Letter One : From the Valley(山谷)

March 6th, 2010

Dear Flora,

How are you?

It rains a lot these days. I'm growing fast. My sisters and brothers have grown up and gone out into the world. Now they are chairs, boats, and beautiful chopsticks(筷子). I can't wait to grow up. I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be part of a house. How about you?

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,


Letter Two:From the Factory

April 12th, 2010

Dear Flora,

I have big news for you.

Some friends and I took a train and travelled a long way. Now we're in a big factory. I heard that people would make us into chopsticks. That is not my dream, but I think beautiful chopsticks are also good. My cousin David was made into chopsticks. Now he is in the USA and everyone there likes him.

Kind regards.



Letter Three: From the Restaurant

June 22nd, 2010

Dear Flora,

I am not beautiful chopsticks like my cousin David, but disposable chopsticks. I don't like that. Isn't it banned(禁止)to use disposable chopsticks? I can't understand. Maybe people will throw me away tomorrow. Maybe I can't write to you any more. Oh, goodbye, my dear friend!

Take good care of yourself.



Letter Four: From… a House

October l0th, 2010

Dear Flora,

Can you believe it? I am part of a house now!

In my last letter, I told you that I was made into disposable chopsticks. I was so sad about that. Someone threw me away after a meal. But you know what? A boy picked me up and made me into part of a house! Look! I realized(实现)my dream!

Wishing you all the best.



1.What may Billy be?

A.A flower. B.A tree. C.A grass. D.A crop(庄稼).

2.How long does it take for Billy to realize his dream?

A.One month. B.Half a year.

C.More than six months. D.One year.

3.What does the word "disposable" mean?

A.一次性的 B.可燃的 C.可信的 D.可食用的

4.How does Billy feel by asking "But you know what?"

A.Angry. B.Happy C.Tired. D.Interested.

5.What is the article mainly about?

A.Billy's diary. B.Billy's dream.

C.Billy's travel. D.Billy's family members.

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