
Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant (仆人). He and the servant(仆人) loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.
One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. You must take good care of them.” With these words, he went out.
But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself.
小题1:In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very much.
A.the rich manB.the servant  
C.both A and BD.neither A and B
小题2:.The rich man knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.
A.the catB.himselfC.nobodyD.the servant
小题3:.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because ________.
A.there was in fact poison in the bottlesB.did not want the servant to drink his wine
C.he wanted to kill the catD.he wanted to kill the servant
小题4:In fact, _______ ate all the nice food and drank the wine.
A.the servantB.catC.the rich manD.nobody
小题5:From the story, we know that the servant is very _______.
小题1: C 小题1: D 小题1:B 小题1: A 小题1: C

小题1:根据He and the servant(仆人) loved wine可知选 C
小题1: 根据Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. 描述,可知选D
小题1: 根据But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal.可知选A
小题1: 根据He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself. 可知这个仆人应对的很聪明,故选C

Dereck Joubert and his wife, Beverly, have made many films about wild animals in Africa. Their films and photographs are very popular and one of the photographs has been on the front cover of a National Geographic magazine.
  A working day foe Dereck and Beverly starts very early-at 4:30 in the morning! That's when they get up and start filming. And it's a long day-they often work until 8:30 in the evening. In the winter it's very cold and in the summer it can be 40℃. Dereck always does the filming-Beverly never does that, and she doesn't write. But Dereck never takes photographs or records the sound. They work very well as a team, and they both believe we should shoot animals with cameras-not with guns!
  When they have finished filming and taking photographs for the day, they have dinner and Dereck usually writes while Beverly looks at her photographs. At night, they usually sleep in a small tent, but they sometimes sleep in the Land Cruiser-when you're very close to wild animals, it's sometimes safer to sleep in the car.
  Dereck and Beverly have also traveled around the world and given talks about their work. Dereck says that animals are not just something to look at-they play an important role. Beverly thinks the wild animals can teach us a lot about ourselves.
小题1: Dereck and Beverly start working ______.
A.at 4:30 in the morning B.at 4:30 in the afternoon
C.at 8:30 in the morning D.at 8:30 in the evening
小题2: Dereck and Beverly usually sleep ______ at night.
A.in a car B.in a tentC.in a house D.in a hotel
小题3: Beverly thinks the wild animals ______.
A.are something to look at B.are very popular
C.play an unimportant role D.can teach us a lot
Maybe everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about dogs.
  I have a friend. He has a large police dog named Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.
  One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to Jack. He went on talking. At last Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor’s hat in his mouth. The visitor saw it and was surprised. He laughed and left.
小题1:--The young visitor stayed a long time, didn’t he?
A.Yes, he didn’tB.No, he didn’t
C.Yes, he didD.No, he did
小题2:Jack became worried because _____.
A.he wanted to go out for a walk
B.he wanted to play with him
C.he didn’t know the young man
D.he wanted to eat something
小题3:Jack sat down in front of the visitor because _____.
A.he wanted the visitor to talk to him
B.he wanted to talk with the young man
C.he wanted to show the visitor how clever he is
D.he wanted the visitor to leave
小题4:The visitor went on talking and _____.
A.he paid no attention to his hat
B.he paid no attention to Jack
C.he didn’t know that his hat was taken away by Jack
D.he didn’t like Jack
小题5:Jack went out of the room, but came back with _____ in his mouth.
D.the visitor’s hat
A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and her husband heard the news on the radio.
“How are we going to tell your mother?” the man asked. “The news might kill her!”
“That’s true,” the son said. “Perhaps we’d better speak to her doctor about it. He’ll know how to bring her the news gently.”
They told the old lady’s doctor about this.
“I’m glad you told me, ” he said “A shock(震惊), even a happy one, could give her a heart attack, leave it to me. I’ll find a way of bringing the news to her.”
The doctor thought about the problem for several days, then decided what he would say.
He called on the old lady and sat by her. He took her hand in his.
“Let’s play a game, my dear,” he said. “‘Let’s pretend(假装)’ game.”
“Oh, yes, ” the old lady said. “I love ‘Let’s pretend’ game.”
“Good, I’ll ask you a question first, ” the doctor said, “Then you can ask me one.”
He pretended to think for a few minutes. Then he said, “Tell me, what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery?”
“Oh, that’s an easy one,” the old lady said, “I’d give most of it to you, doctor, because you have been so good to me all these years, doctor!” But the doctor was now lying on the floor. He had died of shock.
小题1:Who won a million dollars in a lottery?
A.The man.B.The son.C.The old lady.D.The doctor.
小题2:What does “heart attack” mean in Chinese?
小题3:Why did the doctor play ‘Let’s pretend’ game with the lady?
A.Because he wanted to get the money.
B.Because he wanted to bring her the news gently.
C.Because he didn’t want to tell her the news.
D.Because he wasn’t honest.
小题4:Who had died of shock?
A.The man.B.The son.C.The old lady.D.The doctor.
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Sad ShockB.A wonderful Shock
C.An Interesting Shock D.A Lucky Shock
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally   36   that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile.
“I’m   37   tomorrow,” he said.
“I know.” My __38____ was almost a whisper. I was   39   at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.
“My   40   is early, so there is still   41   time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the   42   look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”
I tried to say   43   , but didn’t. It’s always   44   to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to   45  .
I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.   46   I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from   47  . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.
His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say   48   to the person who taught me everything?
The next morning I   49   , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 50  ago. We never even said goodbye.
Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.
A.arriving B.living C.coming D.leaving
A.voiceB.sound C.noiseD.word
A.glad B.moved C.angry D.pleased
A.ship B.flight C.train D.bus
A.enough B.little C.no D.busy
A.surprised B.excited C.sadD.happy
A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing
A.stranger B.better C.worse D.easier
A.tearsB.smiles C.words D.sadness
A.At last B.Since C.At first D.So far
A.riding B.runningC.walkingD.falling
A.goodbye B.hello C.yesD.sorry
A.gave up B.stood upC.looked up D.woke up
A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks

A rabbit is running into his hole. You may ask, “What happened?”
Well, when a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away. Its tail moves up and down as it runs. When other rabbits see this tail moving up and down, they ran, too. They know there is danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound. It has given them a signal.
Many other animals use this kind of language. When a bee finds some food, it goes back to his home. It can’t tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.
But animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks, for examples, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs(发出呼噜呼噜的声音) when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning.
But human beings have something that no animals have---- a large number of words about things, actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other information to tell or inform other people what is in our mind or how we feel. By writing words down we can remind ourselves of the things that have happened, or send messages to people far away. No animals can do this. No animals has the wonderful power of language.
No one knows how man learned to make words. Somehow he learned to make them. As centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.
People in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. A very large English dictionary, for examples, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we don’t know all these. The words we know are called vocabulary. We should try to make our vocabulary larger. Read as many books as possible. When we met a new word, look it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is the most useful book.
小题1:What’s the meaning of the underlined word?
小题2:A dog can tell something__________.
A.by giving signalsB.by making different sounds
C.by purringD.by barking
小题3:It has been proved that no animals are able to_________.
A.give the others information
B.express their actions and feelings with words
C.tell others how they feel
D.make different sounds, each with its own meaning.
小题4:Generally speaking, what we mean by “vocabulary” is_______.
A.all the words that we knowB.more and more words we use
C.all the words we needD.the dictionary which contains thousands of words
小题5:What must we do in order to make our vocabulary larger?
A.Make more and more new words
B.look up some new words in a dictionary
C.learn more language
D.Try to read as many books as possible

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