
(     )1. A) 8:00              
(     )2. A) Rainy             
(     )3. A) The second turning.         
           C) Fifth Street.     
(     )4. A) Canadian.       
(     )5. A) On foot.          
(     )6. A) Swimming.         
(     )7. A) Tonight.       
(     )8. A) Husband and wife.          
           C) Father and daughter.
(     )9. A) 40 yuan.         
B) 8:15                     
B) Cloudy                     
B) An underground station.     
D) The nearest supermarket. 
B) Australian.            
B) By bus.                     
B) Running.                    
B) Next morning.             
B) Teacher and student.        
D) Brother and sister.        
B) 20 yuan.             
C) 8:30          
C) Sunny.

C) American.      
C) By bicycle.     
C) Cycling.       
C) This afternoon. 

C) 22 yuan.     
D) 7:45
D) Windy. 

D) British.          
D) By underground. 
D) Skiing.         
D) Tomorrow. 

D) 18 yuan.     
(     )10. A) She is working in the reading-room
             B) She is surfing the Internet in the computer room.
            C) She is reading in the library.
            D) She is talking with our headmaster.
1-5 BADBC        6-10 CABCD

Part I Listening(第一部分听力)

Ⅰ.Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)

A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)







B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(10分)

















A.Father's Day.

B.Mother's Day.

C.Teachers’ Day.

D.Children's Day.


A.He asked his teacher for help.

B.He worked it out himself.

C.He asked his classmate for help.

D.He found the answer from the Internet.


A.Because Lisa's dad is strict.

B.Because he didn't buy a gift.

C.Because Lisa's dad doesn't like him.

D.Because he's never met Lisa's dad.


A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Doctor and patient.

D.Waitress and customer.


A.Hong Kong.





A.In a bank.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a bookstore.

D.In a hotel.


A.She wants to work for Mr.Jones.

B.Mr.Jones can fix the recorder.

C.She wants to meet Mr.Jones.

D.Mr.Jones needs a recorder.

C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(7分)

17.One day, Henry took his son to the country by train.

18.They stayed with a poor family to know about the life there.

19.Tom told his father that he didn't like his trip to the country.

20.There were several pet cats and dogs in Tom's home.

21.Tom's family hung lanterns in their garden at festival times.

22.People on the farm got flesh food from the supermarket.

23.The writer wants to tell us to enjoy what we already have.

D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7分)

24.Susan is a ________ schoolgirl in a small town in California.

25.In her spare time,Susan likes to ________ to pop music.

26.Susan is only ________ years old and she is good at skating.

27.Whatever Michael teaches her,Susan can do it ________.

28.After training she ________ usually plays computer games with her ________.

29.Susan prefers to ________ at home on weekends.

30.On ________ mornings,Susan's father always makes breakfast for her.

(     )1. 
A Coke.                         
B Tea.                                  
C Orange juice.                 
D Coffee.                    
(     )2.
A Friendly.                      
B Naughty.                              
C Terrible.                     
D Silly.                      
(     )3.
A To her son's school.          
B To the cinema.                        
C To Jane's party.                
D To the theatre.
(     )4.
A At the post office.         
B At a restaurant.                     
C In the park.                  
D In the shop.  
(     )5.
A The woman is often late.  
B The man is often late.                
C The woman is sick.          
D The man often finds excuses.
(     )6.
A On Monday. 
B On Tuesday
C On Thursday.                   
D On Friday.   
(     )7.
A David Jackson.
B The woman's boss.  
C Mr. Thompson.                  
D The woman.   
(     )8.
A Playing tennis. 
B Painting. 
C Swimming.                     
D Boating.           
(     )9.
A Because he has got a bad cold.
B Because he has failed the maths exam.
C Because he didn't sleep well.  
D Because he has failed the physics exam.  
(     )10.
A He has a very good diet.
B He is used to exercising a lot.
C He doesn't believe the doctors.
D He finds it hard to follow the doctors.      
Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)
(     )1. A. Milk.   
(     )2. A. By bus.  
(     )3. A. Sarah.  
(     )4. A. Green.   
(     )5. A. Every day.
(     )6. A. At 6:20.      
B. Coffee.          
B. By taxi.      
B. Sarah's classmate.
B. Yellow.          
B. Every week.           
B. At 6:25.        
C. Orange juice.   
C. By underground.    
C. Sarah's teacher.
C. Black.         
C. Twice a day.     
C. At 6:45.        
D. Apple juice.       
D. By train.             
D. Sarah's mother.
D. Red.               
D. Twice a week.             
D. At 7:05.           
(     )7. A. She's talking with her mother.                    B. She's taking some photos.
           C. She's drawing the pictures.                        D. She's buying a gift.
(     )8. A. At home.                                                 B. At school.                    
           C. At the cinema.                                          D. At the theatre.
(     )9. A. It's too early.                                            B. He forgets the time.
           C. It's raining outside.                                    D. The book is great. 
(     )10. A. Mother and son.                                      B. Dentist and patient.
             C. Teacher and student.                               D. Librarian and reader.
(     )1. A. Red.                  
(     )2. A. Geography.            
(     )3. A. At a quarter past six.
(     )4. A. 10.                  
(     )5. A. Susan.                
(     )6. A. 3:00.                
(     )7. A. English.              
(     )8. A. Have a walk.          
(     )9. A. England.              
(     )10. A. He's as old as
B. Green.                
B. Chinese.              
B. At six o'clock.        
B. 13.                  
B. Jack.                
B. 3:15.                
B. French.              
B. Take an underground.  
B. Australia.            
B. He's younger than
C. Blue.                
C. English.            
C. At a quarter to six.
C. 20.                  
C. Jimmy.              
C. 3:30.                
C. German.              
C. See a film.          
C. Japan.              
C. He's as old as
D. Red and green.      
D. Physics.            
D. At half past six.  
D. 30.                
D. John.              
D. 3:45.              
D. Japanese.          
D. Mail a letter.      
D. Hong Kong.          
D. He's older than 