
Guitar Player Wanted

Are you a fan of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send an email to sunshine@yahoo.com. for more information.

Tennis Club

Do you like to play tennis? Do you want to learn how to play it better? Frank Miller is a good teacher. You can practice with him every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.

Telephone: 8665-7868

Address: Room 15, Moonlight Hotel

Swimmer Wanted

Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come and join us. Call Simon at 8472-9999 for more information.

Summer Job

Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.

1.The Sunshine Rock Band needs _______________.

A.a tennis coach(教练) B.a reporter C.a swimming coach D.a guitar player

2.Your classmate wants to learn to play tennis, so you can advise her to call __________.

A.Simon B.Frank C.Karen D.Mike

3.The above advertisements are probably from ______________.

A.a newspaper B.a story book C.a science book D.a textbook


When I was very young, I did not like to do things with my own hands. I did not need to learn to do anything. My parents were always there to do everything for me. They got the meals ready for me, washed the clothes for me, made the bed for me, and even took off the shoes for me.

After I was old enough to go to school, I often had to do some homework after I came back home from school. At first, I was very lazy and did not want to do any homework, so I still wanted my parents to do it for me. My dad said that he could do the homework for me, but my mum asked him not to take this crazy idea into his mind. She said to my dad, “If you do not let your son learn to do his own homework, he will never learn to do anything!” So my dad had to ask me to do the homework myself. However, he said that he would help me by checking my homework for me. In this way, I began to learn to do my homework all by myself. To my parents’ great surprise, I did most of the homework very well! My parents were so glad that they both held me in their arms and said, “You are really great!”

Hearing these words, I was very excited. I was so excited that I decided to learn to do more things by myself. I can help my parents do some housework. I am really glad that I can do so many things myself.

1.Who washed the clothes for the writer when he was young?

2.What did the writer have to do after he went to school?

3.How did the writer’s father help him with the homework?

4.Did the writer do his homework well?

5.What did the writer plan to do?

We all need to buy things from time to time, but do we think about how our shopping affects people, animals and the environment? Here's how you can take better care of the world we live in while you shop.

Ethical ( 伦理的, 道德的 ) shopping

We all need to eat, drink and wear clothes. But what do we know about the products that we buy in shops, in supermarkets or online? Many people in Britain want to know more about the products they buy. They want to know how people, animals and our planet (地球) are treated when food, drinks and clothes are produced.

Fair trade

The Fairtrade Foundation is based (总部设在) in the UK and helps farmers and workers in poorer parts of the world make more money. The organization asks companies that grow products such as coffee or bananas to pay for wages (工资) and to provide their workers with good working conditions. If companies follow these requirements, they will receive a Fairtrade certificate (证书) and can sell their products with the "Fairtrade" mark. About 5 million people in 58 countries benefit from Fairtrade's practices.

Free range

On free range farms, farm animals spend time outside instead of being inside 24 hours a day. Meat, eggs or dairy products, such as milk or cheese, can be free range. Some experts say that this type of farming is preferable because it is very kind and the animals are healthier. Many people also think that free range food tastes better and is more nutritious ( 有营养的 ).

Ethical clothing

Some clothing factories have been accused (指责) of having children as workers and of allowing unsafe conditions in their factories. People nowadays are becoming more interested in where their clothes are made, who they are made by and in what conditions. They want their clothes to look good and be ethical. Most fashion manufacturers (制造商) have information about their workers and their environmental policies (政策) on their websites. With the help of organizations like Fairtrade, shoppers can make more choices about the products they buy.

1.If you shop ethically, you____________________ .

A.buy products online B.only buy things you need

C.care about how products are made D.compare the prices before buying things

2.What should the companies do if they received a Fairtrade certificate?

A.They should make more money.

B.They should treat their workers fairly.

C.They should grow more coffee or bananas.

D.They should make sure their products have the best quality.

3.According to the passage, free range food is believed to be more__________.

A.expensive B.tasteless C.unhealthy D.nutritious

4.What do we know from the passage?

A.Ethical shopping started in the US.

B.Free range animals stay outside 24 hours a day.

C.Fairtrade has helped people in over 50 countries.

D.Clothing factories have serious pollution problems.

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