and more. Get the latest sports scores, professional players, team news, videos, schedules and fantasy games.

Computer technology has become an important part of people’s life.This technology has its own special words.One well-known computer word is Google.It’s the name of a popular “search engineer(引擎)” for the Internet.People use the search engineer to find information about almost any subject on the Internet.The people who started the company named it Google because in math Google is a very large number-One hundred zeros follow the number one.When you “Google” a subject, you can get a lot of information about it.
If you Google someone, you might find that person’s name on a blog (博客).A blog is short for a Web log.It’s a personal Web page.Some people write blogs to express their opinions and ideas over the Internet.Some use them to share their lives with faraway friends or family.Others write blogs to help them deal with sickness, money problems or to choose movies to see or books to read.Some people add information to their blogs every day.People who have blogs are called bloggers.
根据短文内容, 判断下列句子的正误,正确的为“T”,错误的为“F”。并在答题卡上将答案涂黑。
【小题1】Google and Blog are two kinds of popular search engineer.
【小题2】.One can use Google to search the Internet for all information he wants.
【小题3】.People may use blogs to share their opinions or ask others for help.
【小题4】.Bloggers must add information to their blogs every day.
【小题5】From the passage we can infer ( 推断) that computer technology is changing  people’s life.

Millions of young people are writing blogs. Millions of others are reading them. The word“blog”is a short way of saying Web log.

 Many popular Web sites now offer free,easy ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. Web sites called “ Facebook ” and “MySpace” are some of the most popular blog sites for young people. Many young adults use their blogs to write about daily activities and events in their lives. They also provide a place for people to write their ideas and opinions and how they think of others’ ideas.

 Blogs offer young people a place to show their writings and feelings. They can also be helpful to connect young people with others. But blogs can become dangerous when they are read on the Internet by millions of people all over the world.

 Recent studies show that young people often provide their names, age and where they live on the Internet. That may not be safe for them. This personal information puts them at risk(风险)of being searched out by dangerous people who want to hurt them. Many students do not know about privacy(隐私)and are surprised to learn that adults can read their personal daily records easily. Students can also get into trouble when they put information about others on their blogs.

As a result, many schools have banned (禁止) the use of blogging Web sites on school computers. Many schools have also begun teaching parents about the Web sites. Parents should know what their children are doing online and should read their blogs to make sure they are not giving out private information. One way to keep away from these problems is to use programs so that blogs can be read by “friends only”. People can read the website only if they know a secret word chosen by the blogger.

1.“Facebook”and“MySpace”are         .

A. school subjects      B. computer programmes

C. school online BBS   D. blog sites for young people

2.Blogs may be dangerous because         .

A. they get in the way of studies

B. they are not allowed for school students

C. surfing the Internet is bad for eyes

D. personal information can be found in blogs easily

3.This passage is mainly about        .

A. the safety of children’s blogs

B. how to search the Internet

C. students’ behavior at school

D. communicating with parents at home

4.According to the passage,many schools help children avoid(避免) blog problems by doing everything EXCEPT        .

A. teaching parents about the Web sites

B. asking students to use programs to refuse strangers

C. telling school students not to make any net friends

D. stopping students from blogging on school computers

5.You can enjoy your blog safely if        .

A. you write your blog at school

B. use a secret number for friends to enter your blog

C. your parents have little knowledge about websites

D. you show all your writings and feelings in your blog



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1.John got lost on his way to the library.

A.            B.            C.            D.

2. Xu Ying is now on a business tour in Germany. She finds it difficult to understand articles in Germany.

A.            B.            C.            D.

3.Lisa is a photographer, and wants to show some of her best pictures with her friends in Italy.

A.            B.            C.            D.

4.Sun Xin is poor at English speaking, and now wants to improve it by practicing it on line with native speakers.

A.            B.            C.            D.

5. Kim is a busy girl. She often forgets something important. She really needs to put his plans in a schedule so as to remind her in time.

A.            B.            C.            D.


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