
【题目】Now more and more people get to know that exercise is important. We need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes us and healthier. who often exercise are more alert (机灵的). This means they do in exams and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.

There are many ways . You can walk, run, swim, or play ball games. You have to like you’re doing. Try all kinds of things you find one, two, or even three sports that you feel right for you. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time enough (足够的).

You can exercise at fitness centers (健身中心). They have a lot of equipment (器材). The equipment can exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes, but it is very expensive.

【1】A. both B. all C. every D. some

【2】A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily

【3】A. Parents B. Teachers C. Children D. Friends

【4】A. better B. worse C. well D. badly

【5】A. exercise B. exercising C. to exercise D. for exercising

【6】A. why B. what C. where D. who

【7】A. when B. after C. because D. until

【8】A. are B. is C. do D. does

【9】A. use B. spend C. bring D. help

【10】A. to make B. made C. makes D. make














【1】B考查代词及语境的理解。A. both两者都;B. all三者或三者以上者;C. every每一个;D. some一些。We all need to exercise.句意:我们都需要锻炼。我们是指三者以上。故选B。

【2】B考查形容词及语境的理解。A. happy 高兴的(原级);B. happier更高兴的(形容词比较级); C. happily 高兴地;D. more happily更高兴地(副词比较级)。It makes us happier and healthier.句意:它能使我们更高兴和更健康。后面健康的是形容词,and引导的并列成份一致,再有短语:make sb. adj.故选B。

【3】C考查名词及语境的理解。A. Parents父母亲;B. Teachers教师们;C. Children孩子们; D. Friends朋友们。Children who often exercise are more alert (机灵的).孩子们经常锻炼会更机灵的。联系下文,在考试或者完成学校的任务,体现出who引导的是孩子们。故选C.

【4】A考查形容词及语境的理解。A. better更好;B. worse更糟;C. well好的;D. badly不好的。原句中最明显的比较级运用是than, 运动的孩子比不爱运动的孩子在完成考试和学校的任务方面会更好,强调运动的优点。故选A

【5】C考查词义及语境的理解。A. exercise动词,锻炼;B. exercising名词,锻炼;C. to exercise去锻炼;D. for exercising为了锻炼。You can walk, run, swim, or play ball games. 句意:你可以走路、跑步、游泳或打球。这些都是例举去锻炼的方式。故选.C

【6】B考查疑问词及语境的理解。 A. why为什么;B. what 什么C. where 在哪;D. who谁。此题考查宾语从句的引导词,你必须喜欢你正在做的事。做的内容。故选B.

【7】D考查疑问词及语境的理解。 A. when 什么时候;B. after 在……之后 C. because因为;D. until直到……才。句意:直到你偿试了几种运动,你就会发现一种、两种或者是三种运动方式适合你。故选D.

【8】B考查动词及语境的理解。 A. are 是;B. is是;C. do 助动词D. does助动词。Thirty minutes each time is enough (足够的). 句意:每次三十分钟的运动是足够的。时间作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选B

【9】D考查动词及语境的理解。 A. use B. spend花费C. bring 拿来;D. help帮助。原句:运动中心的健身器材能帮助你的身体部位得到锻炼,对于人的器官是帮助的锻炼。故选D

【10】A考查动词及语境的理解。 A. to make去使…… B. made 使(过去式) C.makes使(单数);D. make使……联系前文,这些锻炼的目的是帮助身体的健康。可知选A


【题目】An Internet game named Happy Farm is becoming more and more popular among young office workers and students. People can work on a farm. They can also grow, water, sell and steal vegetables, flowers, fruits and so on. They can earn some e-money from their working on the farm. Then they can use it to buy more seeds, pets and even houses. Of course, all these are not true, they are only on the Internet.

Why do so many young people enjoy the kind of Farm game? I think maybe some of them are afraid of facing the real world, and they have to look for fun from the Internet. Some feel lonely and want to make friends during growing vegetables on the Internet. Some have great fun stealing others' vegetables because they needn't work on their farm.

Most parents and teachers are worried about these young people and students. Students spend too much time playing the game. It's bad for their health and study.

【1】What's the name of this kind of game?

A. Happy Farm. B. Vegetables and Fruits.

C. Working on a Farm. D. Computer Came.

2Where do the young people plant vegetables?

A. On a real farm. B. In their home's garden.

C. On a farm of the Internet. D. Near their houses.

3Why do some people enjoy the game?

A. Some people feel lonely and want to make friends.

B. They can get some money for living.

C. They don't need to buy vegetable for lunch.

D. They can learn English from the game.

【4What's the meaning of the underlined word “stealing”?

A. 送给 B. 搬运 C. D.

5Why are parents and teachers worried about these young people and students?

A. Because students spend too much time on the game.

B. Because students use the game to improve their English.

C. Because it costs students much money.

D. Because some students don't go to school.

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